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  1. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler - 1989 - Routledge.
    One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler’s _Gender Trouble_ is as celebrated as it is controversial. Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated (...)
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  • Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler - 1990 - Routledge.
    One of the most talked-about scholarly works of the past fifty years, Judith Butler’s _Gender Trouble_ is as celebrated as it is controversial. Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, 'essential' notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category 'woman' and continues in this vein with examinations of 'the masculine' and 'the feminine'. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler's concept of gender as a reiterated (...)
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  • Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism.Elizabeth Grosz - 1994 - St. Leonards, NSW: Indiana University Press.
    "The location of the author’s investigations, the body itself rather than the sphere of subjective representations of self and of function in cultures, is wholly new.... I believe this work will be a landmark in future feminist thinking." —Alphonso Lingis "This is a text of rare erudition and intellectual force. It will not only introduce feminists to an enriching set of theoretical perspectives but sets a high critical standard for feminist dialogues on the status of the body." —Judith Butler Volatile (...)
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  • Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.Judith Butler & Suzanne Pharr - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):171-175.
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  • Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, others.Sara Ahmed - 2006 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Introduction: find your way -- Orientations toward objects -- Sexual orientation -- The orient and other others -- Conclusion: disorientation and queer objects.
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  • The Practice of Everyday Life.Michel de Certeau - 1988 - University of California Press.
    In this incisive book, Michel de Certeau considers the uses to which social representation and modes of social behavior are put by individuals and groups, describing the tactics available to the common man for reclaiming his own autonomy from the all-pervasive forces of commerce, politics, and culture. In exploring the public meaning of ingeniously defended private meanings, de Certeau draws brilliantly on an immense theoretical literature to speak of an apposite use of imaginative literature.
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  • Dissemination.Jacques Derrida - 1981 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    The notorious French philosopher, literary critic and film star First translated in 1983, Dissemination contains three of Derrida's most central and seminal works: 'Plato's Pharmacy', 'The Double Session' and 'Dissemination'. The essays provide original readings of philosophy and literature, and present a re-evaluation of the logic of meaning and the function of writing in Western discourse. This is a groundbreaking work on the relationship and interplay between language, literature and philosophy.
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  • Living a feminist life.Sara Ahmed - 2015 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Feminism is sensational -- On being directed -- Willfulness and feminist subjectivity -- Trying to transform -- Being in question -- Brick walls -- Fragile connections -- Feminist snap -- Lesbian feminism -- Conclusion 1: A killjoy survival kit -- Conclusion 2: A killjoy manifesto.
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  • Giving an Account of Oneself.Judith Butler - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Offers an outline for a new ethical practice - one responsive to the need for critical autonomy and grounded in a new sense of the human subject. The author demonstrates how difficult it is to give an account of oneself, and how this lack of self-transparency and narratibility is crucial to an ethical understanding of the human.
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  • Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism.Elizabeth Grosz - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):211-217.
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  • Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.Anne Fausto-Sterling & Edward Stein - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):203-208.
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  • (1 other version)Untimely meditations.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1874 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. J. Hollingdale.
    The four short works in Untimely Meditations were published by Nietzsche between 1873 and 1876.They deal with such broad topics as the relationship between popular and genuine culture, strategies for cultural reform, the task of philosophy, the nature of education, and the relationship between art, science and life. They also include Nietzsche's earliest statement of his own understanding of human selfhood as a process of endlessly 'becoming who one is'. As Daniel Breazeale shows in his introduction to this new edition (...)
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  • (1 other version)On female body experience: "Throwing like a girl" and other essays.Iris Marion Young - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Written over a span of more than two decades, the essays by Iris Marion Young collected in this volume describe diverse aspects of women's lived body experience in modern Western societies. Drawing on the ideas of several twentieth century continental philosophers--including Simone de Beauvoir, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty--Young constructs rigorous analytic categories for interpreting embodied subjectivity. The essays combine theoretical description of experience with normative evaluation of the unjust constraints on their freedom and opportunity that (...)
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  • Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes: Theorizing Coalition Against Multiple Oppressions.María Lugones - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    María Lugones, one of the premiere figures in feminist philosophy, has at last collected some of her most famous essays, as well as some lesser-known gems, into her first book.
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  • Archive fever: a Freudian impression.Jacques Derrida - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In Archive Fever , Jacques Derrida deftly guides us through an extended meditation on remembrance, religion, time, and technology--fruitfully occasioned by a deconstructive analysis of the notion of archiving. Intrigued by the evocative relationship between technologies of inscription and psychic processes, Derrida offers for the first time a major statement on the pervasive impact of electronic media, particularly e-mail, which threaten to transform the entire public and private space of humanity. Plying this rich material with characteristic virtuosity, Derrida constructs a (...)
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  • No future: queer theory and the death drive.Lee Edelman - 2004 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The future is kid stuff -- Sinthom-osexuality -- Compassion's compulsion -- No future.
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  • Corporeal Generosity: On Giving with Nietzsche, Merleau-Ponty, and Levinas.Rosalyn Diprose - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    Challenges the accepted model, and builds a politically sensitive notion of generosity.
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  • Dissemination.Betty R. McGraw, Jacques Derrida & Barbara Johnson - 1983 - Substance 12 (2):114.
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  • Assuming a Body: Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality.Gayle Salamon - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    We believe we know our bodies intimately—that their material reality is certain and that this certainty leads to an epistemological truth about sex, gender, and identity. By exploring and giving equal weight to transgendered subjectivities, however, Gayle Salamon upends these certainties. Considering questions of transgendered embodiment via phenomenology (Maurice Merleau-Ponty), psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud and Paul Ferdinand Schilder), and queer theory, Salamon advances an alternative theory of normative and non-normative gender, proving the value and vitality of trans experience for thinking about (...)
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  • The Queer Art of Failure.Judith Halberstam - 2011 - Duke University Press.
    Introduction : low theory -- Animating revolt and revolting animation -- Dude, where's my phallus? forgetting, losing, looping -- The queer art of failure -- Shadow feminisms : queer negativity and radical passivity -- "The killer in me is the killer in you" : homosexuality and fascism -- Animating failure: ending, fleeing, surviving.
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  • Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression.Jacques Derrida & Eric Prenowitz - 1995 - Diacritics 25 (2):9.
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  • Giving an Account of Oneself.Judith Butler - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (4):22-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.4 (2001) 22-40 [Access article in PDF] Giving an Account of Oneself Judith Butler In recent years, the critique of poststructuralism, itself loquacious, has held that the postulation of a subject who is not self-grounding undermines the possibility of responsibility and, in particular, of giving an account of oneself. Critics have argued that the various critical reconsiderations of the subject, including those that do away with the theory (...)
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  • On Female Body Experience: "Throwing like a Girl" and Other Essays.Iris Marion Young - 1990 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):178-181.
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  • Living a feminist life.Aalya Ahmad - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):125-128.
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  • Womanizing Nietzsche: Philosophy's Relation to the "Feminine".Kelly Oliver - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Womanizing Nietzsche,__ Kelly Oliver uses an analysis of the position of woman in Nietzsche's texts to open onto the larger question of philosophy's relation to the feminine and the maternal. Offering readings from Nietzsche, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, Freud and Lacan, Oliver builds an innovative foundation for an ontology of intersubjective relationships that suggests a new approach to ethics.
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  • Born This Way? Time and the Coloniality of Gender.Draz Marie - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (3):372-384.
    The “born this way” narrative remains a popular way to defend nonnormative genders and sexualities in the United States. While feminist and queer theorists have critiqued the narrative's implicit ahistorical and essentialist understanding of sexuality, the narrative's incorporation by the state as a way to regulate gender identity has gone largely underdeveloped. I argue that transgender accounts of this narrative reorient it amid questions of temporality, race, colonialism, and the nation-state, thereby allowing for a critique that does justice to the (...)
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  • “A Rose is a Rose”: On Producing Legal Gender Classifications.Tey Meadow - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):814-837.
    Gender is perhaps the most pervasive, fundamental, and universally accepted way we separate and categorize human beings. Yet in recent years, U.S. courts and administrative state agencies have confronted a growing challenge from individuals demanding to have their gender reclassified. Transgender people create a profound category crisis for social institutions built on the idea that biological sex is both immutable and dichotomous. During the past four decades, the central legal question shifted from how to allocate specific individuals to categories to (...)
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  • Feminist Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche.Kelly Oliver & Marilyn Pearsall (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Nietzsche has the reputation of being a virulent misogynist, so why are feminists interested in his philosophy? The essays in this volume provide answers to this question from a variety of feminist perspectives. The organization of the volume into two sets of essays, "Nietzsche's Use of Woman" and "Feminists' Use of Nietzsche," reflects the two general approaches taken to the issue of Nietzsche and woman. First, many debates have focused on how to interpret Nietzsche's remarks about women and femininity. Are (...)
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  • Queer Economies.Ladelle McWhorter - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:61-78.
    Queer defies categorization and resists preset developmental trajectories. Practices of queering identities emerged near the end of the twentieth century as ways of resisting normalizing networks of power/knowledge. But how effective are queer practices at resisting networks of power/knowledge (including disciplines) that are not primarily normalizing in their functioning? This essay raises that question in light of expanding neoliberal discourses and institutions which, in some quarters at least, themselves undermine normalized identities in favor of a proliferation of personal styles susceptible (...)
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  • Intersexuality and the Law: Why Sex Matters.[author unknown] - 2012
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  • Reminder.[author unknown] - 1973 - The Owl of Minerva 5 (2):1-1.
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  • Public toilets: Sex segregation revisited.Christine Overall - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):71-91.
    : Public toilets are a key part of the urban environment. This paper examines and evaluates the pervasive sex segregation, throughout North America, of public toilets. The issue is situated within a larger context—the design and management of the urban environment; larger assumptions about sexuality, reproduction, and privacy that govern that environment; and continuing compulsory sex identification and segregation which still define key areas of "public" space. I examine seven groups of arguments in favor of sex segregation, arguing that all (...)
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  • The Queer Thing about Neoliberal Pleasure: A Foucauldian Warning.Shannon Winnubst - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:72-97.
    Through a careful reading of Foucault’s 1979 lectures on neoliberalism alongside Volumes 1 and 2 of The History of Sexuality, I argue that scholarship on both neoliberalism and queer theory should heed Foucault’s framing of both neoliberalism and sexuality as central to biopolitics. I thus offer two correctives to these fields of scholarship: for scholarship on neoliberalism, I locate a way to address the ethical bankruptcy of neoliberalism in a manner that Marxist analyses fail to provide; for scholarship in queer (...)
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  • Trans Subjectivity and the Spatial Monolingualism of Public Toilets.Caterina Nirta - 2014 - Law and Critique 25 (3):271-288.
    The built environment and the organisation of public spaces reflect the normative notions of male and female. Public toilets, amongst other widely common public spaces, underline these two opposing concepts and challenge the presence of transgender. Within the boundaries of public toilets, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals become a crucial point of debate, scrutiny and controversy. Analysing the politics of such gender-segregated space, this article explores the notion of uniformity and challenges the idea of single-ness as the absolute expression of (...)
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