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  1. A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book offers a unique synthesis of past and current work on the structure, meaning, and use of negation and negative expressions, a topic that has engaged thinkers from Aristotle and the Buddha to Freud and Chomsky. Horn's masterful study melds a review of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics with original research, providing a full picture of negation in natural language and thought; this new edition adds a comprehensive preface and bibliography, surveying research since the book's original publication.
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  • The logic of paradox.Graham Priest - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):219 - 241.
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  • A Natural History of Negation.Laurence R. Horn - 1989 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (2):164-168.
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  • An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic.Graham Priest - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):294-295.
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  • Paraconsistent logics?B. H. Slater - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4):451 - 454.
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  • Sur l'opposition des concepts.Robert Blanche - 1953 - Theoria 19 (3):89-130.
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  • On the 3d visualisation of logical relations.Hans Smessaert - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (2):303-332.
    The central aim of this paper is to present a Boolean algebraic approach to the classical Aristotelian Relations of Opposition, namely Contradiction and (Sub)contrariety, and to provide a 3D visualisation of those relations based on the geometrical properties of Platonic and Archimedean solids. In the first part we start from the standard Generalized Quantifier analysis of expressions for comparative quantification to build the Comparative Quantifier Algebra CQA. The underlying scalar structure allows us to define the Aristotelian relations in Boolean terms (...)
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  • Structures intellectuelles.Robert Blanché & Georges Davy - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (4):541-542.
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  • Yes, Virginia, there really are paraconsistent logics.Bryson Brown - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (5):489-500.
    B. H. Slater has argued that there cannot be any truly paraconsistent logics, because it's always more plausible to suppose whatever "negation" symbol is used in the language is not a real negation, than to accept the paraconsistent reading. In this paper I neither endorse nor dispute Slater's argument concerning negation; instead, my aim is to show that as an argument against paraconsistency, it misses (some of) the target. A important class of paraconsistent logics - the preservationist logics - are (...)
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  • Suszko’s Thesis, Inferential Many-valuedness, and the Notion of a Logical System.Heinrich Wansing & Yaroslav Shramko - 2008 - Studia Logica 88 (3):405-429.
    According to Suszko’s Thesis, there are but two logical values, true and false. In this paper, R. Suszko’s, G. Malinowski’s, and M. Tsuji’s analyses of logical twovaluedness are critically discussed. Another analysis is presented, which favors a notion of a logical system as encompassing possibly more than one consequence relation. [A] fundamental problem concerning many-valuedness is to know what it really is. [13, p. 281].
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  • Quine and Slater on paraconsistency and deviance.Francesco Paoli - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (5):531-548.
    In a famous and controversial paper, B. H. Slater has argued against the possibility of paraconsistent logics. Our reply is centred on the distinction between two aspects of the meaning of a logical constant *c* in a given logic: its operational meaning, given by the operational rules for *c* in a cut-free sequent calculus for the logic at issue, and its global meaning, specified by the sequents containing *c* which can be proved in the same calculus. Subsequently, we use the (...)
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  • Paraconsistent logic from a modal viewpoint.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (1):7-14.
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  • Many-valued logics and Suszko's thesis revisited.Marcelo Tsuji - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (2):299-309.
    Suszko's Thesis maintains that many-valued logics do not exist at all. In order to support it, R. Suszko offered a method for providing any structural abstract logic with a complete set of bivaluations. G. Malinowski challenged Suszko's Thesis by constructing a new class of logics (called q-logics by him) for which Suszko's method fails. He argued that the key for logical two-valuedness was the "bivalent" partition of the Lindenbaum bundle associated with all structural abstract logics, while his q-logics were generated (...)
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  • The geometry of standard deontic logic.Alessio Moretti - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):19-57.
    Whereas geometrical oppositions (logical squares and hexagons) have been so far investigated in many fields of modal logic (both abstract and applied), the oppositional geometrical side of “deontic logic” (the logic of “obligatory”, “forbidden”, “permitted”, . . .) has rather been neglected. Besides the classical “deontic square” (the deontic counterpart of Aristotle’s “logical square”), some interesting attempts have nevertheless been made to deepen the geometrical investigation of the deontic oppositions: Kalinowski (La logique des normes, PUF, Paris, 1972) has proposed a (...)
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  • Paraconsistent logics!Greg Restall - 1997 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 26 (3):156-163.
    In this note I respond to Hartley Slater's argument 12 to the e ect that there is no such thing as paraconsistent logic. Slater's argument trades on the notion of contradictoriness in the attempt to show that the negation of paraconsistent logics is merely a subcontrary forming operator and not one which forms contradictories. I will show that Slater's argument fails, for two distinct reasons. Firstly, the argument does not consider the position of non-dialethic paraconsistency which rejects the possible truth (...)
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  • (1 other version)Paraconsistent Logic!Jean-Yves Béziau - 2006 - Sorites 17:17-25.
    We answer Slater's argument according to which paraconsistent logic is a result of a verbal confusion between «contradictories» and «subcontraries». We show that if such notions are understood within classical logic, the argument is invalid, due to the fact that most paraconsistent logics cannot be translated into classical logic. However we prove that if such notions are understood from the point of view of a particular logic, a contradictory forming function in this logic is necessarily a classical negation. In view (...)
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  • Geometry of Modalities ? Yes : Through n-Opposition Theory.Alessio Moretti - unknown
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