The primary purpose of this study was to examine the influence of self-regulated learning promotion and teaching
practices of SHS teachers on the study skills of students. There is an affirmation that self-regulated learning promotion
and teaching practices of SHS teachers predict the study skills of students. This study was carried out through a quantitative research design, employing the descriptive-correlational method. A simple random sampling was utilized
to determine the number of samples and survey questionnaires were used to gather the data. Likewise, mean and
standard deviation, Pearson (r), and regression analysis were the statistical tools utilized to answer the research
objectives. Findings revealed that the level of self-regulated learning promotion and study skills of students were
highly prevalent which means that they are always manifested, while the level of teaching practices of SHS teachers
is high which conveys that the variable is frequently manifested. Nonetheless, a significant relationship exists between
the variables under investigation. Thus, this connects to the idea that one’s self-regulated learning and teaching
practices influence study skills.