Results for 'Akhmad Fauzan'

  1. Eksplorasi Pengaruh e-WOM Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Konsumen Richeese Factory).Puri Swastika Gusti Krisna Dewi, Fajar Nurcahyo, Andreas Bramantyo, Ronald Tehupuring, Yohana Deo Utami Silaban, Utari Srilestari, Yulia Krismael Lembu & Akhmad Fauzan - 2024 - Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen 2 (1):43-57.
    This research aims to explore the influence of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on purchasing decisions using a case study of Richeese Factory consumers. The research uses a qualitative approach to uncover the factors that contribute to and strengthen consumer attitudes toward related products. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, this research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of how e-WOM influences consumer perceptions and shapes the purchasing decision process. The results of this research suggest that Richeese Factory Kisamaun Tangerang has (...)
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  2. Dakwah ekonomi gulen movement: Integrasi Islam Dan neoliberalisme.Akhmad Rizqon Khamami - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 12 (2):311-346.
    This article examines the integration of the Gulen Movement into the neoliberal economy. In spite of the Gulen Movement currently undergoes a severe persecution under President Erdogan and charged as FETO (FethullahTerrorist Organization), Gulen’s success story in the economy is of interest for any Islamic movements to emulate. In contrast to those belong to the revivalist Islam that rejects the neo-liberal economy, Gulen does accept the neoliberal economy. He integrates neoliberalism into Islam, and vice versa. Gulenacceptance of the neo-liberal economy, (...)
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