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  1. Reasons and Persons.Derek Parfit - 1984 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Challenging, with several powerful arguments, some of our deepest beliefs about rationality, morality, and personal identity, Parfit claims that we have a false view about our own nature. It is often rational to act against our own best interersts, he argues, and most of us have moral views that are self-defeating. We often act wrongly, although we know there will be no one with serious grounds for complaint, and when we consider future generations it is very hard to avoid conclusions (...)
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  • Reasons and Persons.Joseph Margolis - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (2):311-327.
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  • Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.Ulrich Beck, Mark Ritter & Jennifer Brown - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):367-368.
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  • From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice.Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, written by four internationally renowned bioethicists and first published in 2000, was the first systematic treatment of the fundamental ethical issues underlying the application of genetic technologies to human beings. Probing the implications of the remarkable advances in genetics, the authors ask how should these affect our understanding of distributive justice, equality of opportunity, the rights and obligations as parents, the meaning of disability, and the role of the concept of human nature in ethical theory and practice. The (...)
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  • (1 other version)From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice.Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler - 2000 - Philosophy 76 (297):472-475.
    This book, written by four internationally renowned bioethicists and first published in 2000, was the first systematic treatment of the fundamental ethical issues underlying the application of genetic technologies to human beings. Probing the implications of the remarkable advances in genetics, the authors ask how should these affect our understanding of distributive justice, equality of opportunity, the rights and obligations as parents, the meaning of disability, and the role of the concept of human nature in ethical theory and practice. The (...)
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  • Should the Baby Live?: The Problem of Handicapped Infants.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Few subjects have generated so many newspaper headlines and such heated controversy as the treatment, or non-treatment, of handicapped newborns. In 1982, the case of Baby Doe, a child born with Down's syndrome, stirred up a national debate in the United States, while in Britain a year earlier, Dr. Leonard Arthur stood trial for his decision to allow a baby with Down's syndrome to die. Government intervention and these recent legal battles accentuate the need for a reassessment of the complex (...)
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  • (1 other version)From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice.Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (208):423-425.
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  • The Worth of a Child.Thomas H. Murray - 1996 - University of California Press.
    Thomas Murray's graceful and humane book illuminates one of the most morally complex areas of everyday life: the relationship between parents and children. What do children mean to their parents, and how far do parental obligations go? What, from the beginning of life to its end, is the worth of a child? Ethicist Murray leaves the rarefied air of abstract moral philosophy in order to reflect on the moral perplexities of ordinary life and ordinary people. Observing that abstract moral terms (...)
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  • On how to define the concept of health: A loose comparative approach.Bengt Brülde - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (3):303-306.
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  • The future of human reproduction : ethics, choice, and regulation.John Harris & Søren Holm (eds.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    The Future of Human Reproduction brings together new work, by an international group of contributors from various fields and perspectives, on ethical, social, and legal issues raised by recent advances in reproductive technology. These advances have put us in a position to choose what kindsof children and parents there should be; the aim of the essays is to illuminate how we should deal with these possibilities for choice. Topics discussed include gender and race selection, genetic engineering, fertility treatment, ovarian tissue (...)
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  • The Worth of a Child.Sidney Callahan & Thomas H. Murray - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):44.
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  • Fatal Knowledge? Prenatal Diagnosis and Sex Selection.Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (3):21-27.
    Moral and social arguments weigh heavily against performing medical procedures solely for purposes of sex selection. The medical profession has a responsibility to abandon its posture of ethical neutrality and take a firm stand now against sex selection.
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  • Fetal Privacy and Confidentiality.Jeffrey R. Botkin - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (5):32-39.
    As the range of conditions for which we can test prenatally expands, society and the medical profession need to develop guidelines about which tests ought to be offered and which ought not to be. Notions of fetal privacy and confidentiality can help to define limits to what parents may reasonably learn about their future child.
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  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and the 'new' eugenics.D. S. King - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):176-182.
    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PID) is often seen as an improvement upon prenatal testing. I argue that PID may exacerbate the eugenic features of prenatal testing and make possible an expanded form of free-market eugenics. The current practice of prenatal testing is eugenic in that its aim is to reduce the numbers of people with genetic disorders. Due to social pressures and eugenic attitudes held by clinical geneticists in most countries, it results in eugenic outcomes even though no state coercion is (...)
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  • Genes, embryos, and future people.Walter Glannon - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (3):187–211.
    Testing embryonic cells for genetic abnormalities gives us the capacity to predict whether and to what extent people will exist with disease and disability. Moreover, the freezing of embryos for long periods of time enables us to alter the length of a normal human lifespan. After highlighting the shortcomings of somatic‐cell gene therapy and germ‐line genetic alteration, I argue that the testing and selective termination of genetically defective embryos is the only medically and morally defensible way to prevent the existence (...)
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  • Extending preimplantation genetic diagnosis: medical and non-medical uses.J. A. Robertson - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):213-216.
    New uses of preimplantation genetic diagnosis to screen embryos prior to transfer raise ethical, legal, and policy issues that deserve close attention. Extensions for medical purposes, such as to identify susceptibility genes, late onset disease, and human leukocyte antigen matching, are usually ethically acceptable. Whether embryo screening for gender, perfect pitch, or other non-medical characteristics are also acceptable depends upon the parental needs served and the harm posed to embryos, children, and society. Speculations about potential future uses of PGD should (...)
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  • Genetic screening and ethics: European perspectives.Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Jfrgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (3):255 – 273.
    Analysis and comparison of genetic screening programs shows that the extent of development of programs varies widely across Europe. Regional variations are due not only to genetic disease patterns but also reflect the novelty of genetic services. In most countries, the focus for genetic screening programs has been pregnant women and newborn children. Newborn children are screened only for disorders which are treatable. Prenatal screening when provided is for conditions for which termination may be offered. The only population screening programs (...)
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  • [Book review] children of choice, freedom and the new reproductive technologies. [REVIEW]Laura M. Purdy - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (1):67-74.
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  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Embryo Selection.Bonnie Steinbock - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris, A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175–190.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Better Alternative Than Abortion? The Morality of Prenatal Diagnosis Prenatal Genetic Testing as Prevention The Line‐drawing Question Conclusion Note.
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  • Ethical issues and policy analysis for genetic testing: Huntington's disease as a paradigm for diseases with a late onset.Anjali Lilani - 2005 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 11 (2):28.
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  • Huntington's disease: prenatal screening for late onset disease.S. G. Post - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (2):75-78.
    This article presents a set of moral arguments regarding the selective abortion of fetuses on the basis of prenatal screening for late onset genetic diseases only, and for Huntington's Disease* in particular. After discussion of human suffering, human perfection and the distinctive features of the lives of people confronting late onset genetic disease, the author concludes that selective abortion is difficult to justify ethically, although it must remain a matter of personal choice.
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  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Beginning a long conversation.Erik Parens & Thomas H. Murray - 2002 - Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Journal 9 (2):1-2.
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  • Why parents have no duty to select 'the best' children.R. Scott - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (3):149-154.
    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is available where there is a 'significant risk of a serious genetic condition being present in the embryo', the criteria established by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and Human Genetics Commission (HGC). There are a number of controversies about this practice, notably to what extent people can agree on the term 'serious' and whether 'serious' should only mean 'serious for the possible child' or whether it might also, or sometimes instead, mean 'serious for the (...)
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  • The Bonds of Family. [REVIEW]Thomas H. Murray - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):44-44.
    Thomas Murray's graceful and humane book illuminates one of the most morally complex areas of everyday life: the relationship between parents and children. What do children mean to their parents, and how far do parental obligations go? What, from the beginning of life to its end, is the worth of a child? Ethicist Murray leaves the rarefied air of abstract moral philosophy in order to reflect on the moral perplexities of ordinary life and ordinary people. Observing that abstract moral terms (...)
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  • The goals of health work: Quality of life, health and welfare. [REVIEW]Per-Anders Tengland - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (2):155-167.
    Health-related quality of life is the ultimate general goal for medicine, health care and public health, including health promotion and health education. The other important general goal is health-related welfare. The aim of the paper is to explain what this means and what the consequences of these assumptions are for health work. This involves defining the central terms “health”, “quality of life” and “welfare” and showing what their conceptual relations are. Health-related quality of life has two central meanings: health-related well-being, (...)
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