  1. 意识的起源、本质和属性.Cheng Gong - manuscript
    关于人类意识起源和本质问题的探讨由来已久,各领域如哲学、社会学、生物学和心理学等都有不同定义和解释,但是至今为止都没有得到广泛的认同,主要原因是由意识的复杂性导致了各领域都不能全面、合理和充分地认识其 起源和本质,成为千古奇案,所以有必要对其进行深入探讨。 本文根据各学科的知识分析、汇总和归纳,得出如下结论:意识的起源来自自然物质;意识的本质为物质信息;意识的能力是物质信息的复杂度和有序度的利用程度;意识具有先天性、物质性、系统性、复杂性、动态性、差异性 和自我性属性 .
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  2. 王阳明心学体系.Cheng Gong - manuscript
    古代中国明朝哲学家王阳明创立的心学已有七百多年,它继承了中国古代的哲学,比如孔孟之道和宋明理学等的内容,创立了心学。其理念在社会哲学领域深深地影响了中国、日本和朝鲜等东亚国家,甚至于间接地推动了日本的 明治维新运动,成为千年一圣。同时世界各地的学者对心学的研究和探讨也是层出不穷,但是总体而言,缺乏对心学理论体系性的探讨和研究。 本文从体系概念着手,结合心学的内容,经过梳理后整合成一个完整的、逻辑的和全面的心学体系。.
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  3. 唯 能 主 义(Energicism).Cheng Gong - manuscript
    目前,世界上的哲学简单地可分两类,一是:唯物主义,二是:唯心主义,它们统治了哲学史几千年,相互争斗了几千年,但是都存在着,不分胜负,至少说明都有合理之处,当然也包括不合理之处。 如果把两者进行了升华,就是集合唯心主义和唯物主义各自的合理部分,摈弃了不合理部分,把它们合二为一,统一成一个系统的、合理的和广泛的哲学体系,那就是唯能主义。 .
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  4. The Origin, Essence and Attributes of consciousness.Cheng Gong - manuscript
    It has a long history for the exploration of the origin and essence of human consciousness with different definitions and explanations in various fields such as philosophy, medicine, sociology, biology, and psychology. However, all of them had not been recognized so far. The main reason is that the complexity of consciousness leads to the inability of various fields to understand its essence fully, reasonably, and comprehensively, and there are still significant differences for it, and which have become an eternal mystery. (...)
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  5. Xinxue (The philosophy of mind) System.Cheng Gong - manuscript
    Xinxue (The philosophy of mind) founded by ancient Chinese philosopher Wang Yangming of the Ming Dynasty for over 700 years. Its ideas have deeply influenced East Asian countries such as China, Japan, and Korea in the field of social philosophy, and even indirectly promoted Japan's Meiji Restoration movement. At the same time, scholars from all over the world have conducted numerous studies and explorations on it, but overall, there is a lack of systematic exploration and research on it. This article (...)
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  6. Answering Socrates' three final questions.Cheng Gong - manuscript
    When looking up at the starry sky, Socrates, the famous ancient Greek philosopher, raised three ultimate philosophical questions: "Who am I?" "Where am I from?" and "Where am I going?". For thousands of years, human beings have tried their best to think, research and explore it, involving various disciplines such as philosophy, medicine, psychology, physics, biology, and neurology, but they have not been widely recognized. This paper expounds the concept of "center" from the perspective of cosmology, world outlook and scientific (...)
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  7. Who am I ?Cheng Gong - manuscript
    The question of Who am I?” is the end of philosophy. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates raised three ultimate questions in philosophy when he looked up at the starry sky: “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “Where am I going?”. For thousands of years, humans have explored and answered questions about them, including various disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, biology, and neurology etc., but none of them have been recognized. This article starts with the cosmology and worldview (...)
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