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  1. Model theory.Wilfrid Hodges - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Properties and Consequences of Thorn-Independence.Alf Onshuus - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):1 - 21.
    We develop a new notion of independence (þ-independence, read "thorn"-independence) that arises from a family of ranks suggested by Scanlon (þ-ranks). We prove that in a large class of theories (including simple theories and o-minimal theories) this notion has many of the properties needed for an adequate geometric structure. We prove that þ-independence agrees with the usual independence notions in stable, supersimple and o-minimal theories. Furthermore, we give some evidence that the equivalence between forking and þ-forking in simple theories might (...)
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  • Generic pairs of SU-rank 1 structures.Evgueni Vassiliev - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 120 (1-3):103-149.
    For a supersimple SU-rank 1 theory T we introduce the notion of a generic elementary pair of models of T . We show that the theory T* of all generic T-pairs is complete and supersimple. In the strongly minimal case, T* coincides with the theory of infinite dimensional pairs, which was used in 1184–1194) to study the geometric properties of T. In our SU-rank 1 setting, we use T* for the same purpose. In particular, we obtain a characterization of linearity (...)
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  • Pseudoprojective strongly minimal sets are locally projective.Steven Buechler - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1184-1194.
    Let D be a strongly minimal set in the language L, and $D' \supset D$ an elementary extension with infinite dimension over D. Add to L a unary predicate symbol D and let T' be the theory of the structure (D', D), where D interprets the predicate D. It is known that T' is ω-stable. We prove Theorem A. If D is not locally modular, then T' has Morley rank ω. We say that a strongly minimal set D is pseudoprojective (...)
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  • Model Theory of Fields.D. Marker, M. Messmer & A. Pillay - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):123-124.
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