Results for 'Judith Butler'

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  1. O que é a crítica? Um ensaio sobre a virtude de Foucault.Judith Butler & Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:159-179.
    Tradução do artigo "What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault's Virtue.".
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  2. La desesperación especulativa de Søren Kierkegaard.Judith Butler, Leandro Sánchez Marín & Jhoan Sebastian David Giraldo (eds.) - 2020 - Medellín, Colombia: Ennegativo Ediciones.
    “Postularse como un ser radicalmente autogenerado, ser el autor de la propia voluntad y conocimiento, es negar que uno está constituido en y por lo que es infinitamente más grande que el individuo humano. Kierkegaard llamará a esta fuente más grande que todo lo humano 'Dios' o 'el infinito'. Negar que uno está constituido en lo que es más grande que uno mismo es, para Kierkegaard, estar en una especie de desesperación”.
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  3. Judith Butler and a Pedagogy of Dancing Resilience.Joshua M. Hall - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (3):1-16.
    This essay is part of a larger project in which I construct a new, historically-informed, social justice-centered philosophy of dance, centered on four central phenomenological constructs, or “Moves.” This essay in particular is about the fourth Move, “resilience.” More specifically, I explore how Judith Butler engages with the etymological aspects of this word, suggesting that resilience involves a productive form of madness and a healthy form of compulsion, respectively. I then conclude by showing how “resilience” can be used (...)
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    Judith Butler et les corps qui comptent des animaux. Une cartographie des articulations esthético-politiques dans les performances militantes antispécistes.Ombre Tarragnat - 2023 - In Vivo Arts 1.
    L’œuvre de Judith Butler, largement reconnue pour son apport en études de genre, recèle d’ouvertures nombreuses sur l’animalité et à son rôle dans la constitution de l’humain. Construite en patchwork et sans prétention à la systématicité théorique, elle repose, dans des contextes toujours différents, la problématique de la régulation normative de la vie et de la mort. Aussi, c’est en prenant au sérieux la marge constituante qu’y représente la question animale et par la (re)lecture de ses textes consacrés (...)
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  5. Judith Butler's Critique of Binary Gender Opposition in Gender Trouble: A Task-Based Lesson Sequence.Sasha S. Euler - 2018 - In M. Eisenmann & C. Ludwig (ed.), Queer Beats: Gender and Literature in the EFL Classroom. pp. 439-460.
    This chapter presents a task-based lesson sequence based on Judith Butler's Gender Trouble. Gender Trouble is a great piece of philosophical literature. However, as philosophical literature is a genre rarely found in EFL teaching, this chapter first demonstrates in detail the merits of this genre for the teaching ofEnglish for Academic Purposes. After a brief analysis of the source text, which deconstructs the entire sex-gender link and presents both sex and gender as free-floating, this chapter presents task-based methodology (...)
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  6. RESEÑA. Judith Butler. Sin miedo. Formas de resistencia a la violencia de hoy. Madrid: Taurus, 2020. Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149.Angela Boitano - 2020 - Revista Estudios Públicos 160 (2020), 143-149 1 (160):143-149.
    Suele ser decepcionante asistir a la conferencia de algún/a filósofo/a u otro/a pensador/a, artista si es que uno ya lo ha leído, estudiado o seguido su obra por algún tiempo. Leer Sin miedo no ha sido la excepción. De ahí el valor de una reseña de libro, a saber: definir la audiencia para la cual el texto comentado podría ser un aporte. En este sentido, Sin miedo es perfecto para un público poco familiarizado con la obra de Butler o (...)
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  7. Judith Butler's Reading of the Sartrian Bodies and the Cartesian Ghosts.Eva Man - 2009 - Modern Philosophy 1:85-91.
    American philosopher Zhu Dien • Ba Tele that for granted with a series of related discussion, and while there are of a fixed body of the material. Bate Le read de Beauvoir's "Second Sex" that this is not Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" women's issues or situations in the application. De Beauvoir said that consciousness exists in which a person's body, and in the cultural vein, the participation in the formation of a person's gender. Ba Tele think understanding the philosophy of (...)
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  8. Sylvia Wynter’s Decolonial Rejoinder to Judith Butler’s Ethics of Vulnerability.Tiffany N. Tsantsoulas - 2018 - Symposium 22 (2):158-177.
    Judith Butler argues for collective liberatory action grounded in ontological vulnerability. Yet descriptive social ontology alone provides neither normative ethical prescriptions nor direction for political action. I believe Butler tries to overcome this gap by appealing to equality as an ethical ideal. In this article, I reconstruct how equality operates in her transition from ontological vulnerability to prescriptive commitments. Then, turning to Sylvia Wynter, I argue Butler's uncritical use of equality constrains the radical direction of her (...)
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  9. Judith Butler et l’ontologie de la précarité. Reconsidérer « le vivre ensemble ».N'Dré Sam Beugré - 2023 - Ireph 2.
    La précarité fait référence à l'existence de la rareté. Judith Butler montre l'impossibilité d'être un à travers le concept hégélien du sujet heureux. Le sujet ainsi défini est projeté sur l'Autre – langage, normes sociales, regard extérieur –, ce qui conduit à un état de vulnérabilité : je dépends de ce que je ne serai pas. Cependant, l'impuissance, loin d'être parfaite, peut se transformer en puissance sans s'affranchir des frontières qui la définissent, si elle défie les illusions modernes (...)
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    Del texto al sexo. Judith Butler y la performatividad.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2008 - Madrid: Egales.
    La performatividad es un concepto relativamente reciente. J. L. Austin lo introdujo en la filosofía del lenguaje en la década de los cincuenta para designar aquellas expresiones que, en las circunstancias apropiadas, hacen justo aquello que dicen que hacen (como cuando alguien exclama «te lo prometo»). Desde entonces ha sido sometido a intensos procesos de discusión, crítica y resignificación que lo han conducido a terrenos de reflexión teórica, filosófica y política progresivamente alejados de su contexto originario. Este libro explora, entre (...)
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    Rosa Parks con Judith Butler: performatividad individual y acción colectiva.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2017 - Isegoría 56:187-204.
    El presente artículo se desarrolla en dos direcciones temporales opuestas. En la primera recurro a la contracultura drag negra y latina de los Estados Unidos para releer la negativa de Rosa Parks a ceder su asiento en el autobús. A continuación, se plantea una genealogía queer de los usos de la teatralidad en las formas contemporáneas del activismo urbano. A partir del encuentro entre ambas líneas temporales defiendo, en diálogo con la obra reciente de Judith Butler, la importancia (...)
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  12. What is Reality? Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, and the artist Karin Kneffel on the deconstruction of the familiar as liberation from determination.Martina Sauer - 2020 - Art Style, Art and Culture International Magazine, Special Issue_6, On the Postmodern Age, Ed. By Martina Sauer 6 (6):101-120.
    What is reality? It is postmodern or poststructuralist philosophers like Roland Barthes, who realized that it only seems that the media present reality in the form of facts, because they actually spread myths. Accordingly, Jacques Derrida made it clear that communication via media is not based on logic, but is characterized by a significant “différance” between a “marque” (trace) of the past and the expectations of the future. Both agreed, that the initial misunderstanding of the concept of reality must be (...)
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  13. Towards a Genealogical Feminism: A Reading of Judith Butler's Political Thought.Alison Stone - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (1):4-24.
    Judith Butler's contribution to feminist political thought is usually approached in terms of her concept of performativity, according to which gender exists only insofar as it is ritualistically and repetitively performed, creating permanent possibilities for performing gender in new and transgressive ways. In this paper, I argue that Butler's politics of performativity is more fundamentally grounded in the concept of genealogy, which she adapts from Foucault and, ultimately, Nietzsche. Butler understands women to have a genealogy: to (...)
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  14. Politik der Leiblichkeit. Von Maurice Merleau-Ponty zu Iris Marion Young und Judith Butler.Steffen K. Herrmann - 2015 - In Thomas Bedorf & Tobias Nikolaus Klass (eds.), Leib – Körper – Politik. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. pp. 61-82.
    Eine der grundsätzlichen Thesen von Maurice Merleau-Ponty lautet, dass unser Zur-Welt-Sein nicht ausgehend von der Instanz des Bewusstseins, sondern ausgehend von der Instanz der Leibes zu verstehen ist. Auch wenn Merleau-Ponty aus dieser These selbst kaum politische Konsequenzen gezogen hat, sind seine Überlegungen doch im Feld der politischen Philosophie von einer ganzen Reihe von Theoretikerinnen und Theoretikern aufgenommen worden, von denen ich im Folgenden zwei aufgreifen möchte: Iris Marion Young und Judith Butler. Beide, so werden ich zeigen, knüpfen (...)
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  15. Six plus three approaches to interpreting Judith Butler.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a two page handout specifying approaches, or methods, used in interpreting Judith Butler. The methods of various analytic philosophers are identified.
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  16. The Politics of ImagesGeorges Didi-Huberman:Quand les images prennent position. L’Œil de l'histoire, I, 271 pp.Judith Butler:Frames of War. When Is Life Grievable?, 194 pp. [REVIEW]Nikolaj Lübecker - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (3):392-407.
    The last ten to fifteen years have seen the publication of numerous books and articles considering the relation between images and politics. The reasons for this development are obvious: footage of the World Trade Center attacks and photos from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (to give just a few examples) have clearly demonstrated that images not only respond to political events, but also play an important part in shaping them. Images have therefore been blamed for their complicity in these events (in (...)
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    Performatividad y subversión de la identidad: a propósito de la obra de Judith Butler.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2004 - Laguna 14:147-164.
    Vamos a tratar de comprender la concepción de la identidad en la obra de Butler, fundamentalmente a partir de El género en disputa. Profundizaremos para ello en su teoría de la performatividad, tratando tanto a los autores que posibilitaron su desarrollo (Austin, Derrida) como a algunos de sus críticos (especialmente Seyla Benhabib y Pierre Bourdieu). Nos preocupan especialmente las discusiones en torno a la constitución discursiva del sujeto, y el modo en que se plantea la oposición entre estar constituido (...)
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  18. Hope in a Vice: Carole Pateman, Judith Butler, and Suspicious Hope.Amy Billingsley - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):597-612.
    Eve Sedgwick critiques paranoid methodologies for denying a plurality of affective approaches. Instead, she emphasizes affects such as hope, but her description of hope's openness does not address how hope can avoid discourses that appear to offer amelioration while deceptively masking subjugation. In this context, I will argue that suspicion in feminist political philosophy, as shown in the earlier work of Carole Pateman and Judith Butler, provides a cautious approach toward hope's openness without precluding hope altogether. This analysis (...)
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  19. The universal as a vertical horizon in Judith Butler's political thought.Ivo Fernando da Costa - 2019 - In Eduardo da Costa & André Phillipe Pereira (eds.), Ensaios em perspectiva filosófica e teológica. pp. 186-215.
    The article examines the following interpretive hypothesis: from the formulation of the concept of “precariousness” in Precarious Life (2004), Judith Butler's thought undergoes a inflection towards a ethical-political foundation normatively understood and previously rejected by the author as evidenced in her debate with Nancy Fraser and Seyla Benhabib in the 1990s. It is therefore a matter of questioning the impact of this theoretical mutation on the notions of universal and subject that are embedded in the argumentative lines of (...)
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  20. De Frankfurt a Stonewall: los caminos de la emancipación en Theodor W. Adorno y Judith Butler.Pablo Caldera - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una serie de vı́nculos teóricos entre la filosofı́a de Theodor W. Adorno y la de Judith Butler con el propósito de buscar ciertos gérmenes de la teorı́a queer más allá de sus principales referentes en algunas posiciones teóricas que se trazaron desde la teorı́a crı́tica. Se trata de señalizar una serie de simultaneidades que existen entre ambos pensadores, ası́ como de impulsar una lectura de Adorno como un desmitificador de conceptos. Se (...)
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  21. A Política Identitária em Questão: Reflexões a Partir de Judith Butler e Achille Mbembe.Gabriela Campos Alkmin & Marco Antonio Souza Alvez - 2021 - Revista Direito Público 18:588-615.
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    Masculinity: Phallogocentrism and Performativity. A Philosophical Analysis Based on the Studies of Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler and Raewyn Connell to Counter Patriarchal Hegemony.Alberto Grandi - 2024 - Proceedings of the Global Conference on Women’s Studies 3 (1):1-16.
    Feminist considerations have induced a rethinking of many aspects of our contemporary world, such as the concept of gender and power relations. This has led to a re-examination of the entire previous tradition of thought, finding in phallogocentrism the paradigm of reference. This term indicates, starting with Derrida's considerations, the Western tendency to have centred not only the logos, but also the phallus, weaving an intricate relationship between masculinity and language. It's precisely this bond that makes man the archetype on (...)
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  23. “The Politics of (Non)Violent Resistance” (Foreword for the Thai translation of Judith Butler’s The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind).Eraldo Souza dos Santos - 2023 - In Judith Butler, The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind,. Bangkok: Sam Yan Press. pp. 6-9.
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  24. "Boys don't cry": note a margine del concetto di soggettività performativa in Judith Butler.Tiberi Simona - 2013 - In F. Minazzi A. C. Di G. Mari (ed.), Epistemologia e soggettività. oltre il relativismo. Firenze University Press. pp. 121-147.
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  25. RUCOVSKY, Martín Adrian de Mauro. Cuerpos en escena. Materialidad y cuerpo sexuado en Judith Butler y Paul B. Preciado. 216 f. Barcelona/ Madrid: Editorial Egales, 2016. [REVIEW]Bryan Axt - 2018 - Revista Em Curso 5:1-5.
    A recente obra publicada por Martín Rucovsky, Cuerpos en escena, ainda não traduzida ao português brasileiro, reúne os resultados de uma pesquisa extensa e muito precisa ao redor das caixas de ferramentas de Judith Butler e Paul B. Preciado.
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  26. Butler avec Althusser: Notes for an Investigation.Claudio Aguayo - 2022 - Décalages 2 (4):109-136.
    In this essay, I try to go through the questions and analysis that Judith Butler puts on Althusser’s work—reading fundamentally and almost exclusively the essay on the “Ideological State Apparatus” from 1970, and the relationship she maintains in her reading with the Freud’s concept of repression and the Lacanian “symbolic order”. My central hypothesis is that it is the Foucauldian reading of Freud and Lacan, begun early in 1990 with Gender Trouble, that guides Butler in his interpretation (...)
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  27. Butler avec Agamben on the Spectrality of Love in a Post-Theoretical Culture.Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2020 - Rupkatha Journal On Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 12 (1):1-11.
    Cultural studies of recent memory tend to cling to love and find a certain answer from its musings. This critical move proceeds from various interrogations of cultural or cross-cultural practices towards adapting a linear progress so that love is tasked to provide an antidote to contemporary social maladies. This critical paper, however, attempts to appraise the idea that love is not a panacea, especially in a setting where theory is fragmented and assumes almost definitively a dead state. Instead, love functions (...)
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  28. Hvad kan man bruge Butlers tænkning til?Philip Højme - 2023 - Eftertryk 1.
    DA: I anledning af Judith Butlers forelæsning om klimasorg på KU er jeg blevet bedt om at besvare spørgsmålet om, hvad man kan bruge Butlers tænkning til i dag og om den stadig er aktuel. Min første tanke var at besvare spørgsmålet med svaret: Man kan bruge Butlers tænkning til ALT! Men for at fokusere mit svar, har jeg besluttet mig for at gennemgå Butlers tænkning i forhold til spørgsmålet om prekære liv og vold og ikke-vold, og hvordan disse (...)
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  29. Review of Judith P. Butler 'Subjects of Desire. Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-century France'. [REVIEW]Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (1):174-175.
    A review of Butler's first book. An English version has been posted.
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  30. Queering Gestell: Thinking Outside Butler's Frames and Inside Belu's Reproductive Enframing.Jill Drouillard - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2):194-205.
    ABSTRACT This article takes Judith Butler’s epistemological problem of “framing” alongside Dana S. Belu’s notion of “reproductive enframing” to analyze whose bodies lie outside the borders of who is considered the appropriate reproductive citizen. Are all bodies subject to reproductive enframing under a totalizing technological ideology that Martin Heidegger refers to as Gestell? Or, does Belu’s notion of “partial enframing” allow a space to queer, or upset, our current understanding of such ideology? By queering the way that we (...)
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  31. Signifying "Hillary": Making Sense with Butler and Dewey.Erin C. Tarver - 2013 - Contemporary Pragmatism 10 (2):25-47.
    Judith Butler’s influential work in feminist theory is significant for its insight that sexist discourse in popular culture affects the agency and consciousness of individuals, but offers an inadequate account of how such discourse might be said to touch, shape, or affect selves. Supplementing Butler’s account of signification with a Deweyan pragmatic account of meaning-making and selective emphasis enables a consistent account of the relationship between discourse and subjectivity with a robust conception of the bodily organism. An (...)
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  32. Language and the Gendered Body: Butler's Early Reading of Merleau‐Ponty.Anna Petronella Foultier - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):767-783.
    Through a close reading of Judith Butler's 1989 essay on Merleau-Ponty's “theory” of sexuality as well as the texts her argument hinges on, this paper addresses the debate about the relation between language and the living, gendered body as it is understood by defenders of poststructural theory on the one hand, and different interpretations of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology on the other. I claim that Butler, in her criticism of the French philosopher's analysis of the famous “Schneider case,” does (...)
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  33. Three Problematics of Linguistic Vulnerability: Gadamer, Benhabib, and Butler".Steele Meili - 2003 - In Lorraine Code (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 335-366.
    Debates in feminist political philosophy often focus on what problematic(s) to use in order to understand normative ideals, gendered differences, and their histories. For the purposes of this chapter, I will contrast two important problematics in these debates, the procedural/deliberative politics in the tradition of Critical Theory, represented here by Seyla Benhabib, and the poststructuralist or postmodern politics, represented here by Judith Butler. The goal of the contrast will be to set up the contribution that Gadamer’s work can (...)
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  34. Three Problematics of Linguistic Vulnerablity: Gadamer, Benhabib, and Butler.Meili Steele - 2003 - In Lorraine Code (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 335-366.
    Debates in feminist political philosophy often focus on what problematic(s) to use in order to understand normative ideals, gendered differences, and their histories. For the purposes of this chapter, I will contrast two important problematics in these debates, the procedural/deliberative politics in the tradition of Critical Theory, represented here by Seyla Benhabib, and the poststructuralist or postmodern politics, represented here by Judith Butler. The goal of the contrast will be to set up the contribution that Gadamer’s work can (...)
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    Negative Trouble and Gender Dialectics - Bridging the Gap between Butler and Adorno.Philip Højme - 2023 - Dissertation, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology: The Polish Academy of Sciences
    The main aim of this dissertation is to examine whether or not Judith Butler’s feminist philosophy (Queer theory) can be interpreted as what Theodor W. Adorno called a dialectical or immanent critique of dialectics. The rationale behind this examination can be found in two essays published by Carrie Hull (1997) and Marcel Stoetzler (2005). In these essays, both authors suggest that Butler’s argument (Gender Trouble 1999[1990]) would benefit significantly from being juxtaposed with Adorno’s reconceptualisation of dialectics as (...)
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  36. Melancholy, Anxious, and Ek-static Selves: Feminism between Eros and Thanatos.Hasana Sharp - 2007 - Symposium 11 (2):315-331.
    In examining Judith Butler's treatment of Spinoza insofar as it reflects the tenacity of a commitment to the need to "honor the death drive," a need often justified by the ethical and political resources it provides, this essay asks about the basis of this need for feminist theory. From whence does it come? What ethical and political work does a primary vigilance toward our destructive and death-bent urges do? Thus, I begin with a review of Butler's treatment (...)
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  37. Hate Speech and the Problems of Agency: A Critique of Butler.Kory Schaff - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:185-201.
    At the center of the hate speech controversy is the question whether it constitutes conduct. If hate speech is not conduct, then restricting it runs counter to free speech. But even if it could be shown that it is a kind of conduct, complicated questions arise. Does it necessarily follow that we restrict speech? Practically speaking, can speech even be restricted, either through new legislation or the enforcement of existing laws regulating conduct? Are measures such as hate crimes legislation both (...)
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  38. To Hold Out Belonging. Identity and Difference in a Heideggerian Critique of Butler and Hegel.Uljana Akca - 2018 - Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
    In contemporary discussions on identity, difference and subjectivity, the thinking of Judith Butler has played a significant role, viewing identity as a problematic question of how the subject is constituted by historical structures of power that deprives it of original ownness and substantiality. As this situation for Butler stems neither from a historical occurrence, nor is clearly ontological, the question of the origin of this problem of identity and power remains. Through the thinking of Martin Heidegger, the (...)
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  39. Meaning of Human Existence and Experience: Thinking through Beauvoir and Butler.Maya S. - 2023 - Cetana: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (1).
    The conceptualizations of meanings of existence started with the ontological or metaphysical debates in philosophy. Then at the peak of modern times, the school of existentialism dealt with the issue of human existence particularly by citing individual freedom. In all these series of philosophizing, the human being was considered as a singular type entity who thinks and acts in the same way. So, the historical development of philosophical thinking has not brought enough solutions, with regard to the existential issues of (...)
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  40. The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt (ed.), Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 47--65.
    In this chapter I offer an interpretation of Judith Butler’s metaphysics of sex and gender and situate it in the ontological landscape alongside what has long been the received view of sex and gender in the English speaking world, which owes its inspiration to the works of Simone de Beauvoir. I then offer a critique of Butler’s view, as interpreted, and subsequently an original account of sex and gender, according to which both are constructed—or conferred, as I (...)
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  41. ¿Quién hace política? Butler, Rancière, Deleuze.Francisco Barrón - 2018 - In José Ezcurdia (ed.), Cuerpo, resistencia y producción de subjetividades frente a la lógica de la globalización capitalista. Ciudad de México: CRIM-UNAM.
    Hay que enunciarlo sin contratiempos: no habría manera, el día de hoy, de pensar la subjetividad, si no se lo hace políticamente. La reafirmación de la reflexión contemporánea sobre las subjetividades -de acción, de enunciación, de sensibilidad, de pasión, etc.- sólo es posible llevarse a cabo si se acepta lo político como su ámbito. Y si se trata de pensar lo político, en el día de hoy, habría que dejar de lado una inmensidad de hábitos de pensamiento y habría que (...)
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  42. Crisis, Dispossession, and Activism to Reclaim Detroit.Gail Presbey - 2017 - In Vasiliki Solomou-Papanikolaou Golfo Maggini (ed.), Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to the Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, Volume One. pp. 121-129.
    The paper discusses the concept of "crisis" in the context of the city of Detroit's bankruptcy under the rule of the Governor-appointed Emergency Manager. In their recent book, Judith Butler and Athena Athanasiou discuss the concept of dispossession in all its complexity, in the context of enforced austerity measures in Europe and a global Occupy movement. The concept of “dispossession” clarifies how we actually depend on others in a sustained social world, that in fact the self is social. (...)
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  43. Fanon's Frame of Violence: Undoing the Instrumental/Non-Instrumental Binary.Imge Oranli - 2021 - Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 23 (8):1106-1123.
    The scholarship on Frantz Fanon’s theorization of violence is crowded with interpretations that follow the Arendtian paradigm of violence. These interpretations often discuss whether violence is instrumental or non-instrumental in Fanon’s work. This reading, I believe, is the result of approaching Fanon through Hannah Arendt’s framing of violence, i.e. through a binary paradigm of instrumental versus non-instrumental violence. Even some Fanon scholars who question Arendt’s reading of Fanon, do so by employing a similar binary logic, hence repeating the same either/or (...)
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  44. iZombie Cyborg Dancers: Rechoreographing Smartphone Abusers.Joshua M. Hall - 2020 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 26 (1):105-126.
    Compulsive smartphone users’ psyches, today, are increasingly directed away from their bodies and onto their devices. This phenomenon has now entered our global vocabulary as “smartphone zombies,” or what I will call “iZombies.” Given the importance of mind to virtually all conceptions of human identity, these compulsive users could thus be productively understood as a kind of human-machine hybrid entity, the cyborg. Assuming for the sake of argument that this hybridization is at worst axiologically neutral, I will construct a kind (...)
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  45. 'Success in Britain comes with an awful lot of small print': Greg Rusedski and the precarious performance of national identity.Jack Black, Thomas Fletcher & Robert J. Lake - 2020 - Nations and Nationalism 4 (26):1104-1123.
    Sport continues to be one of the primary means through which notions of Englishness and Britishness are constructed, contested, and resisted. The legacy of the role of sport in the colonial project of the British Empire, combined with more recent connections between sport and far right fascist/nationalist politics, has made the association between Britishness, Englishness, and ethnic identity(ies) particularly intriguing. In this paper, these intersections are explored through British media coverage of the Canadian‐born, British tennis player, Greg Rusedski. This coverage (...)
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  46. De Reconciliatione: Violence, the Flesh, and Primary Vulnerability.James Griffith - 2018 - In Dagmar Kusá (ed.), Identities in Flux: Globalization, Trauma, and Reconciliation. pp. 69-80.
    This essay compares Maurice Merleau-Ponty's notion of the flesh with Judith Butler's concept of primary vulnerability in terms of their helpfulness for developing an intersubjective ontology. It compares the flesh with Butler's more recent concept of primary vulnerability insofar as she sees both as useful for intersubjective ontology. The hiatus of the flesh is that which spans between self and world and opens Merleau-Ponty's thought onto an intersubjective ontology. While Butler's discussion of vulnerability as a primary (...)
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  47. Politicization as Signification: Drag Performance as Hermeneutics.Danica Jenck - 2024 - Journal of Somaesthetics 10 (1):29-40.
    Judith Butler’s seminal book, Gender Trouble, categorizes drag performance as indicative example of gender performance. In it, they categorize drag performance along binary lines of gender “opposites”. I argue that Butler’s theory does not hold if the nuance inherent to drag performance is taken into consideration. In examining its complexity, I establish that the artform and its performers are politicized. Through this politicization, I explore how drag performers and drag performance are signified and are able to be (...)
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  48. Levinas’s Ethics of Responsibility: limits within the concepts of Proximity and Plurality.Laila Haghbayan - manuscript
    Looking at responsibility within a Lévinasian sense, human beings are firstly seen not in the philosophically traditional sense, of being egocentric, but rather seen as ethical subjects based on “the other” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to examine the notion of responsibility as Lévinas conceptualized in the idea that human beings are responsible for not only themselves but for others. Lévinas within “Ethics as First Philosophy” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989) states that before all other forms (...)
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  49. Come nottola al tramonto: ipotesi su metodo e scopo delle future filosofie femministe.Damiano Migliorini - 2021 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 50 (2):133-157.
    In the article’s first section, the author clarifies how the metaphilosophical question can be interpreted. In the second and third sections, a Hegelian phenomenological method is applied to the diachronic theoretical development of feminist philosophies – especially two of its moments, sexual difference thought and Judith Butler’s version of queer theory – to understand whether any indications emerge from this development concerning the contents, model of rationality, identity, and methods of these philosophies. The Hegelian metaphilosophical premise is that (...)
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  50. Chaos and Cosmos. The Imaginary and the Political in Jorge Luis Borges.Martin Plot - 2024 - Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Chaos and Cosmos offers a new and unique interpretation of Argentine essayist and fiction writer Jorge Luis Borges as a thinker of what continental twentieth century political theory called the political. While not a political writer in the traditional sense, Borges was indeed an author whose response to the advent of totalitarianism, in particular in its Nazi form, generated the most experimental, insightful, and rigorous short fiction and non-fiction political interrogation. -/- As is well known, Borges’ writing went beyond originality; (...)
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