Humor 27 (1):167-170 (
Santangelo, Paulo (ed.). 2012.Laughing in Chinese.Rome: Aracne Editrice.
472pp. €26. ISBN 97888 548 46203.
This book of 15 papers is divided into four parts: humor in Chinese and Japanese
literary works, examples of comic literature, the moral involvement of humor,
and the psychology of humor. Santangelo provides a substantial introduction to
smiles and laughter in the Chinese context and also to the papers in his book
(pp. 5–28). This structure lends itself to a description and analysis of smiling and
laughing as both social acts and as manifestations of states of mind. An identifiable theme is the interrelationship between social acts (the sociology, culture or
politics of situation) and manifest states of mind (the psychology of the individuals involved in the situation).