Michel Haar supports the natural, but he fails to see that the drives behind technology—
people's curiosity, exploration and desire to control—could not be more natural. They
are, after all, part of our evolutionary heritage. As Konrad Lorenz, the famous ethologist, shows in Behind the Mirror. In his discussion of alienation, Haar also overlooks the work of Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel prizewinning economist, who explores the emergence of the extended society of worldwide markets in his book Fatal Conceit. Hayek predicts that there will always be a tension between our instinctive need for the closeness and familiarity of the tribal-like grouping and the extended market. I contrast Haar also with the perspective of William Warren Bartley III in his book Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured
Wealth, in which a Bartley expounds a logical/epistemological argument to the effect that alienation of our products is insuperable.