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  1. The Politics of Stakeholder Theory.R. Edward Freeman - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (4):409-421.
    The purpose of this paper is to enter the conversation about stakeholder theory with the goal of clarifying certain foundational issues. I want to show, along with Boatright, that there is no stakeholder paradox, and that the principle on which such a paradox is built, the Separation Thesis, is nicely self-serving to business and ethics academics. If we give up such a thesis we find there is no stakeholder theory but that stakeholder theory becomes a genre that is quite rich. (...)
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  • Is guanxi ethical? A normative analysis of doing business in china.Thomas W. Dunfee & Danielle E. Warren - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (3):191 - 204.
    This paper extends the discussion of guanxi beyond instrumental evaluations and advances a normative assessment of guanxi. Our discussion departs from previous analyses by not merely asking, Does guanxi work? but rather Should corporations use guanxi? The analysis begins with a review of traditional guanxi definitions and the changing economic and legal environment in China, both necessary precursors to understanding the role of guanxi in Chinese business transactions. This review leads us to suggest that there are distinct types of, and (...)
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  • Social Exchange in China: The Double-Edged Sword of Guanxi.Danielle E. Warren, Thomas W. Dunfee & Naihe Li - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (4):353-370.
    We present two studies that examine the effects of guanxi on multiple social groups from the perspective of Chinese business people. Study 1 (N = 203) tests the difference in perceived effects of six guanxi contextualizations. Study 2 (N = 195) examines the duality of guanxi as either helpful or harmful to social groups, depending on the contextualization. Findings suggest guanxi may result in positive as well as negative outcomes for focal actors and the aggregate.
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  • Gift Giving, Guanxi and Illicit Payments in Buyer–Supplier Relations in China: Analysing the Experience of UK Companies.Andrew Millington, Markus Eberhardt & Barry Wilkinson - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (3):255-268.
    . This paper explores the relationship between gift giving, guanxi and corruption through a study of the relationships between UK manufacturing companies in China and their local component suppliers. The analysis is based on interviews in the China-based operations of 49 UK companies. Interviews were carried out both with senior (often expatriate) staff and with local line managers who were responsible for everyday purchasing decisions and for managing relationships with suppliers. The results suggest that gift giving is perceived to be (...)
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  • Why an international code of business ethics would be good for business.Larry R. Smeltzer & Marianne M. Jennings - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):57 - 66.
    Many international business training programs present a viewpoint of cultural relativism that encourages business people to adapt to the host country's culture. This paper presents an argument that cultural relativism is not always appropriate for business ethics; rather, a code of conduct must be adapted which presents guidelines for core ethical business conduct across cultures. Both moral and economic evidence is provided to support the argument for a universal code of ethics. Also, four steps are presented that will help ensure (...)
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  • The dynamics of guanxi and ethics for chinese executives.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Louis T. W. Cheng & Ricky W. F. Szeto - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):327 - 336.
    This study empirically examines how Chinese executives perceive the role of guanxi and ethics played in their business operations. By factor-analyzing 850 valid replies collected from a comprehensive survey, the present study identifies three distinct ethics-related attitudes and two distinct guanxi-related attitudes for Chinese executives. The cluster analysis of the composite scores of these five attitudinal factors further indicates the existence of three distinct groups of Chinese executives that vary in their ethics and guanxi orientations. The three groups are unethical (...)
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  • Is Guanxi Orientation Bad, Ethically Speaking? A Study of Chinese Enterprises.Chenting Su, M. Joseph Sirgy & James E. Littlefield - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (4):303-312.
    Guanxi as one of the key factors leading to business success in China (PRC) has ironically been synonymous with bribery. This raises some serious questions: should Western foreign firms do business in China? How should they do business with Chinese firms? This study investigated the relationship between guanxi orientation and cognitive moral development in an attempt to determine whether the level of guanxi orientation of Chinese business people affects their ethical reasoning. Based on a classification of Chinese enterprises (Nee, 1992), (...)
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  • Introduction to Special Issue on Marketing Ethics.Scott J. Vitell - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (1):1-2.
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  • Gift giving, bribery and corruption: Ethical management of business relationships in china. [REVIEW]P. Steidlmeier - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (2):121 - 132.
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  • Entering guanxi: A business ethical dilemma in mainland china? [REVIEW]Chenting Su & James E. Littlefield - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (3):199 - 210.
    This paper represents an effort to distinguish between two types of guanxi prevalent in mainland China: favor-seeking guanxi that is culturally rooted and rent-seeking guanxi that is institutionally defined. Different rules of maneuvering the two types of guanxi are identified in light of Chinese cultural and business ethics. Strategies for entering guanxi in mainland China are also suggested.
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  • Ganxi's consequences: Personal gains at social cost. [REVIEW]Ying Fan - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):371 - 380.
    Is guanxi ethical? This question is largely ignored in the existing literature. This paper examines the ethical dimension of guanxi by focusing on the consequences of guanxi in business, from ethically misgiving behaviour to outright corruption. Guanxi may bring benefits to individuals as well as the organisations they represent but these benefits are obtained at the expenses of other individuals or firms and thus detrimental to the society. As guanxi has an impact on the wider public other than the guanxi (...)
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  • Relationship marketing in china: Guanxi, favouritism and adaptation. [REVIEW]Y. H. Wong & Ricky Yee-kwong Chan - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (2):107 - 118.
    One of the hot research topics today is relationship marketing. However, little research has been carried out in understanding the complex concepts of Guanxi (relationship) in a Chinese society. This research describes a study to operate the constructs of guanxi and explores the importance of guanxi in relationship development in order to present a new Guanxi framework. A study of both Western and Chinese literature provides foundations of the Guanxi perspectives. The constructs of adaptation, trust, opportunism and favour are identified. (...)
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