This paper advances an assessment of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason made
from a bird’s eye view. Seen from this perspective, the task of Kant’s work
was to ground the spontaneity of human reason, preserving at the same
time the strict methods of science and mathematics. Kant accomplished
this objective by reviving an old philosophical discipline: the peirastic dialectic
of Plato and Aristotle. What is more, he managed to combine it
with logic. From this blend, Kant’s transcendental idealism appeared as
a new logic that paralleled Aristotle’s syllogistic logic. The first result of
this move was that philosophy became a formal study that treats even
such subjects as ethics with rigour. Another outcome was that it established
philosophy as a professional – school – discipline. In the twentieth
century academy, this development was echoed by the emergence of analytic
philosophy, in which Kant’s new logic evolved into a philosophical