Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications (
This book on the topic of ethics and poetry consists of contributions from different
continents on the subject of applied ethics related to poetry. It should gather a
favourable reception from philosophers, ethicists, theologians and anthropologists
from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and allows for a comparison of the
healing power of words from various religious, spiritual and philosophical traditions.
The first part of this book presents original poems that express ethical emotions and
aphorism related to a philosophical questioning of the grounding of our values for
life. The poems are written by twelve authors coming from four continents, for whom
poetic emotions are sources of artistic inspiration and that can be used for conflict
resolution. In the second part, which features short essays, nine authors tackle how
poems, symbolic representations, metaphorical narratives and lies impact the space
of possibilities, in which we are moved to action, knowledge formation, and how we
imagine the world together.