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Asher Zachman [8]A. Zachman [6]
  1.  87
    A new paradigm of alterity relation: an account of human-CAI friendship.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    Drawing on the postphenomenological framework of Don Idhe, this essay displays some of the profundities and complexities of the human capacity for forming a friendship with Conversational Artificial Intelligence models like OpenAI's ChatGPT 4o. We are living in a world of science non-fiction. Should we befriend inorganic intelligences broh? [Originally published 12/08/2024].
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  2.  67
    Clothed In Excellence: Why Plato's Republic Is A Feminist Text By Its Own Lights.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    In this project I set out to establish that Plato's Republic is a feminist text by its own lights in isolation from the rest of his corpus as well as his historically dubious personal beliefs as a philosopher. I employ a dualistic picture of feminist theory's two central premises, which is inspired by Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication. My demonstration includes an initial portrayal of Book V's qualification of female nature as human nature as well as a sketch of its logical structure. (...)
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  3.  99
    Plato's Protagoras: Poetry And Its Relative Effect On The Soul According To The Character By Whom It Is Espoused.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    The following is one of two short essays leading up to my final for "Topics In Ancient Philosophy." This brief but entrancing essay discusses the power that poetry and its subsequent interpretation have over the quality of our souls. Socrates and Protagoras really have it out for each other in this one broh.
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  4. Exiting From and Returning to the Cave: Plato's Specific Methodology of Enlightenment.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    This enquiry attempts to establish Walter Pahnke's categorization of the mystical experience as the specific phenomenological process Socrates refers to as dialectic in the Republic's allegory of the cave. Aside from a comparative analysis of the numerous connections between Plato's most prolific allegory and Pahnke's mystical experience, I define the symbol bearers as oppressive religious authority and tie the symbols of the cave to the post-industrial drug-war and for-profit organization of spirituality observable throughout a world so far removed from the (...)
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  5. The Self as the Personal Scapegoat of Chinese and Japanese Buddhism: A Comparative Analysis and Treatise on the Universal Manifestation of the Christ Figure.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    In this paper, I elucidate the scapegoat construct and its necessary psychological presence within theistic and atheistic variations of the narrative self, as well as the Chinese and Japanese variations of the Buddhist no-self, and enumerate the ritual processes undertaken by these practitioners to create, banish, and sacrifice their respective motifs of applied blame. I attempt to substantiate the inward and outward transcendent manifestations of this construct as the identifying qualities of the Christ figure, and the harmful external manifestations as (...)
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  6.  47
    FALSIFICATION OF A STRING BEAN/INCALCULABLE INTENTIONS (temporary upload).Asher Zachman - manuscript
    temporary poem upload for submission to a magazine.
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  7. Artificially Geistige: A Hegelian Perspective on the Developing History of AI.A. Zachman - manuscript
    Modern philosophy can often appear to be mere cryptomnesia, redressed and resuited to fit the particular mouth from which it is espoused. This notion is but a sorrowful chimera binding the 21st-century mind to the confines of an eternal shadow, an eternal prison of doubt in the face of limitless potential. As a species, we are rapidly approaching the precipice of Yahweh's original position as instantiators of consciousness, as the I AM in relation to our artificial progeny. Could one fabricate (...)
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  8. Universal Desire Theory: An Account of Objective Subjectivity.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    In this enquiry I establish Universal Desire Theory as the nominal designation of my active ethical framework, a system heavily influenced by the natural essentialists Philippa Foot and Jenny Teichman, wherein the comparative amalgamation of all subjectively experienced biological harm and benefit is the foundation of objective normativity. Highlights of this paper include the sections where I discuss the moral life of the cell, as well as the moral fallibility of hallucinating persons under this system which combines biological observation with (...)
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  9. Preceding Proliferation of Nietzschean Concepts Underlying A Forthcoming Paper.A. Zachman - manuscript
    This brief elucidation of two quotes from the Genealogy will be apt for more accessible interpretation following the completion of my next paper. Stay tuned for some hard-fought philosophy.
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  10. Bleeding Fingers: An Existentialist Lament Regarding Technological Evolution.A. Zachman - manuscript
    As a member of the so-demarcated 'Generation Z,' I have been blessed/damned with a front-row seat to the technological evolution kicked off by the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020, and have succeeded to varying degrees in recognizing its effects and responding to them with the efficiency and care that my neurological soul deserves. Jean-Paul Sartre's conception of bad faith provides an excellent scalpel for the dissection of such a quasi-biological progression, and in this paper I analyze the third dimension of bad (...)
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  11. Thou Art In Paradise Today: A Nietzschean Treatise On the Life-Affirming Properties of Post-Modern Christianity.A. Zachman - manuscript
    On what conditions, if it all possible, can Christianity be life-affirming in line with the general schema outlined throughout Nietzsche's wide-ranging corpus? Through a post-modern interpretation of Christ as OverMan of course. Pack your crosses and your pentagrams and buckle up for this visual transmission of my most recent brainchild.
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  12. Live Kantian or Die Nietzschean.A. Zachman - manuscript
    In this essay, I undergo the profound task of determining which of the following two epistemological positions are superior: that of Kant or Nietzsche? I definitionally divide superiority into the categories of accuracy and practicality, and on this basis, I formulate my argument. Highlights of this work include the Homelander's neighborhood thought experiment as well as its beautiful aesthetic presentation.
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  13. Longlegs (2024) Review.A. Zachman - manuscript
    I debated whether or not to upload this here, but I spent so long trying to center the image on the cover page using Scrivener's ridiculously user-hateful compilation system that I had to release the mangled fruits of my courageous neck-cranking labor somewhere. Does a short-winded movie-review count as philosophy? It does if I really stretch the definition, and buddy I'm an elastic band.
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  14. The Necessary Pedagogical Exodus of Biological Teachers.Asher Zachman - manuscript
    I was asked to argue a polarizing stance on the issue of Large Language Models and the future of adaptive education. The following paper is what resulted, and may not represent my actual stance on the most valuable step forward.
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