- The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception.Michel Foucault - 1972-1977 - Vintage Books.details
The Foucault Reader.Michel Foucault - 1984 - Vintage.details
The Birth of the Clinic: An Archeology of Medical Perception.Michel Foucault - 1975 - Science and Society 39 (2):235-238.details
The turning point: science, society, and the rising culture.Fritjof Capra - 1983 - New York: Bantam Books.details
Michel Foucault: critical assessments.Barry Smart (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Routledge.details
Foundations of the metaphysics of morals.Immanuel Kant - 1950 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Robert Paul Wolff.details
Foucault: A Critical Reader.Edward W. Said & David Couzens Hoy - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy, Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 374-375.details
Power, repression, progress: Foucault, Lukes, and the Frankfurt school.David Couzens Hoy - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy, Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.details
In the empire of the gaze: Foucault and the denigration of vision in twentieth-century French thought.Martin Jay - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy, Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 175--204.details
Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis, the Expropriation of Health.Ivan Illich - 1976 - Marion Boyars Publishers.details
Michel Foucault.Mark Cousins - 1984 - New York: St. Martin's Press. Edited by Athar Hussain.details
The Medical Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century.Andrew Cunningham & Roger French - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.details
The age of structuralism: Lévi-Strauss to Foucault.Edith Kurzweil - 1980 - New York: Columbia University Press.details
Medicine Under Capitalism.Vicente Navarro - 1976details
Michel Foucault.M. Cousins & A. Hussain - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (4):691-692.details
For Weber. Essays on the Sociology of Fate.Brian S. Turner - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (1):159-160.details
The Age of Structuralism: Lévi-Strauss to Foucault.Edith Kurzweil - 1982 - Science and Society 46 (3):374-376.details