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  1. Análisis de un argumento nietzscheano en La genealogía de la moral utilizando un modelo vazferreiriano de análisis argumental.Alexander Valdenegro - 2013 - Factótum 10:23-29.
    According to Vaz Ferreira discovering how we go wrong can help us to build better arguments. Seoane proposes an argument analysis model based on that of Vaz Ferreira in Lógica viva, particularly in his analysis of the false dilemma. We will develop the model by making a distinction between its syntactic and semanticpragmatic phases. We will use Seoane's vazferreirean model to evaluate an argument due to Nietzsche in his On the Genealogy of Morality regarding the origin of the concept of (...)
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  2. Cuidado de sí y más allá: pitagorísmo, budismo y taoísmo.Alexander Valdenegro - 2013 - Fermentario 2 (7):1-19.
    Some Eastern and Western traditions considered necessary the development of certain practices for the care of the self in relation to death. We propose to analyze in a comparative way the Pythagorean, Buddhist, and Taoist point of view. To do it, we seek to answer three questions under these three schools of thought, noting their points of agreement and disagreement. The questions are: (1) Why this care of the self is required regarding to death?, (2) What role philosophy does in (...)
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  3. Timothy Williamson y el retorno a la metafísica.Alexander Valdenegro - 2011 - In Avances de Investigación.
    In this paper we present the comparative study by Jonathan Stoltz, about the similarities between Timothy Williamson's epistemology and the Indo-Tibetan epistemological traditions that developed between the eighth and thirteenth centuries, which lie above that for them the knowledge is a kind of mental state as well as a restricted study of the return to metaphysics, a name that refers to the interesting position of authority born of an attempt to overcome his classical and strong Anglo-American analytical roots.
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  4. Nāstika darśanas: la filosofía India y su autonomía de la religión. El materialismo Cārvāka.Alexander Valdenegro - 2012 - Fermentario 6.
    G. Hegel in his Introduction to the History of Philosophy limits the initiation of this study to the field of the kind of thinking that emerged in Greece in the S. V ac, starting to do it that in other traditions (in which states, the Taoism, the religion of the Vedas, the Buddhism), the thinking is not autonomus in relation to a religious, mystical, mythological or customs justifications. Therefore there is no thought free of external determinations in these traditions. This (...)
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  5. Abordaje Académico de la Lógica en la India, las escuelas Nyaya-Vaisesica contra el nihilismo budista.Alexander Valdenegro - 2010 - Dissertation, Universidad de la República
    "In the programs of Logic and History of Philosophy in the FHUCE study and introduction to logic is always done on the basis of Western classical Greek tradition, and its development is still exclusively through Western culture. This presentation aims to provide a path parallel to the West is the tradition of Nyaya-Vaisesika schools, which arise in the S. V B.C. like a response to the anti-Vedic Buddhist nihilism, and reached an important technical development at the beginning of S. II (...)
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  6. La disputa Indo-Tibetana acerca de los pramānas y su posible resolución desde las concepciones epistemológicas de la analiticidad.Alexander Valdenegro - 2013 - Dissertation, Universidad de la República
    Vedantas y budistas han llevado adelante una disputa acerca de los medios válidos para acceder al conocimiento (pramānas) que, como afrma Matilal, no puede dejar de ser considerada como parte de la historia global del conocimiento. La doctrina sistematizada por Gaṅgeśa en su Tattvacintamani, que originalmente admitía cuatro pramānas (percepción, inferencia, analogía y testimonio) fue sufriendo sucesivas modifcaciones y perfeccionamientos como respuesta a las objeciones realizadas principalmente por los budistas. Habiendo alcanzado su máximo esplendor en la escuela de la Navya-Nyāya (...)
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