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  1. Intuitive semantics for first-degree entailments and 'coupled trees'.J. Michael Dunn - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (3):149-168.
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  • The semantics of first degree entailment.Richard Routley & Valerie Routley - 1972 - Noûs 6 (4):335-359.
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  • Partiality and its dual.J. Michael Dunn - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (1):5-40.
    This paper explores allowing truth value assignments to be undetermined or "partial" and overdetermined or "inconsistent", thus returning to an investigation of the four-valued semantics that I initiated in the sixties. I examine some natural consequence relations and show how they are related to existing logics, including ukasiewicz's three-valued logic, Kleene's three-valued logic, Anderson and Belnap's relevant entailments, Priest's "Logic of Paradox", and the first-degree fragment of the Dunn-McCall system "R-mingle". None of these systems have nested implications, and I investigate (...)
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  • Some Useful 16-Valued Logics: How a Computer Network Should Think.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (2):121-153.
    In Belnap's useful 4-valued logic, the set 2 = {T, F} of classical truth values is generalized to the set 4 = ������(2) = {Ø, {T}, {F}, {T, F}}. In the present paper, we argue in favor of extending this process to the set 16 = ᵍ (4) (and beyond). It turns out that this generalization is well-motivated and leads from the bilattice FOUR₂ with an information and a truth-and-falsity ordering to another algebraic structure, namely the trilattice SIXTEEN₃ with an (...)
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  • Hyper-contradictions, generalized truth values and logics of truth and falsehood.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (4):403-424.
    In Philosophical Logic, the Liar Paradox has been used to motivate the introduction of both truth value gaps and truth value gluts. Moreover, in the light of “revenge Liar” arguments, also higher-order combinations of generalized truth values have been suggested to account for so-called hyper-contradictions. In the present paper, Graham Priest's treatment of generalized truth values is scrutinized and compared with another strategy of generalizing the set of classical truth values and defining an entailment relation on the resulting sets of (...)
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  • A few more useful 8-valued logics for reasoning with tetralattice eight.Dmitry Zaitsev - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):265 - 280.
    In their useful logic for a computer network Shramko and Wansing generalize initial values of Belnap’s 4-valued logic to the set 16 to be the power-set of Belnap’s 4. This generalization results in a very specific algebraic structure — the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 with three orderings: information, truth and falsity. In this paper, a slightly different way of generalization is presented. As a base for further generalization a set 3 is chosen, where initial values are a — incoming data is (...)
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  • A Few More Useful 8-valued Logics for Reasoning with Tetralattice EIGHT 4.Dmitry Zaitsev - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):265-280.
    In their useful logic for a computer network Shramko and Wansing generalize initial values of Belnap’s 4-valued logic to the set 16 to be the power-set of Belnap’s 4. This generalization results in a very specific algebraic structure — the trilattice SIXTEEN3 with three orderings: information, truth and falsity. In this paper, a slightly different way of generalization is presented. As a base for further generalization a set 3 is chosen, where initial values are a — incoming data is asserted, (...)
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  • Sequent calculi for some trilattice logics.Norihiro Kamide & Heinrich Wansing - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (2):374-395.
    The trilattice SIXTEEN3 introduced in Shramko & Wansing (2005) is a natural generalization of the famous bilattice FOUR2. Some Hilbert-style proof systems for trilattice logics related to SIXTEEN3 have recently been studied (Odintsov, 2009; Shramko & Wansing, 2005). In this paper, three sequent calculi GB, FB, and QB are presented for Odintsovs coordinate valuations associated with valuations in SIXTEEN3. The equivalence between GB, FB, and QB, the cut-elimination theorems for these calculi, and the decidability of B are proved. In addition, (...)
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