Results for 'Devin Duke'

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  1. Belief in character studies.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2022 - American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):27-42.
    In Go Set a Watchman, Harper Lee reveals that American man of integrity Atticus Finch harbors deep-seated racist beliefs. Bob Ewell, Finch's nemesis in To Kill a Mockingbird, harbors the same beliefs. But the two men live out their shared racist beliefs in dramatically different fashions. This article argues that extant dispositionalist accounts of belief lack the tools to accommodate Finch and Ewell's divergent styles of believing. It then draws on literary and philosophical character studies to construct the required tools.
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  2. Cabbage à la Descartes.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:609-637.
    This article offers an interpretation of Descartes’s method of doubt. It wields an examination of Descartes’s pedagogy—as exemplified by The Search for Truth as well as the Meditations—to make the case for the sincerity (as opposed to artificiality) of the doubts engendered by the First Meditation. Descartes was vigilant about balancing the need to use his method of doubt to achieve absolute certainty with the need to compensate for the various foibles of his scholastic and unschooled readers. Nevertheless, Descartes endeavored (...)
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  3. Interpretivism and norms.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):905-930.
    This article reconsiders the relationship between interpretivism about belief and normative standards. Interpretivists have traditionally taken beliefs to be fixed in relation to norms of interpretation. However, recent work by philosophers and psychologists reveals that human belief attribution practices are governed by a rich diversity of normative standards. Interpretivists thus face a dilemma: either give up on the idea that belief is constitutively normative or countenance a context-sensitive disjunction of norms that constitute belief. Either way, interpretivists should embrace the intersubjective (...)
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  4. Beliefs as inner causes: the (lack of) evidence.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (6):850-877.
    Many psychologists studying lay belief attribution and behavior explanation cite Donald Davidson in support of their assumption that people construe beliefs as inner causes. But Davidson’s influential argument is unsound; there are no objective grounds for the intuition that the folk construe beliefs as inner causes that produce behavior. Indeed, recent experimental work by Ian Apperly, Bertram Malle, Henry Wellman, and Tania Lombrozo provides an empirical framework that accords well with Gilbert Ryle’s alternative thesis that the folk construe beliefs as (...)
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  5. Interpretivism without judgement-dependence.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (2):611-615.
    In a recent article in this journal, Krzysztof Poslajko reconstructs—and endorses as probative—a dilemma for interpretivism first posed by Alex Byrne. On the first horn of the dilemma, the interpretivist takes attitudes to emerge in relation to an ideal interpreter (and thus loses any connection with actual folk psychological practices). On the second horn, the interpretivist takes attitudes to emerge in relation to individuals’ judgements (and thus denies the possibility of error). I show that this is a false dilemma. By (...)
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  6. Expert Disagreement and the Duty to Vote.Devin Lane - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    In this paper, I argue that widespread expert disagreement about sufficiently many issues central to a democratic decision-making procedure can nullify the duty to vote. I begin by drawing a distinction between different ways that we might conceive of the duty to vote, i.e. whether it is a duty to vote, no matter how one votes, or a duty to vote well. I then review some prominent arguments in favor of the existence of the duty to vote and suggest that (...)
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  7. Street smarts.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):161-180.
    A pluralistic approach to folk psychology must countenance the evaluative, regulatory, predictive, and explanatory roles played by attributions of intelligence in social practices across cultures. Building off of the work of the psychologist Robert Sternberg and the philosophers Gilbert Ryle and Daniel Dennett, I argue that a relativistic interpretivism best accounts for the many varieties of intelligence that emerge from folk discourse. To be intelligent is to be comparatively good at solving intellectual problems that an interpreter deems worth solving.
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  8. Bridging the Gap Between Aristotle's Science and Ethics.Devin Henry & Karen Margrethe Nielsen (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This book consolidates emerging research on Aristotle's science and ethics in order to explore the extent to which the concepts, methods, and practices he developed for scientific inquiry and explanation are used to investigate moral phenomena. Each chapter shows, in a different way, that Aristotle's ethics is much more like a science than it is typically represented. The upshot of this is twofold. First, uncovering the links between Aristotle's science and ethics promises to open up new and innovative directions for (...)
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  9. How sexist is Aristotle's developmantal biology?Devin Henry - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (3):251-69.
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the level of gender bias in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals while exercising due care in the analysis of its arguments. I argue that while the GA theory is clearly sexist, the traditional interpretation fails to diagnose the problem correctly. The traditional interpretation focuses on three main sources of evidence: (1) Aristotle’s claim that the female is, as it were, a “disabled” (πεπηρωμένον) male; (2) the claim at GA IV.3, 767b6-8 that females are (...)
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  10. Aristotle on the Mechanisms of Inheritance.Devin Henry - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (3):425-455.
    In this paper I address an important question in Aristotle’s biology, What are the causal mechanisms behind the transmission of biological form? Aristotle’s answer to this question, I argue, is found in Generation of Animals Book 4 in connection with his investigation into the phenomenon of inheritance. There we are told that an organism’s reproductive material contains a set of "movements" which are derived from the various "potentials" of its nature (the internal principle of change that initiates and controls development). (...)
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  11. From Christian Spirituality To Eco-Friendliness.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 3 (1):34-38.
    Spirituality connotes praxis informed by religious or faith convictions. This can transform the individual and society at large. Christian spirituality is centered on how a person’s relationship with the God of Jesus Christ informs and directs one’s approach to existence and engagement with the world. The ecosystem concerns humanity and relationship with it is invariably influenced by faith or religious informed praxis. The reality of climate change is convincing many people that humankind’s common homeland needs to be treated with care (...)
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  12. Aristotle’s Pluralistic Realism.Devin Henry - 2011 - The Monist 94 (2):197-220.
    In this paper I explore Aristotle’s views on natural kinds and the compatibility of pluralism and realism, a topic that has generated considerable interest among contemporary philosophers. I argue that, when it came to zoology, Aristotle denied that there is only one way of organizing the diversity of the living world into natural kinds that will yield a single, unified system of classification. Instead, living things can be grouped and regrouped into various cross-cutting kinds on the basis of objective similarities (...)
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  13. Organismal Natures.Devin Henry - 2008 - Apeiron (3):47-74.
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  14. Cartesian critters can't remember.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:72-85.
    Descartes held the following view of declarative memory: to remember is to reconstruct an idea that you intellectually recognize as a reconstruction. Descartes countenanced two overarching varieties of declarative memory. To have an intellectual memory is to intellectually reconstruct a universal idea that you recognize as a reconstruction, and to have a sensory memory is to neurophysiologically reconstruct a particular idea that you recognize as a reconstruction. Sensory remembering is thus a capacity of neither ghosts nor machines, but only of (...)
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  15. The Ecology of Form.Devin Griffiths - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 48 (1):68-93.
    This article intervenes in recent formalist and ecocritical debates, drawing on the philosophy of Charles Darwin and Édouard Glissant to develop an ecopoetic theory of relational form. Gathering perspectives from ecocriticism and new materialism, literary criticism and comparative literature, the history and philosophy of science, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, and Black studies, it reads form as an interdisciplinary object that is part of the world, rather than an imposed feature of human language or perception. In this way, it produces (...)
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  16. Christian Military Chaplains as Promoters of the Gospel of Non-Violence and Mutual Co-Existence in Contemporary Nigerian Society: An Ethical Study.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2018 - Journal for Inculturation Theology 5 (1):258-271.
    Contemporary Nigerian society is in its doldrums as regards the culture of violence and distrust among peoples from various ethnic groups that make-up this nation. To an extent, religio-political reasons are fueling this culture of violence and distrust. The thrust of this paper is that: Christian military chaplains are stakeholders as promoters of peace and mutual co-existence in Nigeria with regard to controlling the culture of violence and disunity. The core of this thesis remains Jesus’ convictions concerning non-resistance to the (...)
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  17. Optimality and Teleology in Aristotle's Natural Science.Devin Henry - manuscript
    In this paper I examine the role of optimality reasoning in Aristotle’s natural science. By “optimality reasoning” I mean reasoning that appeals to some conception of “what is best” in order to explain why things are the way they are. We are first introduced to this pattern of reasoning in the famous passage at Phaedo 97b8-98a2, where (Plato’s) Socrates invokes “what is best” as a cause (aitia) of things in nature. This passage can be seen as the intellectual ancestor of (...)
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    The Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES): A Unified Framework for Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics, and Relativity.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    This paper introduces CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems), a unifying theoretical framework that reconciles general relativity and quantum mechanics through structured resonance. By redefining fundamental assumptions about dark matter, dark energy, and singularities, CODES proposes a falsifiable, predictive model that aligns with observed cosmological structures while offering testable insights into emergent phenomena. Key Contributions • Resolution of General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics Paradox CODES introduces structured intelligence fields that reconcile relativistic and quantum-scale physics by incorporating oscillatory chiral dynamics. • (...)
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  19. Religion, Psychology and Globalisation Process: Attitudinal Appraisal.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - Legon Journal of the Humanities 27 (1).
    A key consequence of globalisation is the integrative approach to reality whereby emphasis is placed on interdependence. Religion being an expression of human culture is equally affected by this cultural revolution. The main objective of this paper is to examine how religious affiliation, among Christians, influences attitudes towards the application of psychological sciences to the assuagement of human suffering. The sociological theory of structural functionalism was deployed to explain attitudinal appraisal. Ethnographic methodology, through quantitative analysis of administered questionnaire, was also (...)
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  20. Aristotle’s Generation of Animals.Devin Henry - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos (ed.), A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A general article discussing philosophical issues arising in connection with Aristotle's "Generation of Animals" (Chapter from Blackwell's Companion to Aristotle).
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  21.  26
    Free Speech and the Paradox of Order and Chaos: Applying the Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES).Devin Bostick - manuscript
    This paper explores the paradox of free speech through the lens of the Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES), a theory that frames all phenomena as existing in a dynamic equilibrium between chaos and order. Free speech, as a concept, sits at the intersection of these forces: too much order (censorship) stifles its purpose, while too much chaos (unchecked speech) undermines its societal utility. By applying CODES, we provide a systemic and mathematical framework to understand how free speech operates as (...)
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  22.  26
    Sunk Cost Fallacy, Ego, and Uncertainty: A Chiral Framework of Emergent Systems.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    This paper presents a novel theoretical framework connecting the sunk cost fallacy, ego, and uncertainty as a dynamic interplay within emergent systems. Drawing from the principles of Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES), the theory posits that the sunk cost fallacy is a manifestation of ego’s response to uncertainty, creating a self-reinforcing loop. This framework resolves traditional gaps in behavioral economics, psychology, and philosophy, offering a robust lens to analyze decision-making and consciousness. The paper includes examples, mathematical approximations, and philosophical (...)
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  23.  40
    The Geometry of Life: A Flower’s Growth through the Lens of CODES.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Nature’s most elegant designs, from the spiral of a sunflower to the branching veins of a leaf, reflect the dynamic interplay of chaos and order. Flowers, in their delicate symmetry and adaptive patterns, provide a vivid canvas to explore CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems). By examining a flower’s growth and structure, we can uncover the fundamental geometric principles that emerge from the interaction of environmental variables, genetic programming, and stochastic processes. Through this lens, we can predict the geometry of (...)
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  24. Religious Culture in Mental Health Issues: An Advocacy for Participatory Partnership.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2016 - Archive for Psychopathology and Counselling-Psychology 2 (2).
    Religion constitutes an important element in every society as regards coping with the demands as well as vicissitudes of life. Mental health issues are becoming a recurrent decimal in societies overwhelmed by stress and other social factors. This paper examines how the presence of religious beliefs affects how some Christians respond to cases that have to do mental health. At the same time, it surveys how a near absence of religious attitude, that is, clinical medicine approach to mental health issues (...)
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  25. How beliefs are like colors.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7889-7918.
    Double dissociations between perceivable colors and physical properties of colored objects have led many philosophers to endorse relationalist accounts of color. I argue that there are analogous double dissociations between attitudes of belief—the beliefs that people attribute to each other in everyday life—and intrinsic cognitive states of belief—the beliefs that some cognitive scientists posit as cogs in cognitive systems—pitched at every level of psychological explanation. These dissociations provide good reason to refrain from conflating attitudes of belief with intrinsic cognitive states (...)
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  26.  42
    Resolving Free Will and Determinism Through Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES).Devin Bostick - manuscript
    The tension between free will and determinism has long been a cornerstone of philosophical debate. This paper proposes that the Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES) provides a novel framework to resolve this dichotomy. By conceptualizing reality as a chiral equilibrium of order and chaos, where emergent systems adapt and evolve within constraints, CODES reveals that free will and determinism are not opposites but complementary facets of the same dynamic system. The theory posits that human decision-making operates as a localized (...)
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  27.  33
    Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES): Resolving Consciousness, Paradox, and the Foundations of Reality.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    This paper introduces the Chirality of Dynamics Emergent Systems (CODES), a unifying theory that reframes consciousness as an emergent property of dynamic systems achieving equilibrium between chaos and order. By grounding consciousness in adaptive, chiral processes, CODES provides a universal framework to resolve paradoxes such as free will vs. determinism, Gödel’s incompleteness, and Zeno’s paradoxes. The theory integrates principles of complex dynamics, evolutionary systems, and information theory, extending its applicability across neuroscience, philosophy, and quantum mechanics. Empirical pathways and practical applications (...)
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  28. The Failure of Evolution in Antiquity.Devin Henry - forthcoming - In Georgia Irby (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Ancient Science, Medicine and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell.
    The intellectual history of evolutionary theory really does not begin in earnest until the late seventeenth/early eighteenth century. Prior to that, the idea that species might have evolved over time was not a serious possibility for most naturalists and philosophers. There is certainly no substantive debate in antiquity about evolution in the modern sense. There were really only two competing explanations for how living things came to have the parts they do: design or blind chance. Ancient Greek Atomism, for example, (...)
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  29.  31
    Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES)_ Modeling Predator-Prey Relationships.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    This paper presents Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES) as a novel framework for understanding predator-prey dynamics. By integrating chaos, order, and emergent properties, CODES provides a comprehensive model for adaptive relationships within ecosystems. Traditional theories such as Lotka-Volterra and Holling’s models are examined in contrast, and CODES is positioned as a unifying theory that resolves limitations in deterministic and stochastic approaches. The utility of this framework extends to ecological sustainability, economic systems, and societal interactions, showcasing its interdisciplinary value.
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  30. Emerging Religious Marketplace in Nigeria: A Quest for Interpretation.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2014 - International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition 6:47-61.
    In contemporary Nigerian society, the evolving trends in Christian religious culture suggest that neoliberal (social) mind-set is influencing certain practices in many Churches. The objective of this paper is to examine how the above-mentioned contemporary culture influences current religious landscape. The sociological concept of commodification was adopted as a way of ‘reading’ this religious context. The research methodology combines theoretical and ethnographic approaches to this study. The research findings show that neoliberal mind-set is influencing how religious commodification shapes the characteristics (...)
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  31. Morgan’s Quaker gun and the species of belief.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):119-144.
    In this article, I explore how researchers’ metaphysical commitments can be conducive—or unconducive—to progress in animal cognition research. The methodological dictum known as Morgan’s Canon exhorts comparative psychologists to countenance the least mentalistic fair interpretation of animal actions. This exhortation has frequently been misread as a blanket condemnation of mentalistic interpretations of animal behaviors that could be interpreted behavioristically. But Morgan meant to demand only that researchers refrain from accepting default interpretations of (apparent) actions until other fair interpretations have been (...)
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  32. Why dispositionalism needs interpretivism: a reply to Poslajko.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2139-2145.
    I have proposed wedding the theories of belief known as dispositionalism and interpretivism. Krzysztof Poslajko objects that dispositionalism does just fine on its own and, moreover, is better off without interpretivism’s metaphysical baggage. I argue that Poslajko is wrong: in order to secure a principled criterion for individuating beliefs, dispositionalism must either collapse into psychofunctionalism (or some other non-superficial theory) or accept interpretivism’s hand in marriage.
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    CODES_ The Universal Framework That Changes Everything.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Abstract -/- This paper introduces CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems), a unifying theoretical framework that reconciles general relativity and quantum mechanics through structured resonance. By redefining fundamental assumptions about dark matter, dark energy, and singularities, CODES proposes a falsifiable, predictive model that aligns with observed cosmological structures while offering testable insights into emergent phenomena. -/- Key Contributions -/- • Resolution of General Relativity & Quantum Mechanics Paradox -/- CODES introduces structured intelligence fields that reconcile relativistic and quantum-scale physics by (...)
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    A New Framework for Cosmic Structure and Expansion.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Current cosmological models treat expansion as a one-way process driven by dark energy, an undefined force accelerating the separation of galaxies. However, these models fail to provide a fundamental explanation for dark energy’s nature, origin, or behavior. This paper introduces CODES (Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems) as a new framework for understanding the large-scale dynamics of the universe. It proposes that matter and energy exist in a non-hierarchical oscillatory balance, where cosmic expansion is not an infinite, linear process but an (...)
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    CODES and the Unification of Physics.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    The Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES) introduces a revolutionary perspective on the interplay between chaos and order, proposing that reality operates through a chiral balance of emergent systems constrained by adaptive equilibrium. This paper applies CODES to the most fundamental challenge in physics: the reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity. By framing these domains as emergent systems connected through chirality, CODES resolves long-standing paradoxes, provides a pathway for unification, and offers insights into the nature of consciousness, entropy, and (...)
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  36. How scientific psychology shapes minds.Devin Sanchez Curry - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    The mind and brain sciences influence how human beings understand one another. Histories of the concepts of repression, implicit bias, ADHD, IQ, and personhood reveal that scientific psychology has played a role, not just in shaping people's thinking about minds, but also (and thereby) in shaping minds themselves. These case studies may thus be seen as supporting the contentious thesis that science aids in the social construction of minds. Three considerations are relevant to determining how seriously we should take that (...)
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  37. A social mark of the mental.Devin Sanchez Curry - manuscript
    Introductory but opinionated essay on what (and why) minds are.
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    Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES)_ Understanding Stress as a Catalyst for Cancer.Devin Bostick - manuscript
    Cancer, a multifactorial and emergent disease, results from a complex interplay between genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. Stress, as a chronic biological and psychological phenomenon, has long been implicated in cancer development and progression. Using the framework of Chirality of Dynamic Emergent Systems (CODES), this paper posits that stress functions as a destabilizing force in the dynamic equilibrium between chaos (entropy) and order (homeostasis). By applying CODES, we model how chronic stress disrupts cellular and systemic adaptive mechanisms, leading to the (...)
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  39. Embryological models in ancient philosophy.Devin Henry - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (1):1 - 42.
    Historically embryogenesis has been among the most philosophically intriguing phenomena. In this paper I focus on one aspect of biological development that was particularly perplexing to the ancients: self-organisation. For many ancients, the fact that an organism determines the important features of its own development required a special model for understanding how this was possible. This was especially true for Aristotle, Alexander, and Simplicius, who all looked to contemporary technology to supply that model. However, they did not all agree on (...)
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  40. g as bridge model.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1067-1078.
    Psychometric g—a statistical factor capturing intercorrelations between scores on different IQ tests—is of theoretical interest despite being a low-fidelity model of both folk psychological intelligence and its cognitive/neural underpinnings. Psychometric g idealizes away from those aspects of cognitive/neural mechanisms that are not explanatory of the relevant variety of folk psychological intelligence, and it idealizes away from those varieties of folk psychological intelligence that are not generated by the relevant cognitive/neural substrate. In this manner, g constitutes a high-fidelity bridge model of (...)
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  41. On IQ and other sciencey descriptions of minds.Devin Sanchez Curry - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Philosophers of mind (from eliminative materialists to psychofunctionalists to interpretivists) generally assume that a normative ideal delimits which mental phenomena exist (though they disagree about how to characterize the ideal in question). This assumption is dubious. A comprehensive ontology of mind includes some mental phenomena that are neither (a) explanatorily fecund posits in any branch of cognitive science that aims to unveil the mechanistic structure of cognitive systems nor (b) ideal (nor even progressively closer to ideal) posits in any given (...)
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  42. From festival to social communion: a Nigerian experience.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Stella Osim - 2020 - Przestrzen Spoleczna (Social Space Scientific Journal) 19 (1):53-70.
    Festival is a performative dimension of cultural praxis that strengthens bonds of cohesion in society. Festivals are also an integral part of religious praxis. They have the potentiality of bringing its adherents and non-adherents together thus creating and sustaining social communion among them. This reality of sustaining social communion confirms an important function of religion in society with particular reference to its social integrative effects. Therefore, this article assesses how religious festival, Christmas, fosters social integration among Igbos in Nigeria. On (...)
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  43. The Instrumental Functions of Cultural Studies and Policies in Contemporary Nigerian Society.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2018 - International Journal of Culture and History 4 (4).
    —Cultural studies remains one of the fields of research in the humanities that contributes to the development of the society by aiding the formulation of cultural policies towards the re-engineering of a nation’s social behavior. A functioning state benefits a lot from cultural products of cultural studies. Thus for any state, like Nigeria, to reap from cultural studies and policies, its basic democratic institutions should be strong and effective. The theoretical framework for this research is symbolic interactionism proposed by Stryker (...)
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  44. Content Analysis of The Catholic School and Religion and National Values, Primary 1- 6: Implications for Religious Education in Catholic Primary Schools within Calabar Archdiocese - Cross River State.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2016 - International Journal of Research in Basic and Lifelong Education 5 (1).
    The secular character of the Nigerian state should not impede collaboration between the Roman Catholic Schools Management Board and the Government of Cross River State (Nigeria) in the area of religious education. Based on the above claim, this paper is an exercise in content analysis of The Catholic School{\\ial is, the document regulating Catholic principles of education in schools) and Religion and National Values: Primary 1- 5(text on curricular contents of religious education at the primary school level in Nigeria) in (...)
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  45. „Eyen mi nyamkkenyam, nnọ ke ndọ…’:Deconstructing Some Stereotypic Views on Marriage in Efik Culture.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2018 - International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 2 (XII).
    Stereotypes within any society have consequences that are sometimes harmful and also affect targeted group of persons or ethnic group in a common way. One of the cultural stereotypes about Efik women is that they hardly believe in ‘…till death do us apart’ promised during monogamous marriage rite, that is, they walk out of marriage when conditions are unbearable. The misinterpretations of some exhortations given to the couples at Efik traditional marriage rite seem to support this claim. For example: ‘Eyen (...)
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  46. Aristotle on Epigenesis.Devin Henry - 2018
    It has become somewhat of a platitude to call Aristotle the first epigenesist insofar as he thought form and structure emerged gradually from an unorganized, amorphous embryo. But modern biology now recognizes two senses of “epigenesis”. The first is this more familiar idea about the gradual emergence of form and structure, which is traditionally opposed to the idea of preformationism. But modern biologists also use “epigenesis” to emphasize the context-dependency of the process itself. Used in this sense development is not (...)
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  47. A Critical Evaluation Of Traditional African Family System And Contemporary Social Welfare.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Elizabeth Okon John - 2019 - Nduñòde 15 (1).
    Beyond reasonable doubt, the influence of Western culture and civilizations has enervated traditional African family systems, and their functions as providers of social welfare. Hitherto, traditional African family and clan by extension served as the plausible medium by which Africans proffered solutions to those social, economic and other existential problems found within their communities. However, measuring and evaluating the successes of the various social welfare programs organized by the family and clan was a difficult task to achieve. It seems the (...)
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  48. Contemporary Limitations to Religious Solutions to Social Problems.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2014 - Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research 11 (3).
    Religion has contributed immensely to solving some of the social problems. The aim of this paper is to situate social problems within the context of other variables like human nature, plurality of cultures, and diversity in hermeneutics of societal values. This will help those interested in social problems to come to terms with the difficulties involved in defining or describing these deviances. In addition, cultural differences, political pressures, and plurality of values weaken the therapeutic strength of religion as it attends (...)
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  49. The Relevance of Pusey’s Eirenicon Today: Intercommunion between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2017 - Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research 14 (1):pp.139-156.
    This paper investigates how Edward Pusey, a nineteenth century Anglican clergy and scholar responded to Edward Manning’s claim that the Church of England is not an authentic church. This led the former to write his Eirenicon, as an intellectual justification and a response to apostolicity and catholicity of the Anglican faith. Eirenicon is an example in rigorous dialogue on religious faith claims. The ecumenical rapprochement suggested by Pusey is very insightful: emphasis on the elements that unites Roman Catholics and Anglicans (...)
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    Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems (CODES): Resolving Zeno’s Paradox, Determinism vs. Free Will, and Cartesian Dualism.Devin Bostick - 2025 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    This paper proposes CODES (Chiral Dynamics of Emergent Systems), a philosophical framework that resolves long-standing paradoxes and debates, including Zeno’s Paradox, determinism vs. free will, and Cartesian dualism. At its core, CODES asserts that existence is governed by the equilibrium between order and chaos, constrained by emergent systems. This dynamic equilibrium underpins the adaptive nature of life, consciousness, and agency, reconciling deterministic constraints with the creative potential of free will. Using examples like a horse moving toward a wall, this paper (...)
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