Results for 'Costel Matei'

  1. THE DIDACTIC DIMENSION OF THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS WITHIN THE LESSONS AIMED AT ORGANIZING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES.Marius Costel Esi - 2020 - International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro) 7 (13):51-60.
    One of the important components considered in this research approach is given by the study on teaching-learning strategies, methods and techniques in the lessons aimed at organizing economic activities. It is understood that such a topic takes into account, on the one hand, a series of aspects related to an economic issue, and on the other hand, issues of a methodological / didactic nature found in the teaching-learning-assessment activity. At the same time, the approach that is intended to be highlighted (...)
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  2. "Ceva nou": modă, modernitate, actualitate.Daniel Nica - 2022 - In Romina Surugiu & Dan Podaru (ed.), Modă, publicitate, consum. Tritonic. pp. 179-199.
    The astounding flourishing of fashion we have witnessed for the past centuries would not have been possible without a range of specifically modern phenomena like capitalism, the rise of an ambitious middle-class, the growth and diversification of mass-communication, and the Industrial Revolution. However, there is yet another interesting link between the two as they both have a common ‘condition of possibility’, that makes them interconnected. In this paper I will argue that such a condition is what I loosely call a (...)
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  3. Naşterea lui Iisus Hristos.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Creștinii sărbătoresc nașterea lui Isus Hristos de către Fecioara Maria ca o împlinire a profeției mesianice din Vechiul Testament. Biblia conține două povestiri care descriu evenimentele din jurul nașterii lui Isus. În funcție de perspectiva fiecăruia, aceste povestiri sunt fie diferite una de cealaltă, fie spun două versiuni ale aceleiași narație. Aceste povestiri biblice se găsesc în Evanghelia după Matei, și anume Matei 01:18, și Evanghelia lui Luca, în special Luca 01:26 și 02:40. Conform acestor povestiri, Isus a (...)
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