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  1. Ethics and excellence: cooperation and integrity in business.Robert C. Solomon - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle, writing over two thousand years before Wall Street, called people who engaged in activities which did not contribute to society "parasites." In his latest work, renowned scholar Robert C. Solomon asserts that though capitalism may require capital, but it does not require, much less should it be defined by the parasites it inevitably attracts. Capitalism has succeeded not with brute strength or because it has made people rich, but because it has produced responsible citizens and--however unevenly--prosperous (...)
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  • An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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  • A better way to think about business: how personal integrity leads to corporate success.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is business ethics a contradiction in terms? Absolutely not, says Robert Solomon. In fact, he maintains that sound ethics is a necessary precondition of any long-term business enterprise, and that excellence in business must exist on the foundation of values that most of us hold dear. Drawing on twenty years of experience consulting with major corporations on ethics, Solomon clarifies the difficult ethical choices all people in business are faced with from time to time. He takes an "Aristotelian" approach to (...)
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  • Integrity.Lynne McFall - 1987 - Ethics 98 (1):5-20.
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  • A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Endorsement of Ethical Leadership.Christian J. Resick, Paul J. Hanges, Marcus W. Dickson & Jacqueline K. Mitchelson - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (4):345-359.
    The western-based leadership and ethics literatures were reviewed to identify the key characteristics that conceptually define what it means to be an ethical leader. Data from the Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (GLOBE) project were then used to analyze the degree to which four aspects of ethical leadership – Character/Integrity, Altruism, Collective Motivation, and Encouragement – were endorsed as important for effective leadership across cultures. First, using multi-group confirmatory factor analyses measurement equivalence of the ethical leadership scales was found, which (...)
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  • Authentic Leadership and Behavioral Integrity as Drivers of Follower Commitment and Performance.Hannes Leroy, Michael E. Palanski & Tony Simons - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):255-264.
    The literatures on both authentic leadership and behavioral integrity have argued that leader integrity drives follower performance. Yet, despite overlap in conceptualization and mechanisms, no research has investigated how authentic leadership and behavioral integrity relate to one another in driving follower performance. In this study, we propose and test the notion that authentic leadership behavior is an antecedent to perceptions of leader behavioral integrity, which in turn affects follower affective organizational commitment and follower work role performance. Analysis of a survey (...)
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  • The Effects of the Perceived Behavioral Integrity of Managers on Employee Attitudes: A Meta-analysis.Anne L. Davis & Hannah R. Rothstein - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (4):407-419.
    Perceived behavioral integrity involves the employee’s perception of the alignment of the manager’s words and deeds. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between perceived behavioral integrity of managers and the employee attitudes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, satisfaction with the leader and affect toward the organization. Results indicate a strong positive relationship overall (average r = 0.48, p<0.01). With only 12 studies included, exploration of moderators was limited, but preliminary analysis suggested that the gender of the employees and the number of (...)
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  • The Many Faces of Integrity.Robert Audi & Patrick E. Murphy - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):3-21.
    Integrity is a central topic in business ethics, and in the world of business it is quite possibly the most commonly cited morally desirable trait. But integrity is conceived in widely differing ways, and as often as it is discussed in the literature and given a central place in corporate ethics statements, the notion is used so variously that its value in guiding everyday conduct may be more limited than is generally supposed. Two central questions for this paper are what (...)
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  • Relationships Among Employee Perception of Their Manager’s Behavioral Integrity, Moral Distress, and Employee Attitudes and Well-Being.David J. Prottas - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):51-60.
    Hypothesized relationships among reports by employees of moral distress, their perceptions of their manager’s behavioral integrity (BI), and employee reports of job satisfaction, stress, job engagement, turnover likelihood, absenteeism, work-to-family conflict, health, and life satisfaction were tested using data from the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce (n = 2,679). BI was positively related to job satisfaction, job engagement, health, and life satisfaction and negatively to stress, turnover likelihood, and work-to-family conflict, while moral distress was inversely related to those (...)
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  • Undivided Corporate Responsibility: Towards a Theory of Corporate Integrity.Thomas Maak - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):353-368.
    In the years since Enron corporate social responsibility, or “CSR,” has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in both research and business practice. CSR is used as an umbrella term to describe much of what is done in terms of ethics-related activities in firms around the globe to such an extent that some consider it a “tortured concept” (Godfrey and Hatch 2007, Journal of Business Ethics 70, 87–98). Addressing this skepticism, I argue in this article that the focus on CSR is indeed (...)
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  • (1 other version)International Business Ethics.Richard T. De George - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (1):1-9.
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  • The human face of self-interest.Ian Maitland - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (1-2):3 - 17.
    Moralists tend to have a low opinion of self-interest. It is seen as force that has to be controlled or transcended. This essay tries to get beyond the bifurcation of human motivations into self-interest (which is seen as vicious or non-moral) and concern for others (which is virtuous). It argues that there are some surprising affinities between self-interest and morality. Notably the principal force that checks self-interest is self-interest itself. Consequently, self-interest often coincides with and reinforces the commands of morality (...)
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  • Sources of Virtue.Bill Shaw - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (1):33-50.
    Virtues are habits of character that advance excellence in all of ones endeavors. In the Aristotelian formulation, training in the virtuesis driven by a sense of the “good,” that is, by a widely shared agreement on the components of a good society and on the roles (and appropriate virtues or excellencies) of the “social animals” that energize that society. In the modern era, however, a strong sense of community has been much diminished. Freedom from the restraints of the Church and (...)
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  • Ethics and Excellence: Cooperation and Integrity in Business.Robert Charles Solomon - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (1):52-70.
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  • The Influence of Supervisory Behavioral Integrity on Intent to Comply with Organizational Ethical Standards and Organizational Commitment.Janie Harden Fritz, Naomi Bell O’Neil, Ann Marie Popp, Cory Williams & Ronald C. Arnett - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):251-263.
    We examined cynicism as a mediator of the influence of managers’ mission-congruent communication and behavior about ethical standards (a form of supervisory behavioral integrity) on employee attitudes and intended behavior. Results indicated that cynicism partially mediates the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and organizational commitment, but not the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and intent to comply with organizational expectations for employee conduct.
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  • Corporate Integrity and Public Interest: A Relational Approach to Business Ethics and Leadership.Marvin T. Brown - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):11-18.
    This paper approaches the question of corporate integrity and leadership from a civic perspective, which means that corporations are seen as members of civil society, corporate members are seen as citizens, and corporate decisions are guided by civic norms. Corporate integrity, from this perspective, requires that the communication patterns that constitute interpersonal relationships at work exhibit the civic norm of reciprocity and acknowledge the need for security and the right to participate. Since leaders are members of corporate relationships, their integrity (...)
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  • Trust deterioration in an international buyer-supplier relationship.Geoffrey G. Bell, Robert J. Oppenheimer & Andre Bastien - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (1-2):65 - 78.
    Despite an abundance of research on inter-organizational trust, researchers are only beginning to understand the process of trust deterioration as an inter-organizational phenomenon. This paper presents a case study examining the deteriorating relationship between two international high-tech firms. We surveyed respondents from the supplier firm to identify major elements that reduced the supplier's trust in its customer, using the dimensions of trust identified by Mayer et al. (1995). While violations of ability, integrity, and benevolence all contributed to trust reduction, early (...)
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  • A Worldwide Examination of Exchange Market Quality: Greater Integrity Increases Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Frederick H. de B. Harris & Shan Ji - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):147-170.
    We develop a framework for assessing security market quality, relating five elements of market design to three metrics of market integrity and two metrics of market efficiency. We empirically implement this integrity–efficiency MQ framework by testing a hypothesis that trade-based ramping manipulation at the close raises execution costs on 24 security markets worldwide. Estimating a simultaneous equations model of ramping incidence, spreads, and the probability of deploying real-time surveillance, we show that quoted bid-ask spreads are positively related to the incidence (...)
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  • The Interactive Effects of Behavioral Integrity and Procedural Justice on Employee Job Tension.Martha C. Andrews, K. Michele Kacmar & Charles Kacmar - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):1-9.
    Using data collected from 280 full-time employees from a variety of organizations, this study examined the effects of employee perceptions of the behavioral integrity (BI) of their supervisors on job tension. The moderating effect of procedural justice (PJ) on this relationship also was examined. Substitutes for leadership theory (Kerr and Jermier, 1978) and psychological contract theory (Rousseau, Empl Responsib Rights J 2:121–139, 1989) were used as the theoretical foundations for the hypothesized relationships. Results indicated a negative relationship between BI and (...)
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  • The Fit Between Integrity and Integrative Social Contracts Theory.Mark Gosling & Heh Jason Huang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):407 - 417.
    The concept of integrity appears in many arguments and theories in business ethics and organizational behavior where it plays multiple roles. It has been shown to have desirable organizational outcomes and is held as important by the academic and practitioner alike. Yet despite its prominence there are a variety of approaches to defining and conceptualizing it and little existent theory to explain its nature. We offer integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) as a framework that can anchor integrity in ethical theory (...)
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  • Character and virtue ethics in international marketing: An agenda for managers, researchers and educators. [REVIEW]Patrick E. Murphy - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (1):107 - 124.
    This article examines the applicability of character and virtue ethics to international marketing. The historical background of this field, dimensions of virtue ethics and its relationship to other ethical theories are explained. Five core virtues – integrity, fairness, trust, respect and empathy – are suggested as especially relevant for marketing in a multicultural and multinational context. Implications are drawn for marketing scholars, practitioners and educators.
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  • Un/ethical Company and Brand Perceptions: Conceptualising and Operationalising Consumer Meanings. [REVIEW]Katja H. Brunk - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):551-565.
    Based on three empirical studies, this research sets out to conceptualise and subsequently operationalise the construct of consumer perceived ethicality (CPE) of a company or brand. Study 1 investigates consumer meanings of the term ethical and reveals that, contrary to philosophical scholars' exclusively consequentialist or nonconsequentialist positions, consumers' ethical judgments are a function of both these evaluation principles, illustrating that not any one scholarly definition of ethics alone is capable of capturing the content domain. The resulting conceptualisation identifies six key (...)
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  • Stewardship and integrity in health care: A role for organizational ethics. [REVIEW]Gerard Magill & Lawrence Prybil - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (3):225-238.
    Media reporting of recent business scandals, ranging from systemic accounting fraud to individual executive greed, has shed new light on the urgent need for organizational ethics in corporate America. The essay argues that organizational ethics can foster virtuous organizations by developing their sense of stewardship and integrity. This approach can inspire the ethical decision-making processes and standards of conduct for personnel throughout the organization. Another crucial role for organizational ethics is to regain lost trust and to recover the confidence of (...)
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