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  1. Practical Wisdom and Business Ethics.Dennis J. Moberg - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (3):535-561.
    ABSTRACT:Practical wisdom has received scant attention in business ethics. Defined as a disposition toward cleverness in crafting morally excellent responses to, or in anticipation of, challenging particularities, practical wisdom has four psychological components: knowledge, emotion, thinking, and motivation. People's experience, reflection, and inspiration are theorized to determine their capacity for practical wisdom-related performance. Enhanced by their abilities to engage in moral imagination, systems thinking, and ethical reframing, this capacity is realized in the form of wisdom-related performance. This can be manifested (...)
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  • The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.Richard Kraut (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics_ illuminates Aristotle’s ethics for both academics and students new to the work, with sixteen newly commissioned essays by distinguished international scholars. The structure of the book mirrors the organization of the Nichomachean Ethics itself. Discusses the human good, the general nature of virtue, the distinctive characteristics of particular virtues, voluntariness, self-control, and pleasure.
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  • Handbook of Qualitative Research.N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (4):409-410.
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  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Polluting Industries: Does Religion Matter?Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Quan Zeng & Yingjie Du - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):485-507.
    Using a sample of Chinese listed firms in polluting industries for the period of 2008–2010, we empirically investigate whether and how Buddhism, China’s most influential religion, affects corporate environmental responsibility (CER). In this study, we measure Buddhist variables as the number of Buddhist monasteries within a certain radius around Chinese listed firms’ registered addresses. In addition, we hand-collect corporate environmental disclosure scores based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting guidelines. Using hand-collected Buddhism data and corporate environmental disclosure scores, (...)
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  • Attachment and Loss.John Bowlby - 1968 - Pimlico.
    Provides a comprehensive report on the mother-child bond and the emotional effects of and behavioral response to maternal deprivation.
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  • Truth, Deception, and Skillful Means in the Lotus Sūtra.John Schroeder - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (1):35-52.
    This article seeks to broaden contemporary scholarship on the Lotus Sūtra by arguing that it is a philosophically critical, self-reflective text struggling with problems of truth in Buddhist discourse. While all Lotus Sūtra scholars agree that the doctrine of skillful means is a central teaching in the text, there is a common tendency to frame skillful means as a passive vehicle (or ‘means’) for expressing truth rather than an active philosophical critique of truth. This article argues that the Lotus Sūtra (...)
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  • Literal means and hidden meanings: A new analysis of skillful means.Asaf Federman - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (2):pp. 125-141.
    The Buddhist concept of skillful means , as introduced inMahāyāna sūtras, exposes a new awareness of the gap between text and meaning. Although the term is sometimes taken to point to the Buddha's pedagogical skills, this interpretation ignores the provocative use of the term in Mahāyāna texts. Treating skillful means as a universal Buddhist concept also fails to explain why and for what purpose it first became predominant in the Mahāyāna. Looking at the use of skillful means in the Lotus (...)
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  • (1 other version)The social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge.Peter Berger & Thomas Luckmann - 1966 - New York: Anchor Books. Edited by Thomas Luckmann.
    This book reformulates the sociological subdiscipline known as the sociology of knowledge. Knowledge is presented as more than ideology, including as well false consciousness, propaganda, science and art.
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  • The ethics of management.LaRue Tone Hosmer - 1987 - Homewood, Ill.: Irwin.
    Hosmer's fourth edition of The Ethics of Management provides business students (future managers) with a very specific analytical process for understanding and resolving moral problems in management. A manager needs insight and understanding in a global economy to convince everyone involved, given his or her varied religious, cultural, economic and social backgrounds, to accept a proposed moral solution. Acceptance of managerial moral solutions, over time, brings trust, commitment and effort, and those three, also over time, are essential for organizational success.
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  • Situational ethics across borders: A multicultural examination. [REVIEW]Christopher J. Robertson, William F. Crittenden, Michael K. Brady & James J. Hoffman - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):327 - 338.
    Managers throughout the world regularly face ethical dilemmas that have important, and perhaps complex, professional and personal implications. Further, societal consequences of decisions made can be far-reaching. In this study, 210 financial services managers from Australia, Chile, Ecuador and the United States were queried about their ethical beliefs when faced with four diverse dilemmas. In addition, the situational context was altered so the respondent viewed each dilemma from a top management position and from a position of economic hardship. Results suggest (...)
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  • Addressing Unintended Ethical Challenges of Workplace Mindfulness: A Four-Stage Mindfulness Development Model.David Rooney & Jane X. J. Qiu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):715-730.
    This study focuses on mindfulness programs in the corporate world, which are receiving increasing attention from business practitioners and organizational scholars. The workplace mindfulness literature is rapidly evolving, but most studies are oriented toward demonstrating the positive impacts of mindfulness as a state of mind. This study adopts a critical perspective to evaluate workplace mindfulness practice as a developmental process, with a focus on its potential risks that have ethical implications and are currently neglected by both researchers and practitioners. We (...)
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  • The Ethics of Management.Larue Tone Hosmer - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (12):940-940.
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  • Pragmatist Democracy: Evolutionary Learning as Public Philosophy.Christopher Ansell - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    The philosophy of pragmatism advances an evolutionary, learning-oriented perspective that is problem-driven, reflexive, and deliberative.
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  • Reintegrating Ethics and Institutional Theories.Richard P. Nielsen & Felipe G. Massa - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):135-147.
    Organizational ethics and institutional theories are extended by recovering Weberian and Pre-Weberian theorizing that emphasized the joining of ethics and institutional theories. Understanding how ethics and institutional systems influence each other can advance our understanding of the nature and causes of structural organizational ethics issues and help guide potential reforms. We consider the interplay of these elements during the recession of 2008–2009, highlighting how structural ethics problems may have to be addressed at the institutional levels and not solely the individual (...)
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  • Trust and Managerial Responsibility.Edward Soule - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):249-272.
    This paper explores the moral responsibility a manager has toward a worker. The primary focus is upon those relationships whereworkers have been led to trust their managers. I argue that in such circumstances, models of the employment relationship based on rational self-interest fail to adequately describe the behavior of the actors. Rather, I show through case studies how trust operates in these environments to supercede pure, self-interested behavior. I then explore the moral implications of this finding relative to those managers (...)
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  • The central philosophy of Buddhism.T. R. V. Murti - 1955 - London,: George Allen and Unwin.
    Originally published in 1955. The Madhyamika philosophy is, in the author's view, the philosophy which created a revolution in Buddhism and through that in the whole range of Indian philosophy. This volume is a study of the Madhyamika philosophy in all its important aspects and is divided into three parts: Historical: this traces the origin and development of the Madhyamika philosophy. The second part concentrates on a full and critical exposition of the Madhyamika philosophy, the structure of its dialectic, its (...)
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  • What the Buddha taught.Walpola Rāhula - 1967 - Grove Press.
    This indispensable volume is a lucid and faithful account of the Buddha's teachings. "For years," says the "Journal of the Buddhist Society," "the newcomer to Buddhism has lacked a simple and reliable introduction to the complexities of the subject. Dr. Rahula's "What the Buddha Taught" fills the need as only could be done by one having a firm grasp of the vast material to be sifted. It is a model of what a book should be that is addressed first of (...)
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  • Moral and Amoral Conceptions of Trust, with an Application in Organizational Ethics.Marc A. Cohen & John Dienhart - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):1-13.
    Across the management, social science, and business ethics literatures, and in much of the philosophy literature, trust is characterized as a disposition to act given epistemic states—beliefs and/or expectations about others and about the risks involved. This characterization of trust is best thought of as epistemological because epistemic states distinguish trust from other dispositions. The epistemological characterization of trust is the amoral one referred to in the title of this paper, and we argue that this characterization is conceptually inadequate. We (...)
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  • Selfhood and identity in confucianism, taoism, buddhism, and hinduism: Contrasts with the west.David Y. F. Ho - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (2):115–139.
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  • An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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  • Trust, Institutions, and Institutional Change: Industrial Districts and the Social Capital Hypothesis.Jack Knight & Henry Farrell - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (4):537-566.
    Much current work in the social sciences seeks to understand the effects of trust and social capital on economic and political outcomes. However, the sources of trust remain unclear. In this article, the authors articulate a basic theory of the relationship between institutions and trust. The authors apply this theory to industrial districts, geographically concentrated areas of small firm production, which involve extensive cooperation in the production process. Changes in power relations affect patterns of production;the authors suggest that they also (...)
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  • Toward a Buddhist systems methodology 1: Comparisons between Buddhism and systems theory.C. Y. Shen & G. Midgley - 2007 - .
    This paper compares some key concepts from Buddhism with ideas from different traditions of systems thinking. There appear to be many similarities, suggesting that there is significant potential for dialogue and mutual learning. The similarities also indicate that it may be possible to develop a Buddhist systems methodology to help guide exploration and change within Buddhist organisations.
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  • Deciding to bribe: A cross-level analysis of firm and home country influences on bribery activity.Kelly D. Martin, John B. Cullen & Jean L. Johnson - manuscript
    Local firms in their home countries often engage in behavior that constitutes corruption, at least through some cultural lenses. One such practice is bribery of public officials. This study uses multilevel theory to address the question of why bribery activity of this type differs among countries. We analyze responses from nearly 4,000 firms worldwide using hierarchical linear modeling to investigate cross-level predictions about bribery. Drawing from anomie theory, we find support for country-level cultural and institutional drivers of firm-level bribery. We (...)
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  • Moral Hazards on the Road to the “Virtual” Corporation.Thomas M. Jones & Norman E. Bowie - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):273-292.
    In recent years, two topics have made prominent debuts in the management literature—“virtual” corporations and trust within and among organizations. These two themes are related in that trust is important to the success of the virtual corporation. This article argues that confidence in the development of virtual corporations may be premature because of what we call the Virtual Corporation Paradox. This paradox can be succinctly stated: the short-term, transient deal-making on which the efficiency of the virtual corporation rests greatly impedes (...)
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  • The Duality of Crony Corruption in Economic Transition: Toward an Integrated Framework.Peter Ping Li - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):41-55.
    In order to shed light on the issue of crony corruption in the context of economic transition, I focus on the puzzle of China's unique experience of economic transition characterized by the duality forms and effects of crony corruption underlying local corporatism in a dual-track (i.e., market and political tracks) transition. I argue that the duality of local corporatism derives from the duality of crony corruption. First, the early form of local corporatism as state-business public alliance is embedded in informal (...)
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  • The silence of the Buddha.Troy Wilson Organ - 1954 - Philosophy East and West 4 (2):125-140.
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  • Corruption, Types of Corruption and Firm Financial Performance: New Evidence from a Transitional Economy.Huong Van Vu, Tuyen Quang Tran, Tuan Van Nguyen & Steven Lim - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):847-858.
    Using a nationwide survey of provincial institutional quality and a sample of private manufacturing small and medium scale enterprises, this paper contributes to the literature by considering for the first time the effects of corruption on the financial performance of Vietnamese private SMEs. Interestingly, contrary to previous findings, we find that corruption when measured by a dummy variable, does not affect firms’ financial performance after controlling for heterogeneity, simultaneity and dynamic endogeneity. However, the intensity of bribery and the majority of (...)
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  • Theoretical Psychology: The Meeting of East and West.A. C. Paranjpe - 1984 - Springer.
    "Compares and contrasts the theoretical foundations of the psychology of consciousness and the self in the East and West." -- Dust jacket.
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  • Ethics for the new millennium.Dalai Lama Xiv, Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho, Dalai Lama, Alexander Norman, Bstan 'Dzin Rgya Mtsho Xiv, Dalai Lama Xiv Tenzin Gyatso & Bstan-'Dzin-Rgy - 1999 - New York: Riverhead Books.
    One of humanity's most respected figures presents a plan for a new human and social paradigm, arguing that humankind is not inherently sinful, and discussing how redirection in the perception of our fundamental natures can bring powerful and positive change. 50,000 first printing.
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  • The central philosophy of Buddhism: a study of the Mādhyamika system.Tirupattur Ramaseshayyer Venkatachala Murti - 1980 - Boston: Unwin Paperbacks.
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  • Moral Degradation, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Transitional Economy.Qinqin Zheng, Yadong Luo & Stephanie Lu Wang - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (3):405-421.
    This article theoretically proposes and empirically verifies an understudied issue in the business ethics and corporate social responsibility literature—how moral degradation in a society influences the relationship between BE or CSR and firm performance. Building on strategic choice theory, we propose that both BE and CSR become more important in enhancing business success when the perceived MD is heightened. Our analysis of 300 firms operating in China statistically confirms our hypotheses: first, under high MD, firms’ engagement in CSR results in (...)
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  • Corruption, Types of Corruption and Firm Financial Performance: New Evidence from a Transitional Economy.Steven Lim, Tuan Nguyen, Tuyen Tran & Huong Vu - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):847-858.
    Using a nationwide survey of provincial institutional quality and a sample of private manufacturing small and medium scale enterprises, this paper contributes to the literature by considering for the first time the effects of corruption on the financial performance of Vietnamese private SMEs. Interestingly, contrary to previous findings, we find that corruption when measured by a dummy variable, does not affect firms’ financial performance after controlling for heterogeneity, simultaneity and dynamic endogeneity. However, the intensity of bribery and the majority of (...)
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  • The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika System.P. S. Sastri - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 6 (3):269-270.
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  • (1 other version)Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics.Simon P. James - 2005 - Environmental Values 14 (2):281-283.
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  • [Book review] defining moments, when managers must choose between right and right. [REVIEW]Joseph Badaracco - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (1):163-167.
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