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  1. Why Einstein did not believe that general relativity geometrizes gravity.Dennis Lehmkuhl - unknown
    I argue that, contrary to folklore, Einstein never really cared for geometrizing the gravitational or the electromagnetic field; indeed, he thought that the very statement that General Relativity geometrizes gravity "is not saying anything at all". Instead, I shall show that Einstein saw the "unification" of inertia and gravity as one of the major achievements of General Relativity. Interestingly, Einstein did not locate this unification in the field equations but in his interpretation of the geodesic equation, the law of motion (...)
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  • Fishbones, Wheels, Eyes, and Butterflies: Heuristic Structural Reasoning in the Search for Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations.Lydia Patton - 2023 - In Lydia Patton & Erik Curiel, Working Toward Solutions in Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics: What the Equations Don’t Say. Springer Verlag. pp. 57-78.
    Arguments for the effectiveness, and even the indispensability, of mathematics in scientific explanation rely on the claim that mathematics is an effective or even a necessary component in successful scientific predictions and explanations. Well-known accounts of successful mathematical explanation in physical science appeals to scientists’ ability to solve equations directly in key domains. But there are spectacular physical theories, including general relativity and fluid dynamics, in which the equations of the theory cannot be solved directly in target domains, and yet (...)
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  • Relational concepts of space and time.Julian B. Barbour - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):251-274.
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  • Models and methodologies in current theoretical high-energy physics.James T. Cushing - 1982 - Synthese 50 (1):5 - 101.
    A case study of the development of quantum field theory and of S-matrix theory, from their inceptions to the present, is presented. The descriptions of science given by Kuhn and by Lakatos are compared and contrasted as they apply to this case study. The episodes of the developments of these theories are then considered as candidates for competing research programs in Lakatos' methodology of scientific research programs. Lakatos' scheme provides a reasonable overall description and a plausible assessment of the relative (...)
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  • Einstein's attitude towards experiments: Testing relativity theory 1907–1927.Klaus Hentschel - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (4):593-624.
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  • ‘Physics is a kind of metaphysics’: Émile Meyerson and Einstein’s late rationalistic realism.Marco Giovanelli - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):783-829.
    Gerald Holton has famously described Einstein’s career as a philosophical “pilgrimage”. Starting on “the historic ground” of Machian positivism and phenomenalism, following the completion of general relativity in late 1915, Einstein’s philosophy endured (a) a speculative turn: physical theorizing appears as ultimately a “pure mathematical construction” guided by faith in the simplicity of nature and (b) a realistic turn: science is “nothing more than a refinement ”of the everyday belief in the existence of mind-independent physical reality. Nevertheless, Einstein’s mathematical constructivism (...)
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  • Heuristic appraisal: A proposal.Thomas Nickles - 1989 - Social Epistemology 3 (3):175 – 188.
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  • The Cosmological Constant: Einstein's Greatest Mistake?Christopher Ray - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (4):589.
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  • Meyerson: Science and the “irrational”.Mario Biagioli - 1988 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (1):5-42.
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  • The rejection of the ricci tensor in Einstein's first tensorial theory of gravitation.Giulio Maltese - 1991 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 41 (4):363-381.
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  • Explicating Meyerson: The Critique of Positivism and Historical Épistémologie.M. Anthony Mills - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):318-347.
    To many contemporary scholars, Émile Meyerson is a footnote in an obscure history: early twentieth-century French philosophy of science. While the traditions of épistémologie are beginning to enjoy the scrutiny they deserve, Meyerson’s role remains overlooked. This article provides an overview of Meyerson’s philosophical project to help sow the seeds for a more systematic recuperation of its legacy. By orienting his work historically, I elucidate the nature of Meyerson’s critique of positivism, his distinctive method, and the implications these have for (...)
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  • Logic, mathematics, physics: from a loose thread to the close link: Or what gravity is for both logic and mathematics rather than only for physics.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation Ejournal 2 (52):1-82.
    Gravitation is interpreted to be an “ontomathematical” force or interaction rather than an only physical one. That approach restores Newton’s original design of universal gravitation in the framework of “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, which allows for Einstein’s special and general relativity to be also reinterpreted ontomathematically. The entanglement theory of quantum gravitation is inherently involved also ontomathematically by virtue of the consideration of the qubit Hilbert space after entanglement as the Fourier counterpart of pseudo-Riemannian space. Gravitation can be (...)
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  • Identity versus determinism: Émile Meyerson׳s neo-Kantian interpretation of the quantum theory.M. Anthony Mills - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47:33-49.
    Despite the praise his writing garnered during his lifetime, e.g., from readers such as Einstein and de Broglie, Émile Meyerson has been largely forgotten. The rich tradition of French épistémologie has recently been taken up in some Anglo-American scholarship, but Meyerson—who popularized the term épistémologie through his historical method of analyzing science, and criticized positivism long before Quine and Kuhn—remains overlooked. If Meyerson is remembered at all, it is as a historian of classical science. This paper attempts to rectify both (...)
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  • Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An Account of Recent Works.Décio Krause & Antonio Videira (eds.) - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This volume, The Brazilian Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, is the first attempt to present to a general audience, works from Brazil on this subject. The included papers are original, covering a remarkable number of relevant topics of philosophy of science, logic and on the history of science. The Brazilian community has increased in the last years in quantity and in quality of the works, most of them being published in respectable international journals on the subject. The (...)
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  • Einstein's brand of verificationism.James Robert Brown - 1987 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2 (1):33 – 54.
    (1987). Einstein's brand of verificationism. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 33-54. doi: 10.1080/02698598708573301.
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  • Modelling Mathematical Reasoning in Physics Education.Olaf Uhden, Ricardo Karam, Maurício Pietrocola & Gesche Pospiech - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (4):485-506.
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  • Natural Kinds as Scientific Models.Luiz Henrique Dutra - 2011 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 290:141-150.
    The concept of natural kind is center stage in the debates about scientific realism. Champions of scientific realism such as Richard Boyd hold that our most developed scientific theories allow us to “cut the world at its joints” (Boyd, 1981, 1984, 1991). In the long run we can disclose natural kinds as nature made them, though as science progresses improvements in theory allow us to revise the extension of natural kind terms.
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  • Einstein's Unpublished Opening Lecture for His Course on Relativity Theory in Argentina, 1925.Alejandro Gangui & Eduardo L. Ortiz - 2008 - Science in Context 21 (3):435-450.
    In 1922 the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Council approved a motion to send an invitation to Albert Einstein to visit Argentina and give a course of lectures on his theory of relativity. The motion was proposed by Jorge Duclout (1856–1927), who had been educated at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (ETH). This proposal was the culmination of a series of initiatives of various Argentine intellectuals interested in the theory of relativity. In a very short time Dr. Mauricio Nirenstein (1877–1935), (...)
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  • Einstein on involutions in projective geometry.Tilman Sauer & Tobias Schütz - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):523-555.
    We discuss Einstein’s knowledge of projective geometry. We show that two pages of Einstein’s Scratch Notebook from around 1912 with geometrical sketches can directly be associated with similar sketches in manuscript pages dating from his Princeton years. By this correspondence, we show that the sketches are all related to a common theme, the discussion of involution in a projective geometry setting with particular emphasis on the infinite point. We offer a conjecture as to the probable purpose of these geometric considerations.
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  • Structure versus substance. Théories physiques et réalisme structural selon Russell.Ivahn Smadja - 2008 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 45:121-159.
    Une fois achevée la rédaction des Principia Mathematica, Russell se tourne vers la théorie physique et s’attaque au problème philosophique que pose notre connaissance du monde extérieur. Pendant plus d’une décennie, il élabore une « philosophie de la physique » à partir de l’analyse des avancées décisives de cette période marquée tant par l’avènement du « règne de la relativité » que par la transformation profonde des cadres conceptuels...
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  • Random dynamics and the research programme of classical mechanics.Michal Tempczyk - 1991 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 5 (3):227-239.
    The modern mathematical theory of dynamical systems proposes a new model of mechanical motion. In this model the deterministic unstable systems can behave in a statistical manner. Both kinds of motion are inseparably connected, they depend on the point of view and researcher's approach to the system. This mathematical fact solves in a new way the old problem of statistical laws in the world which is essentially deterministic. The classical opposition: deterministic‐statistical, disappears in random dynamics. The main thesis of the (...)
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  • The Theories Of Relativity And Einstein's Philosophical Turn.Makoto Katsumori - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (4):557-592.
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