In a recent article in this journal [Phil. Math., II, v.4 (1989), n.2, pp.?- ?] J. Fang
argues that we must not be fooled by A.J. Ayer (God rest his soul!) and his cohorts into
believing that mathematical knowledge has an analytic a priori status. Even computers,
he reminds us, take some amount of time to perform their calculations. The simplicity
of Kant's infamous example of a mathematical proposition (7+5=12) is "partly to blame"
for "mislead[ing] scholars in the direction of neglecting the temporal element"; yet a brief
instant of time is required to grasp even this simple truth. If Kant were alive today, "and
if he had had a little more mathematical savvy", Fang explains, he could have used the
latest example of the largest prime number (391,581 x 2 216,193 - 1) as a better example
of the "synthetic a priori" character of mathematics. The reason Fang is so intent upon
emphasizing the temporal character of mathematics is that he wishes to avoid "the
uncritical mixing of ... a theology and a philosophy of mathematics." For "in the light of
the Computer Age today: finitism is king!" Although Kant's aim was explicitly "to
study the 'human' ... faculty", Fang claims that even he did not adequatley emphasize "the
clearly and concretely distinguishable line of demarcation between the human and divine