- "Discipline and Punish.Michel Foucault - 1975 - Vintage Books.details
Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life.Giorgio Agamben - 1998 - Stanford University Press.details
(2 other versions)Homo sacer.Giorgio Agamben - 1998 - Problemi 1.details
The hermeneutics of the subject: lectures at the Collège de France, 1981-1982.Michel Foucault - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Frédéric Gros, François Ewald & Alessandro Fontana.details
Society must be defended: lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-76.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Mauro Bertani, Alessandro Fontana, François Ewald & David Macey.details
Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Valerio Marchetti, Antonella Salomoni & Arnold I. Davidson.details
Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production Versus Mode of Information.Mark Poster - 1984 - Wiley-Blackwell.details
Dits Et Écrits 1954-1988.Michel Foucault, Daniel Defert, François Ewald & Jacques Lagrange - 1994details
The Courage of the Truth (the Government of Self and Others Ii): Lectures at the Collège de France, 1983-1984.Michel Foucault - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Michel Foucault.details
„Il faut défendre la société”. Cours au Collège de France, 1976.Michel Foucault - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (3):573-574.details
Naissance de la Biopolitique Cours au Colláege de France, 1978-1979.Michel Foucault - 2004details
Foucault: the birth of power.Stuart Elden - 2017 - Malden, MA: Polity.details
L'herméneutique du Sujet Cours au Collège de France, 1981-1982.Michel Foucault, François Ewald, Alessandro Fontana & Frédéric Gros - 2001details
Sécurité, territoire, population: cours au Collège de France, 1977-1978.Michel Foucault - 2004 - Companyédition EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil.details
Considerations on Marxism, Phenomenology and Power. Interview with Michel Foucault; Recorded on April 3rd, 1978.Michel Foucault, Colin Gordon & Paul Patton - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:98-114.details
Le marxisme oublié de Foucault.Stéphane Legrand - 2004 - Actuel Marx 36 (2):27-43.details
Foucault, Marxism, and critique.Barry Smart - 1983 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.details
(1 other version)Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information.Mark Poster - 1992 - Studies in Soviet Thought 43 (1):45-52.details
Marx/Engels Collected Works, Vol. 5.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 1975 - International Publishers.details
Le pouvoir psychiatrique: cours au Collège de France, 1973-1974.Michel Foucault - 2003 - Companyédition EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil.details
(Of Derrida's law).Pierre Legrand - unknowndetails
[Book review] the politics of truth, from Marx to Foucault. [REVIEW]Michele Barrett - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (2):218-220.details