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  1. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior.Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    Early in this century, most empirically oriented psychologists believed that all motivation was based in the physiology of a set of non-nervous system tissue needs. The theories of that era reflected this belief and used it in an attempt to explain an increasing number of phenomena. It was not until the 1950s that it became irrefutably clear that much of human motivation is based not in these drives, but rather in a set of innate psychological needs. Their physiological basis is (...)
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  • Focusing on Ethics and Broadening our Intellectual Base.Michelle Greenwood & R. Edward Freeman - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (1):1-3.
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  • The logic of team reasoning.Robert Sugden - 2003 - Philosophical Explorations 6 (3):165 – 181.
    Abstract Orthodox decision theory presupposes that agency is invested in individuals. An opposing literature allows team agency to be invested in teams whose members use distinctive modes of team reasoning. This paper offers a new conceptual framework, inspired by David Lewis's analysis of common reasons for belief, within which team reasoning can be represented. It shows how individuals can independently endorse a principle of team reasoning which prescribes acting as a team member conditional on assurance that others have endorsed the (...)
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  • CEO incentives and corporate social performance.Jean McGuire, Sandra Dow & Kamal Argheyd - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):341 - 359.
    This paper examines the relationship between CEO incentives and strong and weak corporate social performance. Using the KLD database we find that incentives have no significant relationship with strong social performance. Salary and long-term incentives have a positive association with weak social performance.
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  • The Role of CEO’s Personal Incentives in Driving Corporate Social Responsibility.Michele Fabrizi, Christine Mallin & Giovanna Michelon - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):311-326.
    In this study, we explore the role of Chief Executive Officers’ incentives, split between monetary and non-monetary, in relation to corporate social responsibility. We base our analysis on a sample of 597 US firms over the period 2005–2009. We find that both monetary and non-monetary incentives have an effect on CSR decisions. Specifically, monetary incentives designed to align the CEO’s and shareholders’ interests have a negative effect on CSR and non-monetary incentives have a positive effect on CSR. The study has (...)
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  • Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives.Ruth W. Grant (ed.) - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    Readers of this book are sure to view the ethics of incentives in a new light.
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  • Values, Authenticity, and Responsible Leadership.R. Edward Freeman & Ellen R. Auster - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (S1):15-23.
    The recent financial crisis has prompted questioning of our basic ideas about capitalism and the role of business in society. As scholars are calling for “responsible leadership” to become more of the norm, organizations are being pushed to enact new values, such as “responsibility” and “sustainability,” and pay more attention to the effects of their actions on their stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to open up a line of research in business ethics on the concept of “ authenticity (...)
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  • Fraternity: Why the Market Need Not Be a Morally Free Zone.Luigino Bruni - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (1):35-64.
    This paper reappraises the idea, traceable to Adam Smith, of a fundamental distinction between market transactions and genuinely social relationships. On Smith's account, each party to a market transaction pursues his own interests, subject only to the law of contract. Using the work of Smith's contemporary Antonio Genovesi as our starting point, we reconstruct an alternative understanding of market interactions as instances of a wider class of reciprocal relationships in civil society, characterized by joint intentions for mutual assistance. We consider (...)
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  • On Crimes and Punishments.Cesare Beccaria & Cesare Marchese di Beccaria - 1986 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Includes a translator’s preface, note on the text, and suggestions for further reading.
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  • Designing Ethical Organizations: Avoiding the Long-Term Negative Effects of Rewards and Punishments.Melissa S. Baucus & Caryn L. Beck-Dudley - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):355-370.
    Ethics researchers advise managers of organizations to link rewards and punishments to ethical and unethical behavior, respectively. We build on prior research maintaining that organizations operate at Kohlbergs stages of moral reasoning, and explain how the over-reliance on rewards and punishments encourages employees to operate at Kohlbergs lowest stages of moral reasoning. We advocate designing organizations as ethical communities and relying on different assumptions about employees in order to foster ethical reasoning at higher levels. Characteristics associated with ethical communities are (...)
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  • We-thinking and vacillation between frames: filling a gap in Bacharach’s theory.Alessandra Smerilli - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (4):539-560.
    We-thinking theories allow groups to deliberate as agents. They have been introduced into the economic domain for both theoretical and empirical reasons. Among the few scholars who have proposed formal approaches to illustrate how we-thinking arises, Bacharach offers one of the most developed theories from the game theoretic point of view. He presents a number of intuitions, not always mutually consistent and not fully developed. In this article, I propose a way to complete Bacharach’s theory, generalizing the interdependence hypothesis and (...)
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  • Deviant Behavior in a Moderated-Mediation Framework of Incentives, Organizational Justice Perception, and Reward Expectancy.Yehuda Baruch & Shandana Shoaib - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):617-633.
    This study introduces the concept of deviant behavior in a moderated-mediation framework of incentives and organizational justice perception. The proposed relationships in the theoretical framework were tested with a sample of 311 academics, using simple random sampling, via causal models and structural equation modeling. The findings suggest that incentives might boost the apparent performance, but not necessarily the intended performance. The results confirm that employees’ affection for incentives has direct, indirect, and conditional indirect effects on their deviant behavior likelihood. The (...)
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  • How Economic Incentives May Destroy Social, Ecological and Existential Values: The Case of Executive Compensation.Knut J. Ims, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen & Laszlo Zsolnai - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):353-360.
    Executive compensation has long been a prominent topic in the management literature. A main question that is also given substantial attention in the business ethics literature—even more so in the wake of the recent financial crisis—is whether increasing levels of executive compensation can be justified from an ethical point of view. Also, the relationship of executive compensation to instances of unethical behavior or outcomes has received considerable attention. The purpose of this paper is to explore the social, ecological, and existential (...)
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  • Moral canals: Trust and social capital in the work of Hume, Smith and Genovesi.Luigino Bruni & Robert Sugden - 2000 - Economics and Philosophy 16 (1):21-45.
    It is a truism that a market economy cannot function without trust. We must be able to rely on other people to respect our property rights, and on our trading partners to keep their promises. The theory of economics is incomplete unless it can explain why economic agents often trust one another, and why that trust is often repaid. There is a long history of work in economics and philosophy which tries to explain the kinds of reasoning that people use (...)
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  • Incentives, offers, and community.Harrison P. Frye - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (3):367-390.
    :A common justification offered for unequal pay is that it encourages socially beneficial productivity. G. A. Cohen famously criticizes this argument for not questioning the behaviour and attitudes that make those incentives necessary. I defend the communal status of incentives against Cohen's challenge. I argue that Cohen's criticism fails to appreciate two different contexts in which we might grant incentives. We might grant unequal payment to someone because they demand it. However, unequal payment might be an offer instead. I claim (...)
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  • Business Ethics versus Economic Incentives:Contemporary Issues and Dilemmas.Praveen Kulshreshtha - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (4):393-410.
    Contemporary economic thought presumes that individuals in a society always act according to their self-interest or private economic incentives, while important ethical motivations for action, such as a concern for others and public interest, are largely ignored. This paper is based on my experience of teaching an undergraduate course that highlighted the divergence between economic incentives and ethical motives for action in present-day life and business. Teaching tools such as lectures, case and group discussions were employed to address important ethical (...)
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  • Book Review: Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Market. [REVIEW]Malcolm Brown - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (4):483-485.
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  • The Economics of Values-Based Organisations: An Introduction.Luigino Bruni & Alessandra Smerilli - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Alessandra Smerilli.
    This book looks at the governance of values-based organizations, which are organizations with an ideal mission and identity. Examples of these VBOs include non-profit organizations, charities, NGOs, environmental, educational or cultural organizations, and social enterprises. The main objective of any VBO is to evolve and grow without losing its identity, to which its survival is linked in the middle and long run. The focus of the book is the study of the relational and motivational dynamics during identity crisis, using critical (...)
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  • Values and Poetic Organizations: Beyond Value Fit Toward Values Through Conversation. [REVIEW]Ellen R. Auster & R. Edward Freeman - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):39-49.
    In the midst of greed, corruption, the economic crash and the general disillusionment of business, current conceptions of leadership, organizational values, and authenticity are being questioned. In this article, we fill a prior research gap by directly exploring the intersection of these three concepts. We begin by delving into the relationship between individual values and organizational values. This analysis reveals that the “value fit” approach to creating authenticity is limited, and also indicates that a deeper exploration of the nature of (...)
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  • Ethics, incentives, and conflicts of interest: A practical solution. [REVIEW]Nancy B. Kurland - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (6):465 - 475.
    Couched in positive agency theory, it is shown that the straight-commission compensation system (SCCS) creates a conflict of interest between the agent''s and the client''s self-interests. Based on this, it is hypothesized that the SCCS will encourage agents to intend to act unethically towards their clients. Two hundred and forty five insurance agents in the U.S. were surveyed, with 59% responding. The results suggest that the SCCS does not significantly affect agents'' ethical intentions, positively or negatively. This lack of empirical (...)
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  • La logica per i giovanetti.Antonio Genovesi & Remondini - 1799 - Appresso Giuseppe Remondini Et Figli.
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