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Science at the Zoo: An Introduction

Centaurus 64 (3):561-590 (2022)

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  1. Zoo Veterinarians: Governing Care on a Diseased Planet.Irus Braverman - 2020 - Routledge.
    Despite their centrality to the operation of contemporary accredited zoo and aquarium institutions, the work of zoo veterinarians has rarely been the focus of a critical analysis in the social science and humanities. Drawing on in-depth interviews and observations of zoo and aquarium veterinarians, mainly in Europe and North America, this book highlights the recent transformation that has occurred in the zoo veterinarian profession during a time of ecological crisis, and what these changes can teach us about our rapidly changing (...)
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  • The Call of the Hoatzin: Ecology, Evolution, and Eugenics at the Bronx Zoo.Katherine McLeod - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):683-704.
    From 1908 to 1922, William Beebe, the curator of birds at the Bronx Zoo, tried unsuccessfully to bring tropical birds known as hoatzin to the zoological park in the Bronx run by the New York Zoological Society. Beebe was committed to bringing hoatzin to the zoo because he thought they could reveal scientific truths about ecology and evolution to him and the visiting public. While contemporary scholarship about zoo science in the United States has focused on how environmental conservation shaped (...)
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  • Animal Feeding, Animal Experiments, and the Zoo as a Laboratory: Paris Ménagerie and London Zoo, ca. 1793–1939: The Zoo as a Laboratory. [REVIEW]Violette Pouillard - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):705-728.
    This article elaborates a local history of zoo feeding practices in order to shed light on the construction of knowledge at the zoo, its intersection with laboratory developments in life sciences, and the nature of zoo sciences. It relies on the case studies of two of the oldest zoological gardens in the world-the Jardin des Plantes Ménagerie in Paris (1793) and the London Zoological Gardens (1828)-both of which formed parts of major scientific institutions, thereby facilitating research on the dialogue between (...)
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  • Reconstructing the Worlds of Wildlife: Uexküll, Hediger, and Beyond.Matthew Chrulew - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (1):137-149.
    The theoretical biology of Jakob von Uexküll has had significant conceptual and practical afterlives, in Continental philosophy, biosemiotics and elsewhere. This paper will examine the utilisation of Uexküll in twentieth-century zoo biology and its significance for relating to wildlife in hybrid environments. There is an important though rarely analysed line of inheritance from von Uexküll to Heini Hediger, the Swiss zoo director and animal psychologist. Hediger’s fundamental theoretical position began from the construction of the world from the animal’s point of (...)
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  • Watching Exotic Animals Next Door: “Scientific” Observations at the Zoo (ca. 1870–1910).Oliver Hochadel - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (2):183-214.
    ArgumentThe nineteenth century witnessed the advent of the modern zoo. Nearly everyone who came to watch the exotic animals was a “lay person” in the sense that virtually none had formal training in zoology. This paper provides a typology of these observers: the zoo directors, assistants, keepers, animal painters, and the “common” visitor. What did they observe and what were their motivations? Did they pursue a certain agenda? What kind of knowledge, if any, did they produce? Soon the issue of (...)
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  • Beyond Species: Il’ya Ivanov and His Experiments on Cross-Breeding Humans with Anthropoid Apes.Kirill Rossiianov - 2002 - Science in Context 15 (2):277-316.
    ArgumentI believe that some pollutions are used as analogies for expressing a general view of the social order.Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger The possibility of crossing humans with other anthropoid species has been discussed in fiction as well as in scientific literature during the twentieth century. Professor Il’ya Ivanov’s attempt to achieve this was crucial for the beginning of organized primate research in the Soviet Union, and remains one of the most interesting and controversial experiments that was ever done on (...)
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  • (1 other version)Künstliche Tiere etc.Christina Wessely - 2008 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 16 (2):153-182.
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  • (1 other version)„Künstliche Tiere etc.”: Zoologische Schaulust um 1900.Christina Wessely - 2008 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 16 (2):153-182.
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  • Between biomedical and psychological experiments: The unexpected connections between the Pasteur Institutes and the study of animal mind in the second quarter of twentieth-century France.Marion Thomas - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 55:29-40.
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  • Undoing Extinction: The Role of Zoos in Breeding Back the Tarpan Wild Horse, 1922–1945.Marianna Szczygielska - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):729-750.
    Although episodes of captive breeding for display and acclimatization purposes date back to the 19th century, systematic breeding for species conservation first became the central mission for European zoological gardens in the interwar period. While most scholars explain this shift as a result of a decline in the global trade of exotic animals, my analysis points to the simultaneous renewed interest in native endangered and extinct species as a catalyst for captive breeding experiments. This article considers the role of zoos (...)
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  • Gateway, Instrument, Environment: The Aquarium as a Hybrid Space between Animal Fancying and Experimental Zoology.Christian Reiß - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (4):309-336.
    ZusammenfassungTrotz seiner großen Verbreitung in den Lebenswissenschaften wurde dem Aquarium bisher wenig wissenschafts- und technikhistorische Aufmerksamkeit zuteil. Dies ist nicht zuletzt durch den Umstand begründet, dass das Aquarium und seine Geschichte bisher größtenteils als außerwissenschaftlich aufgefasst wurden. Dabei spielen so unterschiedliche Kontexte wie Akklimatisierung, Amateurnaturkunde und bürgerliche Populärkultur eine wichtige Rolle. Gleichzeitig ist die Entwicklung des Aquariums aber auch eng mit der Geschichte der Lebenswissenschaften verbunden. Mit Blick auf die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts verstehe ich das Aquarium als techno-natural (...)
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  • From Existential Knowledge to Experimental Practice: The Mexican Axolotl, the Paris Ménagerie, and the Epistemic Benefits of Keeping Unknown Animals, 1850–1876.Christian Reiß - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):615-634.
    In 1864, the first living Mexican axolotls were brought from Mexico to Paris. On arrival, the 34 animals were divided up between the two zoos in Paris, the Ménagerie of the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle and the Jardin d'acclimatation. From there, the animals and their descendants spread around the world as zoo and laboratory specimens, as well as pets. Today, a population of hundreds of thousands of axolotls live in aquariums, zoos, and laboratories around the globe. The fate of the axolotls (...)
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  • M arta B ertolaso, Philosophy of Cancer: A Dynamic and Relational View, Dordrecht: Springer, 2016, xv + 190 pp., £66.99. [REVIEW]Anya Plutynski - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):1.
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  • “Here They Are in Flesh and Feather”: Walter Rothschild's “Private Zoo” and the Preparation and Taxonomic Study of Cassowaries.Eleanor Larsson - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):659-682.
    Large, black, flightless birds with unpredictable tempers and colourful heads and necks, cassowaries have enthralled European audiences for centuries, but perhaps no one more so than private collector and zoologist Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937). Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Rothschild acquired hundreds of living cassowaries which were kept in his private zoological collection. This paper explores the nature of Rothschild's private zoo and how the collection of living cassowaries was used to support his zoological activities. Spread across (...)
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  • Rezension: Mensch, Tier und Zoo. Der Tiergarten Schönbrunn im internationalen Vergleich vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute von Mitchell G. Ash. [REVIEW]Kai Torsten Kanz - 2008 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 31 (4):414-415.
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  • Solly Zuckerman: the making of a primatological career in Britain, 1925–1945.Jonathan Burt - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (2):295-310.
    Solly Zuckerman’s work has been largely dismissed or marginalized by both historians of primatology and primatologists. This paper, using archival and published materials, re-examines both his life and his research into primate sexuality and sociology in the 1920s, endocrinology in the 1930s, and the effects of bomb blast in the 1940s. Despite the many flaws in his work, which is now largely outdated, his career reveals a great deal about the audiences for primatological knowledge in pre-war and wartime Britain; the (...)
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  • Zoologische Gärten in Stadtkultur und Wissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert.Ilse Jahn - 1992 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 15 (4):213-225.
    The foundation and administration of European Zoological gardens in the 19th century is analized. It is significant of such new institutions, that they are founded in the large cities, and that most of the founders looked at the great models in Paris and London, which are described first. Further it is shown that the change from princely menageries to public Zoological Gardens is caused both by common interests in people's education and pleasure and by scientific aims which leaded to choose (...)
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  • Science at the Zoo: An Introduction.Oliver Hochadel - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):561-590.
    Was the zoological garden a place for science in the 19th and 20th centuries? This question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. Rather, this Special Issue suggests, we need to reconstruct how the concrete conditions of the zoo as an institution influenced, enabled, triggered, facilitated, obstructed, or impeded scientific research. The zoo was and is a multifunctional space serving different constituencies, such as scientists of different disciplines, artists, breeders, and the general public. This collection of articles argues (...)
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  • Encountering snakes in early Victorian London: The first reptile house at the Zoological Gardens.James R. Hall - 2015 - History of Science 53 (3):338-361.
    This paper examines the first reptile house (1849) at the Zoological Gardens in London as a novel site for the production and consumption of knowledge about snakes, stressing the significance of architectural and material limitations on both snakes and humans. Snakes were familiar and ambiguous, present at every level of British society through the reading of Scripture and as recurrent characters in imperial print culture. For all that snakes engendered feelings of disgust as the most distinctive representatives of a lowly (...)
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  • Organisms in Their Milieu: Alfred Giard, His Pupils, and Early Ethology, 1870–1930.Raf De Bont - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):1-29.
    This essay tells the story of early French ethology—“the science dealing with the habits of living beings and their relations, both with each other and with the cosmic environment.” The driving force behind this “ethological movement” was the biologist Alfred Giard (1846–1908). The essay discusses how the ethological viewpoint of Giard and his pupils developed in a period in which the current disciplines of field biology were not yet crystallized. It also shows how concepts and research interests could travel within (...)
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  • A Tale of Two Anteaters: Madrid 1776 and London 1853.Helen Cowie - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):591-614.
    In 1776, the first living giant anteater to reach Europe arrived in Madrid from Buenos Aires. It survived 6 months in the Real Sitio del Buen Retiro before being transferred to the newly founded Real Gabinete de Historia Natural. In 1853, 77 years later, a second anteater was brought to London by two German showmen and exhibited at a shop in Bloomsbury, where it was visited by the novelist Charles Dickens. The animal was subsequently purchased by the Zoological Society of (...)
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  • Ethology, Natural History, the Life Sciences, and the Problem of Place.Richard W. Burkhardt - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (3):489 - 508.
    Investigators of animal behavior since the eighteenth century have sought to make their work integral to the enterprises of natural history and/or the life sciences. In their efforts to do so, they have frequently based their claims of authority on the advantages offered by the special places where they have conducted their research. The zoo, the laboratory, and the field have been major settings for animal behavior studies. The issue of the relative advantages of these different sites has been a (...)
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  • Angewandte Zoologie und die Wahrnehmung exotischer Natur in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. und im 19. Jahrhundert.Annelore Rieke-Müller - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (3):461 - 484.
    The perception of exotic nature had a relevant influence on applied zoology in Europe in the second half of the eighteenth century and in the first half of the nineteenth century. The examples provided show how the perception of wild animals was influenced by contemporary philosophy. The author Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre reached a sentimental view of nature during his stay at Ile de France, now Mauritius. During his direction of the Jardin du Roi in Paris he advocated for the (...)
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