- Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine, Patricia Smith Churchland & Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1960 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.details
Frege: Philosophy of Language.Michael Dummett - 1973 - London: Duckworth.details
Articulating reasons: an introduction to inferentialism.Robert Brandom - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (2):278-279.details
The reason's proper study: essays towards a neo-Fregean philosophy of mathematics.Crispin Wright & Bob Hale - 2001 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by Crispin Wright.details
Frege's conception of numbers as objects.Crispin Wright - 1983 - [Aberdeen]: Aberdeen University Press.details
Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy.Gottlob Frege - 1991 - Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Brian McGuinness.details
Frege’s Conception of Numbers as Objects.Crispin Wright - 1983 - Critical Philosophy 1 (1):97.details
Articulating Reasons: An Introduction to Inferentialism.Robert Brandom - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (206):123-125.details
Word and Object.Henry W. Johnstone - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (1):115-116.details
On concept and object.Gottlob Frege - 1892 - Mind 60 (238):168-180.details
Problems of analysis.Max Black - 1954 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.details
Why Frege did not Deserve his Granum Salis: A Note on the Paradox of "The Concept Horse" and the Ascription of Bedeutungen to Predicates.Crispin Wright - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 55 (1):239-263.details
Singular terms.Bob Hale - 1994 - In Brian F. McGuinness & Gianluigi Oliveri (eds.), The Philosophy of Michael Dummett. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 17--44.details
Why Frege Should Not Have Said "The Concept Horse is Not a Concept".Terence Parsons - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):449 - 465.details
A few more remarks on logical form.Alex Oliver - 1999 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 99 (3):247–272.details
Quine's syntactical insights.P. T. Geach - 1968 - Synthese 19 (1-2):118 - 129.details
Crispin Wright, Frege's Conception of Numbers as Objects. [REVIEW]Boguslaw Wolniewicz - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):330-330.details
Frege on Functions.Max Black - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (2):201-202.details
Frege's Conception of Numbers as Objects. [REVIEW]Linda Wetzel - 1988 - Noûs 22 (1):147-149.details