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  1. Contraintes disciplinaires – anciennes et modernes – de l’interprétation logique des Catégories d’Aristote.Gazziero Leone - 2019 - In Véronique Brière & Juliette Lemaire, Qu'est-ce qu'une catégorie?: interprétations d'Aristote. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters. pp. 9-59.
    L. Gazziero, « “Οἰκείως τῇ λογικῇ πραγματείᾳ” (Simplicii in Aristotelis categorias commentarium, 12.11). Contraintes disciplinaires – anciennes et modernes – de l’interprétation logique des Catégories d’Aristote », dans V. Brière et J. Lemaire (éd.), Qu’est-ce qu’une catégorie ? Interprétations d’Aristote, Leuven, Peeters, 2019, p. 9-59 [ISBN 9789042936621] -/- In addition to understanding the very notion of « category » according to its different Aristotelian contexts, the first order of business of an archaeology of Aristotle’s categories is to inquire into its (...)
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  2. Machiavelli.Gazziero Leone - 2022 - In Lewis Michael & Rose David, The Bloomsbury Italian Philosophy Reader. Bloomsbury. pp. 51-58.
    L. Gazziero, « Machiavelli », in M. Lewis and D. Rose (ed.), The Bloomsbury Italian Philosophy Reader, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, p. 51-58 Confusion verging on chaos aptly describes Italian politics between any two points in time. That being said, the amount of outright violence, political backstabbing and social upheaval Machiavelli had to put up with - as a successful bureaucrat and diplomat first (1498-1512), and later as a disgraced citizen (1512-27) is, with few if any exceptions, virtually unmatched in the (...)
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  3. Dante.Gazziero Leone - 2022 - In Lewis Michael & Rose David, The Bloomsbury Italian Philosophy Reader. Bloomsbury. pp. 29-42.
    L. Gazziero, « Dante », in M. Lewis and D. Rose (ed.), The Bloomsbury Italian Philosophy Reader, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, p. 29-42: Even if Dante's work involves a fair amount of autobiographical material and occasionally fashions itself as a record of personal experiences, his writings reveal surprisingly few facts about his life. With one exception though, etc.
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  4. Le langage. Lectures d’Aristote.Gazziero Leone (ed.) - 2021 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Even though Aristotle speaks often about language, his remarks do not fall within the province of any given discipline, let alone belong to the same subject matter or amount to a πραγματεία of their own. Rather, they are somewhat scattered across the Aristotelian corpus and are to be gleaned from a vast array of texts, including ethical and political writings (where language plays a remarkable role in shaping human sociability), treatises on natural history (where Aristotle outlines the physiology of phonation (...)
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  5. REVIEW: « Anonymus Cantabrigiensis. Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos Aristotelis, Sten Ebbesen (ed.), Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2019 », Vivarium, 59, 2021, p. 361-369. [REVIEW]Gazziero Leone - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (4):360-369.
    In hindsight, it is not surprising that the exegesis of Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi developed into one of the most substantial parts of the Latin commentary tradition. To make a long story short, in its customary capacity as the art of arts and the science of sciences, medieval logic was primarily concerned with discerning the true from the false in arguments as they occur in natural, ordinary speech as opposed to the more formalised parlance later logicians will resort to. It makes (...)
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