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  1. El Faktum de la razón como actividad autoconstitutiva. Sobre la fundamentación de la moralidad kantiana.Gustavo Macedo Rodríguez - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):53-69.
    Resumen En el § 7 de la Crítica de la razón práctica Kant expone su primera definición de la ley moral universal. Ahí afirma que la conciencia de ella es un “Faktum de la razón”. La ambigüedad de esta expresión ha hecho que algunos autores argumenten que Kant no deduce la ley moral satisfactoriamente ni aclara cómo llegamos a ser conscientes de ella. Sin embargo estos críticos olvidan en sus análisis un aspecto relevante de la filosofía moral kantiana y que (...)
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  • Kant’s Deductions of Morality and Freedom.Owen Ware - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):116-147.
    It is commonly held that Kant ventured to derive morality from freedom in Groundwork III. It is also believed that he reversed this strategy in the second Critique, attempting to derive freedom from morality instead. In this paper, I set out to challenge these familiar assumptions: Kant’s argument in Groundwork III rests on a moral conception of the intelligible world, one that plays a similar role as the ‘fact of reason’ in the second Critique. Accordingly, I argue, there is no (...)
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  • Kant's moral philosophy.Robert N. Johnson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality he dubbed the “Categorical Imperative” (CI). Immorality thus involves a violation of the CI and is thereby irrational. Other philosophers, such as Locke and Hobbes, had also argued that moral requirements are based on standards of rationality. However, these standards were either desirebased instrumental principles of rationality or based on sui generis rational intuitions. Kant agreed with many of his predecessors that an analysis of practical reason (...)
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  • The Reason for Miracles and the Miracles in Reason: Kant’s Practical Conception of Miracles.Amit Kravitz - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):237-256.
    The term ‘miracle’ generally refers to events that are not explicable by natural causes alone. Kant’s notion of miracles is usually understood along these lines. However, Kant’s occupation with miracles should be understood in a practical context. Belief in miracles plays a constitutive role in Kant’s philosophy of religion concerning the need to strengthen the will both before and after departing from original evil. I demonstrate how my argument sheds new light on Kant’s claim that theoretical reason precludes the possibility (...)
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  • Fact of Reason, Social Facts, and Evidence.Petar Bojanić & Igor Cvejić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:85-99.
    The place of evidence regarding joint commitment and plural action is mostly reserved for documents and explicit linguistic expressions. This paper considers the problem of evidence in cases of engaged (jointly committed) social acts where there is no explicit expression or binding document, yet can still be ascribed to a plural subject. The argument rests on the double meaning of the term factum as fact (factum brutum) and deed (factum practica), as well as contemporary debates about the topic of fact (...)
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  • Acceso a la libertad como condición de la consciencia de la ley. Una consideración a partir del análisis de la Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres y la Crítica de la razón práctica de Immanuel Kant.Hugo E. Herrera - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):511-521.
    La libertad tiene un valor sistemático fundamental en la filosofía de Kant. En la filosofía práctica, ella es condición de la acción en sentido eminente. Tanto en la _Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres_, cuanto en la _Crítica de la razón práctica_, Kant intenta probar la libertad. La argumentación en ambas obras es distinta. El presente trabajo hace foco especialmente en la justificación de la segunda _Crítica_. En ella, Kant plantea que de la libertad sabemos gracias al hecho de (...)
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  • Eine „praktische Lücke“ im Beweis – Zur methodologischen Kritik des Konsequenzialismus und des Prinzips der maximierenden Rationalität.Philipp Richter & Jens Kertscher - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (2):193-222.
    ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag entfaltet eine grundsätzliche Kritik an konsequenzialistischen Ethiken. Unsere Kritik zielt auf den Nachweis, dass konsequenzialistische Ansätze einer methodischen Anforderung bei der Begründung eines Moralprinzips nicht gerecht werden, weil sie einen Begriff des Guten voraussetzen, ohne auf seinen epistemischen Status zu reflektieren. Es gelingt ihnen daher nicht, einen Begriff des Guten zu entwickeln, der gleichermaßen sowohl die Erkenntnis einer logischen Notwendigkeit als auch einer praktischen Relevanz zum Ausdruck bringen kann. Aus methodischen Gründen muss daher unklar bleiben, warum das, was (...)
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  • El sujeto ante la ley Conciencia de la ley moral y Faktum de la razón en Kant.Miguel González Vallejos & Eduardo Molina Cantó - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 55:275-297.
    En este trabajo analizaré dos aspectos relativos a lo que Kant considera el principio fundamental de la razón práctica. En primer lugar, intentaré mostrar que el principio práctico fundamental implica necesariamente una suerte de suspensión de todo principio subjetivo de acción, esto es, de la función orientadora propia de las máximas. Este sería un primer momento de negatividad inherente a la conciencia de la ley moral en nosotros. En segundo lugar, trataré también de mostrar que la conciencia de dicha ley (...)
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  • Kant’s sentence of the moral law as a “fact of reason”: hermeneutical and historiographical perspectives.Vitalii Terletsky - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:7-21.
    Kant's well-known statement from the “Critique of Practical Reason” (§ 7) that the consciousness of the basic law of pure practical reason (or the customary/moral law) can be called a fact of reason (V, 31.24) has not yet become the subject of adequate attention of domestic researchers. In the “Critique of Practical Reason”, Kant justify his famous categorical imperative by appealing to the “fact of reason” (§ 7). A closer reading of this passage reveals that it refers to a “fundamental (...)
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  • (1 other version)Das gefühlte Faktum der Vernunft. Skizze einer Interpretation und Verteidigung.Dieter Schönecker - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (1):91-107.
    Kant is by no means the pure rationalist that Husserl and others represented him as being. To the contrary I claim that Kant is an ethical intuitionist when it comes to our recognition of the validity of the moral law. Interpreting Kant’s famous thesis about the “fact of reason”, I will first argue for three interpretative theses: 1. The factum theory explains our insight into the binding character of the moral law; it is a theory of justification. 2. In our (...)
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  • Das Recht in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Reinhard Brandt - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (1):131-149.
    Recent publications (Henrich, Seeberg) claim that Kant has been profoundly influenced by contemporary publications on juridical deductions. I try to show, that this cannot be right. The introductory note of the “Transcendental Deduction” (Critique of Pure Reason A 84) poses two questions: “quid facti?” and “quid juris?”. The first is answered by the demonstration of the possibility of relations between pure concepts and pure intuition und sensations, the second by the implicit refutation of David Hume. Kant and his interpreters sustain (...)
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