The contents of Brahmajnaana, the Buddhism, the Jainism, the
Sabdabrahma Siddhanta and Shaddarsanas will be discussed to
present the true meaning of individual’s identity and I. The
influence of spirituality contained in Upanishadic insight in the
development of Sanskrit language structure, Indian culture, and
individual identity formation will be developed. The cultural
and psychological aspects of a civilization on the formation of
its language structure and prominence given to various parts
of speech and vice versa will be touched upon. These aspects
will be also compared and contrasted with German, French,
Telugu and Hindi and their respective influence on cultural and
identity formation and vice versa. A cognitive science
interpretation of advaita and dvaita phases of mind and bhakti
and vibhakti modes of language acquisition and communication
in terms of physics and electronics will be given and be clubbed
to present an inclusive and comprehensive modern scientific
and social scientific understanding and interpretation of
Brahmajnaana, the Buddhism, the Jainism and rest of current
theistic and atheistic awareness of I and its spiritual, linguistic,
cognitive scientific and rationalistic ideas and opinions. The use
of this study for national integration and oneness of Indians
will be highlighted.