G. Hegel in his Introduction to the History of Philosophy limits the initiation of
this study to the field of the kind of thinking that emerged in Greece in the S. V
ac, starting to do it that in other traditions (in which states, the Taoism, the
religion of the Vedas, the Buddhism), the thinking is not autonomus in relation to
a religious, mystical, mythological or customs justifications. Therefore there is
no thought free of external determinations in these traditions.
This Hegelian principle has been accepted by the vast majority of those who
carry out the study on the origin and history of philosophy. This paper intends to
point out, following comments from experts in the field, how in certain traditions
of Indian philosophy defined as nastika darshanas, and taking the Cārvāka
materialism as example, philosophical thought occurs free from external
determinations (religious, mythological, etc.), without prejudice to those
philosophical systems which have been useful when justifying or discredit
certain positions in these branches of human action.