The article deals with the integration of Vietnamese science into the global scientific community in a scientometric aspect. In the course of the study, we have seen that Vietnamese scientists are actively involved in the integration process, in particular in the field of presenting their research in international scientometric databases. It is shown that international integration of science is supported at the state policy level both in the form of directives and in the form of financial support for research. A comparative study of WoS and Scopus international scientometric databases, as well as the regional ACI database and the national V-CitationGate, has determined that the level of Vietnamese scientific journals in these databases is currently low. Regarding the indexing of scientific publications by Vietnamese researchers, there is an annual increase in Vietnamese articles in the international WoS and Scopus databases. Vietnam has the highest trend of increasing the number of articles in these bases in the region. It is determined that the reasons for the increase are directives for applicants for academic degrees and academic titles, requirements of employers of science and education, various types of incentives, requirements of grantors, participation in international projects and cooperation with foreign colleagues. It is found that scientometric measurements of labor productivity are used not only in Vietnam’s scientific institutions, but also actively involved in universities, which strengthen their position not only as educational but also as scientific centers. It is revealed that the educational institutions that have the most publications in international science databases are the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the largest Vietnamese universities. Regarding to the distribution of publications by the fields of knowledge, the science are leading by a large margin, and the amount of the art and humanities among the Vietnamese publications still is very few.