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  1. (1 other version)Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics: collected papers on quantum philosophy.John Stewart Bell - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book comprises all of John Bell's published and unpublished papers in the field of quantum mechanics, including two papers that appeared after the first edition was published. It also contains a preface written for the first edition, and an introduction by Alain Aspect that puts into context Bell's great contribution to the quantum philosophy debate. One of the leading expositors and interpreters of modern quantum theory, John Bell played a major role in the development of our current understanding of (...)
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  • Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky & Nathan Rosen - 1935 - Physical Review (47):777-780.
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  • The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences.Eugene Wigner - 1960 - Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 13:1-14.
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  • The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory: Transl. Into Engl. By Carl Eckart and Frank C. Hoyt.Werner Heisenberg - 1930 - Chicago: Ill., The University of Chicago Press. Edited by Carl Eckart & Frank Clark Hoyt.
    The contributions of few contemporary scientists have been as far reaching in their effects as those of Nobel Laureate Werner Heisenberg.
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  • The Mathematical Theory of Communication.Claude E. Shannon & Warren Weaver - 1949 - University of Illinois Press.
    Scientific knowledge grows at a phenomenal pace--but few books have had as lasting an impact or played as important a role in our modern world as The Mathematical Theory of Communication, published originally as a paper on communication theory more than fifty years ago. Republished in book form shortly thereafter, it has since gone through four hardcover and sixteen paperback printings. It is a revolutionary work, astounding in its foresight and contemporaneity. The University of Illinois Press is pleased and honored (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of ‘Hidden’ Variables, I and II.David Bohm - 1952 - Physical Review (85):166-193.
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  • Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics.Henry P. Stapp - 1993 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, which contains several of his key papers as well as new material, he focuses on the problem of consciousness and explains how quantum mechanics...
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  • Zur Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge.Max Born - 1926 - Zeitschrift für Physik 37 (12):863-867.
    Durch eine Untersuchung der Stoßvorgänge wird die Auffassung entwickelt, daß die Quantenmechanik in der Schrödingerschen Form nicht nur die stationären Zustände, sondern auch die Quantensprünge zu beschreiben gestattet.
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  • The new Organon.Francis Bacon - 2007 - In Aloysius Martinich, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya (eds.), Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    When the New Organon appeared in 1620, part of a six-part programme of scientific inquiry entitled 'The Great Renewal of Learning', Francis Bacon was at the high point of his political career, and his ambitious work was groundbreaking in its attempt to give formal philosophical shape to a new and rapidly emerging experimentally-based science. Bacon combines theoretical scientific epistemology with examples from applied science, examining phenomena as various as magnetism, gravity, and the ebb and flow of the tides, and anticipating (...)
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  • (1 other version)Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics. II.Edwin T. Jaynes - 1957 - Physical Review 108 (2):171.
    Information theory and statistical mechanics II.
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  • Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I.K. Gödel - 1931 - Monatshefte für Mathematik 38 (1):173--198.
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  • Understanding Quantum Mechanics.Roland Omnès - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Here Roland Omnès offers a clear, up-to-date guide to the conceptual framework of quantum mechanics. In an area that has provoked much philosophical debate, Omnès has achieved high recognition for his Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Princeton 1994), a book for specialists. Now the author has transformed his own theory into a short and readable text that enables beginning students and experienced physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers to form a comprehensive picture of the field while learning about the most recent advances. This (...)
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  • (2 other versions) Systematic Theology, Vol. I.Paul Tillich - 1951
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  • Lectures on Quantum Theory : Mathematical and Structural Foundations.C. J. Isham - 1995 - Imperial College Press.
    This book is based on material taught to final-year physics undergraduates as part of the theoretical physics option at Imperial College. After a self-contained introduction to the essential ideas of vector spaces and linear operators, a bridge is built between the concepts and mathematics of classical physics, and the new mathematical framework employed in quantum mechanics. The axioms of nonrelativistic quantum theory are introduced, and shown to lead to a variety of new conceptual problems. Subjects discussed include state-vector reduction, the (...)
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  • Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action 5.R. J. Russell, Philip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly & John Polkinghorne (eds.) - 2002 - Vatican Observatory Publications.
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  • Thermodynamics: What One Needs to Know.Carl S. Helrich - 1999 - Zygon 34 (3):501-514.
    Thermodynamics is the foundation of many of the topics of interest in the religion‐science dialogue. Here a nonmathematical outline of the principles of thermodynamics is presented, providing a historical and conceptually understandable development that can serve teachers from disciplines other than physics. The contributions of Gibbs to both classical and rational thermodynamics, emphasizing the importance of the ensemble in statistical mechanics, are discussed. The seminal ideas of Boltzmann on statistical mechanics are contrasted to those of Gibbs in a discussion of (...)
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