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  1. The Morality of Freedom.Joseph Raz - 1986 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Ranging over central issues of morals and politics and the nature of freedom and authority, this study examines the role of value-neutrality, rights, equality, ...
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  • The nature of human values.Milton Rokeach - 1973 - New York,: Free Press.
    Integrating personality, behavioral, and cognitive theories of change, the author examines the operations, measurement, and evolution of behavioral and ethical standards that distinguish capitalism from other ideologies.
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  • Liberalism, Community, and Culture.Will Kymlicka - 1989 - Oxford University Press.
    in a very different sense, to refer to the cultural community, or cultural structure, itself On this view, the cultural community continues to exist even when its members arc free to modify the character of the culture, should they find its traditional ...
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility.Archie B. Carroll - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (3):268-295.
    There is an impressive history associated with the evolution of the concept and definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this article, the author traces the evolution of the CSR construct beginning in the 1950s, which marks the modern era of CSR. Definitions expanded during the 1960s and proliferated during the 1970s. In the 1980s, there were fewer new definitions, more empirical research, and alternative themes began to mature. These alternative themes included corporate social performance (CSP), stakeholder theory, and business (...)
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  • (2 other versions)The morality of freedom.J. Raz - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):108-109.
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  • Corporate Social Performance As a Competitive Advantage in Attracting a Quality Workforce.Daniel W. Greening & Daniel B. Turban - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (3):254-280.
    Several researchers have suggested that a talented, quality workforce will become a more important source of competitive advantage for firms in the future. Drawing on social identity theory and signaling theory, the authors hypothesize that firms can use their corporate social performance (CSP) activities to attract job applicants. Specifically, signaling theory suggests that a firm’s CSP sends signals to prospective job applicants about what it would be like to work for a firm. Social identity theory suggests that job applicants have (...)
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  • A Matter of Principle.Law's Empire.Ronald Dworkin - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (5):284-291.
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  • (3 other versions)Business Citizenship: From Domestic to Global Level of Analysis.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):155-187.
    Abstract:In this article we first review the development of the concept of global business citizenship and show how the libertarian political philosophy of free-market capitalism must give way to a communitarian view in order for the voluntaristic, local notion of “corporate citizenship” to take root. We then distinguish the concept of global business citizenship from “corporate citizenship” by showing how the former concept requires a transition from communitarian thinking to a position of universal human rights. In addition, we link global (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Business Citizenship: From Domestic to Global Level of Analysis.Jeanne M. Logsdon & Donna J. Wood - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):155-187.
    Abstract:In this article we first review the development of the concept of global business citizenship and show how the libertarian political philosophy of free-market capitalism must give way to a communitarian view in order for the voluntaristic, local notion of “corporate citizenship” to take root. We then distinguish the concept of global business citizenship from “corporate citizenship” by showing how the former concept requires a transition from communitarian thinking to a position of universal human rights. In addition, we link global (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility education in europe.Dirk Matten & Jeremy Moon - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (4):323 - 337.
    In the context of some criticism about social responsibility education in business schools, the paper reports findings from a survey of CSR education (teaching and research) in Europe. It analyses the extent of CSR education, the different ways in which it is defined and the levels at which it is taught. The paper provides an account of the efforts that are being made to mainstream CSR teaching and of the teaching methods deployed. It considers drivers of CSR courses, particularly the (...)
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  • Advancing Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Habermasian Perspective.Dirk Ulrich Gilbert & Michael Behnam - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):215-234.
    We critically assess integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) and show that the concept particularly lacks of moral justification of substantive hypernorms. By drawing on Habermasian philosophy, in particular discourse ethics and its recent application in the theory of deliberative democracy , we further advance ISCT and show that social contracting in business ethics requires a well-justified procedural rather than a substantive focus for managing stakeholder relations. We also replace the monological concept of hypothetical thought experiments in ISCT by a concept (...)
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  • Moving to CSR.William C. Frederick - 1998 - Business and Society 37 (1):40-59.
    The study of Social Issues in Management (SIM) has exhausted its primary analytic framework based on corporate social performance (social science), business ethics (philosophy), and stakeholder theory (organizational science), and needs to move to a new paradigmatic level based on the natural sciences. Doing so would expand research horizons to include cosmological perspectives (astrophysics), evolutionary theory (biology, genetics, ecology), and non-sectarian spirituality concepts (theological naturalism, cognitive neuroscience). Absent this shift, SIM studies risk increasing irrelevance for scholars and business practitioners.
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  • The Influence of Cultural Values on Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of Hofstede’s Dimensions to Korean Public Relations Practitioners.Yungwook Kim & Soo-Yeon Kim - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (4):485-500.
    This study explores the relationship between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and public relations practitioners’ perceptions of corporate social respon- sibility in South Korea. The survey on Korean public relations practitioners revealed that, although Hofstede’s dimensions significantly affect public relations practitioners’ perceptions of CSR, social traditionalism values had more explanatory power than cultural dimensions in explaining CSR attitudes. The results suggest that practitioners’ fundamental ideas about the corporation’s role in society seem to be more important than their cultural values to understand public (...)
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  • A critique of the empirical methods of integrative social contracts theory.Bryan W. Husted - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (3):227 - 235.
    Integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) uses empirical methods to develop guidelines for international business ethics. This article criticizes ISCT in terms of the way people actually think about contracts and agreements around the globe. Differences in orientations to communications context, moral reasoning, and institutional and structural conditions make the identification of authentic norms, hypernorms, and relevant communities problematic. The difficulties of the empirical methods suggest recourse to more traditional theoretical approaches for the identification of hypernorms as well as a stronger (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility theories: Mapping the territory. [REVIEW]Elisabet Garriga & Domènec Melé - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):51-71.
    The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field presents not only a landscape of theories but also a proliferation of approaches, which are controversial, complex and unclear. This article tries to clarify the situation, mapping the territory by classifying the main CSR theories and related approaches in four groups: (1) instrumental theories, in which the corporation is seen as only an instrument for wealth creation, and its social activities are only a means to achieve economic results; (2) political theories, which concern themselves (...)
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  • No Logo.Naomi Klein - 2007 - Science and Society 71 (3):361-363.
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  • Transnational Corporate Social Responsibility: A Tri-Dimensional Approach to International CSR Research.Marne L. Arthaud-Day - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (1):1-22.
    Abstract:Comparatively few studies have analyzed the social behavior of multinational corporations (MNCs) at a cross-national level. To address this gap in the literature, we propose a “transnational” model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that permits identification of universal domains, yet incorporates the flexibility and adaptability demanded by international research. The model is tri-dimensional in that it juxtaposes: 1) Bartlett and Ghoshal’s (1998, 2000) typology of MNC strategies (multinational, global, “international,” and transnational); 2) the three conceptual domains of CSR (human rights, (...)
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  • Concepts and definitions of CSR and corporate sustainability: Between agency and communion. [REVIEW]van Marrewijk Marcel - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2-3):95-105.
    This paper provides an overview of the contemporary debate on the concepts and definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Sustainability (CS). The conclusions, based on historical perspectives, philosophical analyses, impact of changing contexts and situations and practical considerations, show that "one solution fits all"-definition for CS(R) should be abandoned, accepting various and more specific definitions matching the development, awareness and ambition levels of organizations.
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  • Being in the World: Globalization and Localization.Jonathan Friedman - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):311-328.
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  • Review of Ronald Dworkin: A matter of principle[REVIEW]Ronald Dworkin - 1987 - Ethics 97 (2):481-483.
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  • Intrinsic value as a reason for the preservation of minority cultures.Albert W. Musschenga - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (2):201-225.
    In the Netherlands, the policy of supporting the efforts of ethnic-cultural minorities to express and preserve their cultural distinctiveness, is nowadays considered as problematic because it might interfere with their integration into the wider society. The primary aim is now to reduce these groups' unemployment rate and to stimulate their participation in the wider society. In this article I consider how the notion of the intrinsic value of cultures, if sensible, might affect the policy regarding ethnic-cultural minorities. I develop a (...)
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  • Culture; A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. [REVIEW]Abraham Edel - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (19):559-563.
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  • Human rights, culture and context: anthropological perspectives.Richard Wilson (ed.) - 1997 - Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press.
    Drawing on case studies from around the world - including Iran, Guatemala, USA and Mexico - this collection documents how transnational human rights discourses and legal institutions are materialised, imposed, resisted and transformed in a variety of contexts.
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  • The Impact of Chinese Culture on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Harmony Approach. [REVIEW]Lei Wang & Heikki Juslin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3):433 - 451.
    Although the history of adopting the Western Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept in China spans less than 20 years, the core principles of CSR are not new and can be legitimately interpreted within traditional Chinese culture. We find that the Western CSR concepts do not adapt well to the Chinese market, because they have rarely defined the primary reason for CSR well, and the etic approach to CSR concepts does not take the Chinese reality and culture into consideration. This article (...)
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  • A Liberal Defence of the Intrinsic Value of Cultures.St|[Eacute]|Phane Courtois - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):31.
    Over the past 15 years, a great deal of efforts have been done by political philosophers to make liberal political theory more sensitive to the importance culture has for individuals, and to think about how to translate this importance into laws and policies, in particular those affecting cultural and national minorities. However, one of the outstanding issues is whether and how an appropriate account of the worth of culture can be provided from a liberal point of view. The most important (...)
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  • A Liberal Defence of the Intrinsic Value of Cultures.Stéphane Courtois - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):31-52.
    Over the past 15 years, a great deal of efforts have been done by political philosophers to make liberal political theory more sensitive to the importance culture has for individuals, and to think about how to translate this importance into laws and policies, in particular those affecting cultural and national minorities. However, one of the outstanding issues is whether and how an appropriate account of the worth of culture can be provided from a liberal point of view. The most important (...)
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  • A Liberal Defence of the Intrinsic Value of Cultures.Slavoj Žižek - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):31-52.
    Over the past 15 years, a great deal of efforts have been done by political philosophers to make liberal political theory more sensitive to the importance culture has for individuals, and to think about how to translate this importance into laws and policies, in particular those affecting cultural and national minorities. However, one of the outstanding issues is whether and how an appropriate account of the worth of culture can be provided from a liberal point of view. The most important (...)
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  • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Policy: Reflections on an Intellectual Journey, 1964-1996, and Beyond.William Frederick - 1998 - Business and Society 37 (1):7-39.
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  • Integrative social contracts theory: Hype over hypernorms. [REVIEW]Mark Douglas - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (2):101 - 110.
    Applying social contract theory to business ethics is a relatively new idea, and perhaps nobody has pursued this direction better than Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee. Their "Integrative Social Contracts Theory" manages to combine culturally sensitive decision making capacities with trans-cultural norms by setting up a layered system of social contracts. Lurking behind their work is a concern with the problems of relativism. They hope to alleviate these problems by introducing three concepts important to the ISCT: "authentic norms," which (...)
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  • The Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Vision of Four Nations. [REVIEW]Ina Freeman & Amir Hasnaoui - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (3):419 - 443.
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has existed in name for over 70 years. It is practiced in many countries and it is studied in academia around the world. However, CSR is not a universally adopted concept as it is understood differentially despite increasing pressures for its incorporation into business practices. This lack of a clear definition is complicated by the use of ambiguous terms in the proffered definitions and disputes as to where corporate governance is best addressed by many of the (...)
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  • The End of Culture: Toward a Generative Anthropology.Eric Lawrence Gans - 1985
    Gans demonstrates that human representation—language, ritual, art—could only have originated as an event taking place on a scene present to the consciousness of its participants. This volume lays the foundation for an important revision of our understanding of cultural achievement.
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