Dissertation, University of California, San Diego (
Kant’s distinction between intuitions and concepts attracts perennial interpretive interest. To
the extent that they discuss the imagination at all, most Kant scholars maintain that the imagination’s
primary role is to generate intuitions. This dissertation argues that “image” (Bild, Einbildung) is an
overlooked technical term in Kant’s work and that images—and not intuitions—are products of the
imagination. The project explains how, for Kant, the imagination (as image-maker) and the senses
(as intuition-maker) make distinct but essential contributions to cognition and perception. I begin
by showing that “image” is a terminologically marked notion in Kant, and that the imagination is
responsible for generating images (chapter 1). I call these claims the Image Thesis. I then show that
for Kant, intuitions are representations that depend only on the senses for their essential features
(chapter 2). I call this the Strong Independence Thesis.
How should we understand Kant’s ubiquitous references to the imagination, then? I argue
that we should understand the imagination’s activities as image-producing activities (chapter 3).
I argue that images and intuitions are fundamentally distinct representations, which I label the
Distinctness Thesis. Though intuitions and images are had by both rational and non-rational beings,
the capacity for consciousness or apperception found in rational beings makes a difference in the
structure of images but not the structure of intuitions (chapter 4). I call this the penetration view
of the imagination. With this account of images in hand, I indicate why images are a necessary
ingredient in theoretical cognition for Kant (chapter 5). I call this the Image-Centric Cognition
Thesis. The result is a novel account of sensibility—the counterpart of the understanding—that
recognizes Kant’s systematic discussion of mental imagery