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Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other

Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press (2020)

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  1. All Animals Are Equal.Peter Singer - 1989 - In Tom Regan & Peter Singer, Animal Rights and Human Obligations. Cambridge University Press. pp. 215--226.
    In recent years a number of oppressed groups have campaigned vigorously for equality. The classic instance is the Black Liberation movement, which demands an end to the prejudice and discrimination that has made blacks second-class citizens. The immediate appeal of the black liberation movement and its initial, if limited, success made it a model for other oppressed groups to follow. We became familiar with liberation movements for Spanish-Americans, gay people, and a variety of other minorities. When a majority group—women—began their (...)
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  • Asymmetrical freedom.Susan Wolf - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (March):151-66.
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  • Three normative models of democracy.Jürgen Habermas - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):1-10.
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  • Honneth on social pathologies: a critique.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (2):131-152.
    Over the last two decades, Axel Honneth has written extensively on the notion of social pathology, presenting it as a distinctive critical resource of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, in which tradition he places himself, and as an alternative to the mainstream liberal approaches in political philosophy. In this paper, I review the developments of Honneth's writing on this notion and offer an immanent critique, with a particular focus on his recent major work "Freedom's Right". Tracing the use of, and problems (...)
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  • Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft.Edmund Husserl (ed.) - 1965 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Meiner Verlag.
    Der für die Begründung und spätere Ausformung der Husserlschen Phänomenologie programmatische Text "Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft" entstand in wenigen Wochen um die Jahreswende 1910/1911 und bildete die erste größere Veröffentlichung Husserls seit seinem vielbeachteten Frühwerk, den "Logischen Untersuchungen" von 1900/ 1901. Trotz der erstaunlich kurzen Zeit, die Husserl für die schriftliche Fixierung benötigte, bietet diese - erstmals in der Zeitschrift Logos publizierte - Schrift auf beeindruckende Weise bereits einen umfassenden Überblick über die leitenden Gedanken und Einsichten, die für sein späteres (...)
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  • The racialization of Muslim veils: A philosophical analysis.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (8):875-902.
    This article goes behind stereotypes of Muslim veiling to ask after the representational structure underlying these images. I examine the public debate leading to the 2004 French law banning conspicuous religious signs in schools and French colonial attitudes to veiling in Algeria, in conjunction with discourses on the veil that have arisen in other western contexts. My argument is that western perceptions and representations of veiled Muslim women are not simply about Muslim women themselves. Rather than representing Muslim women, these (...)
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  • (1 other version)Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft.Edmund Husserl - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:575.
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  • Adorno on the ethical and the ineffable.James Gordon Finlayson - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):1–25.
    The thesis is that Adorno has a normative ethics, albeit a minimal and negative ethics of resistance. However Adorno’s ethical theory faces two problems: the problem of the availability of the good and the problem of whether a normative ethics is consistent with philosophical negativism. The author argues that a correct of understanding the role of the ineffable in Adorno’s Negative Dialectics solves both problems: it provides an account of the availability of the good that is consistent with his philosophical (...)
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  • Responding with dao : Early daoist ethics and the environment.Eric Sean Nelson - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (3):pp. 294-316.
    Early Daoism, as articulated in the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi, indirectly addresses environmental issues by intimating a non-reductive naturalistic ethics calling on humans to be open and responsive to the specificities and interconnections of the world and environment to which they belong. "Dao" is not a substantial immanent or transcendent entity but the lived enactment of the intrinsic worth of the "myriad things" and the natural world occurring through how humans address and are addressed by them. Early Daoism potentially corrects (...)
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  • Meontological Generativity: A Daoist Reading of the Thing.David Chai - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (2):303-318.
    This paper relocates the philosophical discourse on the Thing (das Ding) to the world of classical Daoism. In doing so, it explores the bond between the One, the Thing and its signifier before discussing how the Thing unveils itself to the world while receiving the gift of nothingness from Dao. It furthermore contends that the two most prominent discussions of the Thing in the Western tradition--those by Heidegger and Lacan--while philosophically valuable in their own right, fail to provide the degree (...)
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  • Confucian Relational Hermeneutics, the Emotions, and Ethical Life.Eric S. Nelson - 2018 - In Paul Fairfield & Saulius Geniusas, Relational Hermeneutics: Essays in Comparative Philosophy. Bloomsbury. pp. 193-204.
    In paradigmatic Confucian (Ruist) discourses, emotion (qing) has been depicted as co-arising with human nature (xing) and an irreducible constitutive source of human practices and their interpretation. The affects are concurrently naturally arising and alterable through how individuals react and respond to them and how they are or are not cultivated. That is, emotions are relationally mediated realities given in and transformed through how they are felt, understood, interpreted, and acted upon. Confucian discourses have elucidated the ethical character of the (...)
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  • Adorno and the disenchantment of nature.Alison Stone - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (2):231-253.
    In this article I re-examine Adorno's and Horkheimer's account of the disenchantment of nature in Dialectic of Enlightenment . I argue that they identify disenchantment as a historical process whereby we have come to find natural things meaningless and completely intelligible. However, Adorno and Horkheimer believe that modernity not only rests on disenchantment but also tends to re-enchant nature, because it encourages us to think that its institutions derive from, and are anticipated and prefigured by, nature. I argue that Adorno's (...)
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  • Daoism and Wu.David Chai - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):663-671.
    This paper introduces the concept of nothingness as used in classical Daoist philosophy, building upon contemporary scholarship by offering a uniquely phenomenological reading of the term. It will be argued that the Chinese word wu bears upon two planes of reality concurrently: as ontological nothingness and as ontic nonbeing. Presenting wu in this dyadic manner is essential if we wish to avoid equating it with Dao itself, as many have been wont to do; rather, wu is the mystery that perpetually (...)
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  • The Inclusion of the Other?Lasse Thomassen - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (4):439-462.
    In his most recent work, Jürgen Habermas has proposed a deliberative account of tolerance where the norms of tolerance—including the threshold of tolerance and the norms regulating the relationship between the tolerating and the tolerated parties—are the outcomes of deliberations among the citizens affected by the norms. He thinks that in this way, the threshold of tolerance can be rationalized and the relationship between tolerating and tolerated will rest on the symmetrical relations of public deliberations. In this essay, and inspired (...)
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  • Hegel, Naturalism and the Philosophy of Nature.Alison Stone - 2013 - Hegel Bulletin 34 (1):59-78.
    In this article I consider whether Hegel is a naturalist or an anti-naturalist with respect to his philosophy of nature. I adopt a cluster-based approach to naturalism, on which positions are more or less naturalistic depending how many strands of the clusternaturalismthey exemplify. I focus on two strands: belief that philosophy is continuous with the empirical sciences, and disbelief in supernatural entities. I argue that Hegel regards philosophy of nature as distinct, but not wholly discontinuous, from empirical science and that (...)
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  • Heidegger and Dilthey: Language, History, and Hermeneutics.Eric S. Nelson - 2015 - In Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen, Horizons of Authenticity in Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Moral Psychology: Essays in Honor of Charles Guignon. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer. pp. 109-128.
    The hermeneutical tradition represented by Yorck, Heidegger, and Gadamer has distrusted Dilthey as suffering from the two sins of modernism: scientific “positivism” and individualistic and aesthetic “romanticism.” On the one hand, Dilthey’s epistemology is deemed scientistic in accepting the priority of the empirical, the ontic, and consequently scientific inquiry into the physical, biological, and human worlds; on the other hand, his personalist ethos and Goethean humanism, and his pluralistic life- and worldview philosophy are considered excessively aesthetic, culturally liberal, relativistic, and (...)
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  • Formal Indication and the Hermeneutics of Facticity.Leslie MacAvoy - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):84-90.
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  • Daoism as critical theory.Mario Wenning - 2011 - Comparative Philosophy 2 (2):50.
    Classical philosophical Daoism as it is expressed in the Dao-De-Jing and the Zhuang-Zi is often interpreted as lacking a capacity for critique and resistance. Since these capacities are taken to be central components of Enlightenment reason and action, it would follow that Daoism is incompatible with Enlightenment. This interpretation is being refuted by way of developing a constructive dialogue between the enlightenment traditions of critical theory and recent philosophy of action from a Daoist perspective. Daoism's normative naturalism does neither rest (...)
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  • The Face in Levinas: toward a phenomenology of substitution.Bettina Bergo - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (1):17-39.
    This is a study of the way in which Levinas approaches the experience of human expression from two perspectives: firstly, as a pre-thematic or pre-cognitive “experience,” which requires that he revisit Husserl's pre-objective intentionality and explore the relationship between the upsurge of sensation and its “intentionalization” as consciousness self-temporalizing. Thereafter, Levinas must contend with the implications of his own writing, which includes his claims for the face. This implies that he must grapple with criticism to the effect that he is (...)
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  • The contradictions of racism : Locke, slavery, and the two treatises.Robert Bernasconi & Anika Maaza Mann - 2005 - In Andrew Valls, Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
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  • Recognition Beyond Struggle.Michael Monahan - 2006 - Social Theory and Practice 32 (3):389-414.
    The article discusses the concept of Hegelian recognition. The four central tenets of the agonistic interpretation of Hegelian recognition are discussed. First, recognition requires participants to occupy one of the two roles such as recognizer and recognizee. Moreover, it asserts that recognition is a relation of asymmetry. The article addresses the concept of pure recognition. In this concept, the agent is able to exist as a self-conscious agent for another self-conscious agent. Furthermore, the uses and abuses of recognition are also (...)
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  • Levinas and the Struggle for Existence.Robert Bernasconi - 2005 - In Eric Sean Nelson, Antje Kapust & Kent Still, Addressing Levinas. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 170--184.
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  • (1 other version)From the Actual to the Possible: Nonidentity Thinking.Deborah Cook - 2005 - Constellations 12 (1):21-35.
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  • (1 other version)Suffering and Knowledge in Adorno.Raymond Geuss - 2005 - Constellations 12 (1):3-20.
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  • Some questions for my Levinasian friends.David Wood - 2005 - In Eric Sean Nelson, Antje Kapust & Kent Still, Addressing Levinas. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 152--169.
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  • Kant and daoism on nothingness.Mario Wenning - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (4):556-568.
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  • Moral and Political Prudence in Kant.Eric Sean Nelson - 2004 - International Philosophical Quarterly 44 (3):305-319.
    This paper challenges the standard view that Kant ignored the role of prudence in moral life by arguing that there are two notions of prudence at work in his moral and political thought. First, prudence is ordinarily understood as a technical imperative of skill that consists in reasoning about the means to achieve a particular conditional end. Second, prudence functions as a secondary form of practical thought that plays a significant role in the development of applied moral and political judgment. (...)
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  • Between Nature and Spirit: Naturalism and Anti-Naturalism in Dilthey.Eric S. Nelson - 2013 - In Giuseppe D'Anna, Helmut Johach & Eric Sean Nelson, Anthropologie und Geschichte. Studien zu Wilhelm Dilthey aus Anlass seines 100. Todestages. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  • Eurocentrism and Colorblindness.Oona Eisenstadt - 2012 - Levinas Studies 7 (1):43-62.
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  • Schleiermacher on Language, Religious Feeling, and the Ineffable.Eric Sean Nelson - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):297-312.
    This paper is about the relevance of the ineffable and the singular to hermeneutics. I respond to standard criticisms of Friedrich Schleiermacher by Karl Barth and Hans-Georg Gadamer in order to clarify his understanding of language, interpretation, and religion. Schleiermacher’s “indicative hermeneutics” is developed in the context of the ethical significance of communication and the ineffable. The notion of trace is employed in order to interpret the paradox of speaking about that which cannot be spoken. The trace is not a (...)
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  • Levinas and the palestinians.Jason Caro - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (6):671-684.
    Levinas is often credited with introducing a strong notion of ethics into postmodern thought. But his commitment to Zionism, his views on the Palestinian people, and his underformulated theory of justice raise questions about the desirability of his thinking for politics. In this study, the well-known encounter between Levinas and the Palestinians is addressed in order to determine how his philosophy of ethics can be deployed for political ends. As the philosopher famously concerned with the connection between self and the (...)
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  • Alienation from Nature and Early German Romanticism.Alison Stone - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):41-54.
    In this article I ask how fruitful the concept of alienation can be for thinking critically about the nature and causes of the contemporary environmental crisis. The concept of alienation enables us to claim that modern human beings have become alienated or estranged from nature and need to become reconciled with it. Yet reconciliation has often been understood—notably by Hegel and Marx—as the state of being ‘at-home-with-oneself-in-the-world’, in the name of which we are entitled, perhaps even obliged, to overcome anything (...)
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  • Kant and china: Aesthetics, race, and nature.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (4):509-525.
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  • Derrida and the ethics of the im-possible.François Raffoul - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (2):270-290.
    Derrida often insists that ethics must be the experience and encounter of a certain impossible. A proposition all the more troubling, as it is proposed by Derrida in the context of a return precisely to the conditions of possibility of ethics. It will appear that returning to the possibilities of ethics implies a return to its limits, to its aporias, which are both constitutive and incapacitating, possibilizing and impossibilizing. The purpose of this paper is to begin exploring this aporetic structure (...)
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  • Dogs and Fire The Ethics and Politics of Nature in Levinas.Annabel Herzog - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):359-379.
    In Levinas’s philosophy, “nature” refers to two distinct and sometimes opposed concepts. Most often it stands for being and perseverance in being (i.e., conatus): it is what is and wants to be. In some places, however, “nature” indicates the limits of human power, violence, or hubris, and reveals the uncanny unlimitedness of transcendence. In other words, “nature” designates primarily the ontological character of Creation but also sometimes the otherness beyond ontology. It expresses the egoistic but also sometimes the altruistic. It (...)
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  • Adorno and Negative Theology.Martin Shuster - 2016 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 37 (1):97-130.
    This article elaborates Theodor W. Adorno’s understanding of ‘negation’ and ‘negative theology.’ It proceeds by introducing a typology of negation within modern philosophy roughly from Descartes onwards, showing how Adorno both fits and also stands out in this typology. Ultimately, it is argued that Adorno’s approach to negation and thereby to negative theology is throughout distinguished and infused by an ethical commitment.
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  • (1 other version)7. Suffering and Knowledge in Adorno.Raymond Geuss - 2009 - In 3. Outside Ethics. Princeton University Press. pp. 111-130.
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  • Otherness and individuation in Heidegger.François Raffoul - 1995 - Man and World 28 (4):341-358.
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  • Heidegger, Levinas, and the Other of History.Eric S. Nelson - 2014 - In John E. Drabinski and Eric S. Nelson, Between Levinas and Heidegger. SUNY. pp. 51-72.
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  • Introduction: Thoughts beside themselves.Tom Huhn - 2004 - In The Cambridge Companion to Adorno. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--18.
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  • Is Guilt a Feeling? An Analysis of Guilt in Existential Philosophy.Hye Young Kim - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (3):230-240.
    The concept of guilt in relation to conscience and anxiety is not referred to as a feeling or an emotion in existential philosophy. Rather, the phenomenon of guilt is analyzed through the structure of existence. In Being and Time, Heidegger interprets guilt in the context of Dasein’s understanding of its own Being. The nature of Dasein as a finite entity permeates the analysis of guilt, which is based on the analysis of negation and the time structure of Dasein. An existential (...)
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  • Zen After Zarathustra: The Problem of the Will in the Confrontation Between Nietzsche and Buddhism.Bret W. Davis - 2004 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 28 (1):89-138.
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  • Exzentrische Tiere und die Selbstüberwindung des Naturalismus: Dilthey, Plessner, Grene.Eric S. Nelson - 2018 - In Rainer Adolphi, Andrzej Gniazdowski & Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Philosophische Anthropologie zwischen Soziologie und Geschichtsphilosophie. Nordhausen: Bautz-Verlag. pp. 369-387.
    In diesem Aufsatz, werde ich die Frage des Naturalismus in Plessners Philosophie des organischen Lebens und seiner amerikanischen Rezeption, in besonders die philosophischen-biologischen Schriften von Marjorie Grene, untersuchen. Die amerikanische Philosophin Grene war die Hauptvertreterin Plessners im Englischen Sprachraum in 20sten Jahrhundert, die Plessners anthropologischen Argumentation in ihren Schriften zur Philosophie der Biologie aufgenommen und verwendet hat. Grene kritisierte in ihren frühen Schriften Heidegger, Sartre, und die Existenzphilosophie, die das menschliche Dasein von der Natur radikal absondert und die negative Affekte (...)
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  • Levinas on suffering and compassion.William Edelglass - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2):43-59.
    This paper provides an analysis of suffering and compassion in the work of Emmanuel Levinas. Levinas describes compassion as ‘the nexus of human subjectivity’ and the ‘supreme ethical principle’. In his early texts, suffering discloses the burden of being, the limits of the self, and thus the approach of alterity. Levinas’s later phenomenology of suffering as passive, meaningless, and evil, functions as a refutation of rational explanations of suffering. I argue that Levinasian substitution, the traumatic election to an excessive responsibility, (...)
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  • Toward a dialectical concept of autonomy: Revisiting the feminist alliance with poststructuralism.Patricia Huntington - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (1):37-55.
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  • The Paradox of Inwardness in Kant and Kierkegaard.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (4):738-751.
    Aside from bioethics, the main theme of Ronald Green's lifework has been an exploration of the relation between religion and morality, with special emphasis on the philosophies of Immanuel Kant and Søren Kierkegaard. This essay summarizes and assesses his work on this theme by examining, in turn, four of his relevant books. Religious Reason introduced a new method of comparative religion based on Kant's model of a rational religion. Religion and Moral Reason expanded on this project, clarifying that religious traditions (...)
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  • Murdoch and Levinas on God and Good.Fiona Ellis - 2009 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1 (2):63 - 87.
    Murdoch and Levinas both believe that our humanity requires us to suppress our natural egoism and to be morally responsive to others. Murdoch insists that while such a morality presupposes a ’transcendent background’, God should be kept out of the picture altogether. By contrast, Levinas argues that, in responding morally to others, we make contact with God (though not the God of traditional Christianity) and that in doing so we become more God-like. I attempt to clarify their agreements and differences, (...)
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  • Heidegger and the Questionability of the Ethical.Eric Sean Nelson - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:411-435.
    Despite Heidegger’s critique of ethics, his use of ethically-inflected language intimates an interpretive ethics of encounter involving self-interpreting agents in their hermeneutical context and the formal indication of factical life as a situated dwelling open to possibilities enacted through practices of care, interpretation, and individuation. Existence is constituted practically in Dasein’s addressing, encountering, and responding to itself, others, and its world. Unlike rule-based or virtue ethics, this ethos of responsive encounter and individuating confrontation challenges any grounding in a determinate or (...)
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  • Levinas and the politics of hospitality.David Gauthier - 2007 - History of Political Thought 28 (1):158-180.
    This article presents an examination of the political implications of Levinas' concept of hospitality (hospitalité). As described by Levinas, hospitality operates in two distinct realms, the ethical and the political. In the ethical realm, the self is morally compelled to welcome the individual stranger into the private space of the home. In the public realm, the self is politically obligated to welcome the whole of humanity into the public space of the homeland. However, since politics is violent and totalizing, the (...)
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  • Levinas and Adorno: Universalizing the Jew after Auschwitz.Oona Eisenstadt - 2006 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 14 (1-2):131-151.
    The paper uses a comparison of Levinas and Adorno to raise certain questions about the former's thought. Both thinkers utilize Jewish experience as a trope for what eludes systematic conceptualization : the universalization and varying degrees of abstraction required to make this move form the content of the paper's central analysis. However, this analysis is framed in a wider argument about the way in which Levinas is an innovative thinker, the problems this innovation raises for the question of the eternal (...)
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