The article addresses the issue of the appropriateness of revising the content of the theory of education and learning, analyses key didactic categories, and outlines the opportunities presented by educational systems in the era of digitalisation.
The purpose of this study is to define the main challenges, opportunities, and prospects for the devel of this study is to define the main challenges, opportunities, and prospects for the development of didactics in the digital age. The research tasks include analysing the laws, patterns, principles, rules, strategies, and content of learning in the context of digitalised educational systems, identifying the features of teaching methods and organisational forms of learning, and clarifying the place and role of digital didactics in pedagogy and practice.
The study employs methods of comparative, content, and categorical analysis, generalisation and systematisation, analogy, classification, and modelling.
Based on an analysis of primary sources, the study identifies the specific features of human cognitive development in a digital environment. It is established that the digital environment serves as a tool with extensive functional capabilities rather than as a generative factor determining the development of the psyche, the learning process, or the education and socialisation of individuals. The study emphasises the constancy of human nature and activity, as well as the fundamental principles of didactics.
The study reveals the specific ways in which laws and patterns of learning are interpreted. Conceptual changes in the system of didactic principles are examined, focusing primarily on the strategies for their implementation in a digital educational environment. The need to update the list of learning principles is highlighted, including principles of flexibility, adaptability, integration, personalisation of learning, digital inclusion, gamification, optimal cognitive load, digital ethics, and safety.
Changes in the structure of learning activities are investigated, with an emphasis on the need to revise learning rules and strategies. Approaches to transforming educational content in light of the possibilities offered by digital technologies are outlined. The structure and components of teaching methods are clarified, involving an analysis of their ideological and operational dimensions. The potential of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and automated systems for the qualitative renewal of classifications of teaching methods is demonstrated. The specific features of forms of learning organisation are characterised.
The findings generalise the idea that the nature of changes does not undermine the classroom-lesson system in schools or the lecture-seminar system in higher education institutions. Instead, it adapts these formats to the demands of the digital age, with the educational process increasingly focused on the principles of constructivism, adaptability, and inclusivity, emphasising the active role of learners in knowledge creation while taking into account their individual needs and experiences.
It is concluded that digitalisation in education represents not only a technological but also a profoundly conceptual pedagogical phenomenon. The pedagogical design of educational environments under these conditions proceeds through the adaptation of the fundamental principles of the theory of education and learning to the new realities of the digital educational environment.
The article argues that considering digital didactics as a separate scientific discipline is fraught with risks, including the excessive fragmentation of didactics as an integrated scientific field, the potential technocratisation of education, and an imbalance between traditional and new methods of knowledge acquisition. Such risks could exacerbate cognitive overload, reduce critical thinking and social skills among learners, and lead to educational losses.
In light of these risks, the authors propose that digital didactics should not be viewed as a separate field of knowledge but rather as a distinct subject of research and a thematic strand within the broader framework of didactics. This approach ensures the adaptation of traditional principles and methods in terms of the digital environment.