The present article is presenting the ‘Healthcare Hazards and Its Impact on Health Insurance Business – An Overview during COVID-19’. The present paper studied the health insurance, health insurance plans in India, Indian market size, health care industry, government actions for the COVID-19, and healthcare business in India, private health insurance in India, hazardous of the healthcare industry and health insurances, and Indian healthcare issues in 2019. The author has concluded that all insurance policies are levied higher taxes by the government, these lead higher income to the companies, and these are creating how commissions to the agents and other insurance organizations under reinsurance, but no benefits to the insured. It may not be a long term benefit, why because there is no maturity fund/income, because of these are shortterm benefits; how many of the policyholders are getting the benefits from the general health insurance companies. Hence, the research is required to calculate for the need of levy-the tax from the non-claimant portion of the income of the general health insurance on an annual basis to the health department of the nation.