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  1. (4 other versions)Philosophical investigations.Ludwig Wittgenstein & G. E. M. Anscombe - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:124-124.
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  • (1 other version)Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language.John Searle - 1969 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (1):59-61.
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  • Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Integrated Formal Theory of Pragmatics.Craige Roberts - 1996 - Semantics and Pragmatics 5:1-69.
    A framework for pragmatic analysis is proposed which treats discourse as a game, with context as a scoreboard organized around the questions under discussion by the interlocutors. The framework is intended to be coordinated with a dynamic compositional semantics. Accordingly, the context of utterance is modeled as a tuple of different types of information, and the questions therein — modeled, as is usual in formal semantics, as alternative sets of propositions — constrain the felicitous flow of discourse. A requirement of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Experience and Education.John Dewey, Harry D. Gideonse, Joseph K. Hart & Zalmen Slesinger - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (4):543-549.
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  • The Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.J. R. Searle & Daniel Vanderveken - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (6):745-748.
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  • Analyzing the pragmatic structure of dialogues.Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (2):148-168.
    In this article, we describe the notion of dialogue move intended as the minimal unit for the analysis of dialogues. We propose an approach to discourse analysis based on the pragmatic idea that the joint dialogical intentions are also co-constructed through the individual moves and the higher-order communicative intentions that the interlocutors pursue. In this view, our goal is to bring to light the pragmatic structure of a dialogue as a complex net of dialogical goals, which represent the communicative purposes (...)
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  • Toward a Linguistic Theory of Speech Acts.Bernard Comrie & Jerrold Sadock - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (104):285.
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  • Activating, seeking, and creating common ground: a socio-cognitive approach.Istvan Kecskes & Fenghui Zhang - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (2):331-355.
    This paper argues that current pragmatic theories fail to describe common ground in its complexity because they usually retain a communication-as-transfer-between-minds view of language, and disregard the fact that disagreement and egocentrism of speaker-hearers are as fundamental parts of communication as agreement and cooperation. On the other hand, current cognitive research has overestimated the egocentric behavior of the dyads and argued for the dynamic emergent property of common ground while devaluing the overall significance of cooperation in the process of verbal (...)
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  • Question-Reply Argumentation.Douglas N. Walton - 1992 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 25 (1):79-82.
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  • Questioning to resolve decision problems.Robert van Rooy - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (6):727-763.
    Why do we ask questions? Because we want tohave some information. But why this particular kind ofinformation? Because only information of this particularkind is helpful to resolve the decision problemthat the agent faces. In this paper I argue thatquestions are asked because their answers help toresolve the questioner's decision problem, and that thisassumption helps us to interpret interrogativesentences. Interrogative sentences are claimed to have asemantically underspecified meaning and thisunderspecification is resolved by means of the decisionproblem.
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  • Towards a Theory of Moral Education.Michael Hand - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (4):519-532.
    In this inaugural lecture, delivered at the University of Birmingham in January 2014, I sketch the outline of a theory of moral education. The theory is an attempt to resolve the tension between two thoughts widely entertained by teachers, policy-makers and the general public. The first thought is that morality must be learned: children must come to see what morality requires of them and acquire the motivation to submit to its authority. The second thought is that morality is controversial: there (...)
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  • Deliberative Discourse Idealized and Realized: Accountable Talk in the Classroom and in Civic Life.Sarah Michaels, Catherine O’Connor & Lauren B. Resnick - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (4):283-297.
    Classroom discussion practices that can lead to reasoned participation by all students are presented and described by the authors. Their research emphasizes the careful orchestration of talk and tasks in academic learning. Parallels are drawn to the philosophical work on deliberative discourse and the fundamental goal of equipping all students to participate in academically productive talk. These practices, termed Accountable TalkSM, emphasize the forms and norms of discourse that support and promote equity and access to rigorous academic learning. They have (...)
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  • Discussing Controversial Issues in the Classroom.Michael Hand & Ralph Levinson - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):614-629.
    Discussion is widely held to be the pedagogical approach most appropriate to the exploration of controversial issues in the classroom, but surprisingly little attention has been given to the questions of why it is the preferred approach and how best to facilitate it. Here we address ourselves to both questions. We begin by clarifying the concept of discussion and justifying it as an approach to the teaching of controversial issues. We then report on a recent empirical study of the Perspectives (...)
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  • Douglas Walton’s Contributions in Education.Chrysi Rapanta - 2022 - Informal Logic 44 (1):139-170.
    Douglas Walton, perhaps the most prolific author in Argumentation theory, has been of a great influence in the fields of Informal logic, Artificial intelligence, and Law. His contributions in the field of educational research, in particular in the field of argumentation and education, are less known. This review paper aims at shedding light on those aspects of Walton’s theory that have received educational researchers’ attention thus far, as well identifying existing lacks of consideration and open paths for future research.
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  • The Roots of Philosophy.John White - 1992 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 33:73-88.
    Some people think that the impulse to philosophise begins in early childhood: Gareth Matthews, for instance, in his Philosophy and the Young Child . His book begins ‘TIM , while busily engaged in licking a pot, asked, “Papa, how can we be sure that everything is not a dream?’” ‘Tim's puzzle,’ he tells us, ‘is quintessentially philosophical. Tim has framed a question that calls into doubt a very ordinary notion in such a way as to make us wonder whether we (...)
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  • 13. On the Pragmatics of Answers.Ferenc Kiefer - 1988 - In Michel Meyer (ed.), Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 255.
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  • The Contrast Between Interrogatives and Questions.Rodney Huddleston - 1994 - Journal of Linguistics 30 (2):411-439.
    This paper explores the relation between interrogative, a category of grammatical form, and question, a category of meaning. Interrogative contrasts with declarative, imperative, etc., in the system of clause type ; a question defines a set of answers. Two kinds of interrogative are distinguished, closed and open - though in some languages they may be distinct primary classes. Three kinds of question are distinguished according to the way the set of answers is defined: polar, alternative and variable questions; another dimension (...)
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  • Enacting dialogue: the impact of promoting Philosophy for Children on the literate thinking of identified poor readers, aged 10.Philip Jenkins - 2010 - Language and Education 24 (6):459-472.
    The Philosophy for Children in Schools Project (P4CISP) is a research project to monitor and evaluate the impact of Philosophy for Children (P4C) on classroom practices. In this paper the impact of P4C on the thinking skills of you children aged 10 is examined. Standardised tests indicated the children had below-average reading ages. The pupils were video recorded while engaged in discussion of questions they had formulated themselves in response to a series of texts in preparation for a community of (...)
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  • What answers can be given?Günther Grewendorf - 1983 - In Ferenc Kiefer (ed.), Questions and Answers. Springer. pp. 45--84.
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