Democratic transitions of Eastern countries brought about the need to
shifting from eastern into western paradigms. Transitioning into western models of
media, more specifically to the public system of broadcasting became a prerequisite for
achieving the EU status for Eastern European transitioning countries. It has been twelve
years since Albania entered the process of transformation from being a State TV
towards becoming a Public Television. The article aims to provide a theoretical
framework of public television networks in western countries pointing to the pertaining
relationships with their political systems. Using this methodology, the article evaluates
the developmental process of RTSH, and traces the evolution of certain fundamental
laws to determine that political elites have not put forth any efforts to reform laws to
establish self-regulatory instruments and guarantee the media independence as a self
regulated institution. Despite international recommendations and internal pressures for
change, the practices in the area of public network television services have served the
private interest of political parliamentary forces. Using the Hallin and Mancini
comparative models for media, we established that efforts towards reformation, the
changes of Albanian public television are not guided towards a liberal democratic
model; instead they resemble a Mediterranean or polarized system. Political arbitration
in choosing key institutions that ensure self regulation and the direction of public
service broadcasting reflects similarities with the Italian model of
Lottizzazione.However, the design of hybrid laws whose structures and functions do not
serve public interests, but instead ensure the interest of political elites, is not a formula
that guarantees public service broadcasting. By choosing to pursue the old trend of
TVSH’s broadcasting methods, politics is channeling the future of public service
broadcasting towards a polarizing model. The approach that would allow a
liberalization of Public Service Broadcasting, demands a political emancipation and
consensus on this particular issue. For now, the sings of consensus are nowhere to be
seen, and as such the fate of public service broadcasting remains in a pending status.
One of the main consequences in this process, remains the under informed public that is
a vital element in a viable democracy. In this case, society becomes the victim of an
autocratic system, perpetually stuck in a vicious cycle against democratic interest.