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  1. Two Concepts of Truthmaking: a Compatibilist Solution to the Controversy Between Substantive and Deflationary Approach.Błażej Mzyk - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (3):543-562.
    For many years there has been a debate in truthmaking theory between proponents of the substantive and deflationary approaches. Substantivists about truthmaking maintain that we need entities called truthmakers, while deflationists of truthmaking argue that the asymmetric form of the T-schema is sufficient. In contrast to incompatibilists, who argue that one should adopt only one of these approaches, I propose a compatibilist theory of truthmaking in which the two approaches complement each other through the distribution of different functions of truthmaking. (...)
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  2. Truthmaking. Are Facts Still Really Indispensable?Błażej Mzyk - 2024 - Metaphysica 25 (1):119-144.
    In recent years there has been a lot of skepticism about the existence of facts. It seems that one of the last places for their application is in truthmaking theory. In this paper I discuss two approaches to the use of facts in truthmaking. The first, categorial, holds that facts are entities that belong to one of three ontological categories (true propositions, truth of propositions, instantiations of universals).The second, deflationary, holds that a fact is merely a functional concept denoting any (...)
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  3. Non-maximalism Reconsidered: Truthmaking and the Dependence of Truths on Being.Błażej Mzyk - 2023 - Filozofia Nauki 31 (1):1-30.
    Truthmaking non-maximalism usually assumes that some truths do not have truthmakers. I suggest, however, that non-maximalism can be understood more specifically, and that different types of non-maximalism can be distinguished. To do so, I refer to two positions. The first is deflationary truthmaking, some of whose proponents assume that no truths have truthmakers. The second distinguishes between truths that do not have truthmakers but depend on being, and truths that do not have truthmakers and moreover do not depend on being. (...)
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  4. Moritz Geiger’s Postulate of Aesthetics as an Autonomous Science.Błażej Mzyk - 2018 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 49 (2):71-84.
    Moritz Geiger (1880–1937) in Phänomenologische Ästhetik paper postulates aesthetics to become an autonomous science. The new science is intended to analyze aesthetic values and to discover the rules of their regulations. It tends to be separated from aesthetics as the sub-discipline of philosophy (especially under the influence of metaphysics) and aesthetics as a field of applying other sciences (mainly psychology). It may be achieved by the usage of a phenomenological method.
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  5. Fakty i sensy. O niedookreśleniu rzeczywistości.Błażej Mzyk - 2018 - Maska 39 (3):119-131.
    W artykule dokonano przeniesienia kategorii niedookreślenia świata przedstawionego w literackim dziele sztuki, opisanej przez Romana Ingardena, na rzeczywistość realną. Wykorzystano w tym celu fenomenologiczne przeciwstawienie faktów i sensów, obecne głównie w późnych pracach Edmunda Husserla. W rezultacie uzasadniono, iż rzeczywistość tak jak utwór literacki jest niedookreślona i domaga się wypełnienia. Podobnie jak czytelnik w akcie konkretyzacji uzupełnia miejsca niedookreślenia tekstu, tak człowiek dookreśla rzeczywistość wyznaczaną przez fakty poprzez nadawanie im sensów. W ten sposób tworzy własny świat partykularny.
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