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  1. Lectures on Conversation.Harvey Sacks & Gail Jefferson - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (2):327-336.
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  • Extreme case formulations: A way of legitimizing claims. [REVIEW]Anita Pomerantz - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (2-3):219 - 229.
    This paper has described three uses of Extreme Case formulationsto assert the strongest case in anticipation of non-sympathetic hearingsto propose the cause of a phenomenonto speak for the rightness (wrongness) of a practice.The interactants in the illustrations were engaged in several types of activities, among which were complaining, accusing, justifying, and defending. As concluding remarks, a few comments will be made about why participants use Extreme Case formulations in these activities.Part of the business of complaining involves portraying a situation as (...)
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  • Diagnostic formulations in psychotherapy.Ivan Leudar, Rebecca Barnes & Charles Antaki - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (6):627-647.
    Conversation analysts have noted that, in psychotherapy, formulations of the client's talk can be a vehicle for offering a psychological interpretation of the client's circumstances. But we notice that not all formulations in psychotherapy offer interpretations. We offer an analysis of formulations that are diagnostic: that is, used by the professional to sharpen, clarify or refine the client's account and make it better able to provide what the professional needs to know about the client's history and symptoms. In doing so, (...)
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  • Affiliative and disaffiliative uses of you say x questions.Tine Larsen & Jakob Steensig - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (1):113-133.
    This article explores a question format consisting of `you say' plus a version of what the co-participant has said, which is used to ask for confirmation of something said in an earlier sequence. Questions using this you say x format often request not only confirmation but also accounts and can, on occasions, be taken as challenging the interactional balance, that is, be treated as disaffiliative. The article investigates the sequential, prosodic and grammatical conditions for affiliative and disaffiliative uses of you (...)
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  • ‘Articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of others’ talk.Galina B. Bolden - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):5-32.
    This article provides a conversation analytic description of a previously unstudied conversational action: ‘articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of other people’s talk. Contributing to the extant research on formulations and on interactional functions of discourse markers, the article shows that and-prefaced formulations accomplish a distinct conversational action that has the following features: these formulations are assertions about the addressee’s domain of knowledge that perform a repair operation in the form of a request for confirmation; they articulate a ‘missing’ element (...)
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  • Exploring essentially three-turn courses of action: An institutional case study with implications for ordinary talk.Jeffrey D. Robinson & Heidi Kevoe-Feldman - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (2):217-241.
    This article describes an adjacency-pair organized course of action in the institutional context of customers calling an electronics repair facility to request the status of equipment they have previously sent in for repair. Relative to the majority of adjacency-pair sequences described in previous research, this course of action is rare in that it is essentially composed of three turns, including status solicitation, status response, and acceptance/rejection of status response. After defending this finding, we situate and discuss its significance relative to (...)
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