- Phenomenology of Perception.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1945/1962 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Donald A. Landes.details
The Visible and the Invisible: Followed by Working Notes.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1968 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Claude Lefort.details
The Structure of Behavior.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1963 - Boston,: Beacon Press (MA).details
Signs.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:231-231.details
Signs.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1964 - Evanston, USA: Northwestern University Press.details
The prose of the world.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.details
Nature: Course Notes From the Collége De France.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 2003 - Northwestern University Press.details
The online manifesto: being human in a hyper-connected era.Luciano Floridi (ed.) - 2014 - Cham: Springer Nature.details
American Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn.Hans Achterhuis (ed.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.details
(1 other version)Technics and Praxis.Don Ihde - 1979 - The Personalist Forum 1 (1):51-55.details
(1 other version)Technics and Praxis.Don Ihde - 1979 - Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (4):337-339.details
Simulacra and Simulation.Jean Baudrillard - 1994 - University of Michigan Press.details
Philosophy of Technology after the Empirical Turn.Philip Brey - 2010 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 14 (1):36-48.details
The Whale and the Reactor.Langdon Winner - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (3):194-218.details
Feed-Forward: On the Future of Twenty-First-Century Media.Mark B. N. Hansen - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.details
Merleau-Ponty and the Measuring Body.Aud Sissel Hoel & Annamaria Carusi - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1):45-70.details
Living in the age of the embodied screen.Jean du Toit - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1876895.details
The (oh-so-queerly-embodied) virtual.Jean du Toit - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (4):398-410.details
What's Lacking in Online Learning? Dreyfus, Merleau‐Ponty and Bodily Affective Understanding.Dave Ward - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (3):428-450.details
Phenomenology, Psychology, and Radical Behaviorism: Skinner and Merleau-Ponty On Behavior.Michael Corriveau - 1972 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 3 (1):7-34.details
Determining technology: myopia and dystopia.Gregory Swer - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):201-210.details