  1. Premeny interpretácie teologického a matematického jazyka „knihy prírody“.Gašpar Fronc - 2021 - In Zlatica Plašienková (ed.), Paradigmatické zmeny v chápaní kozmologickej a antropologickej problematiky: minulosť a súčasnosť. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. pp. 94 – 118.
    The symbolism of nature as a book in which one reads is of ancient origin. This study focuses on the question of its mathematical and theological language in the biblical context and on the background of changes in natural philosophy, especially in the Renaissance period. The biblical context is associated with the paradigm shift in the Renaissance period, because all the researched authors addressed the questions of meaning and methods of research of nature in connection with the hermeneutics of biblical (...)
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  2. Zodpovednosť ako predpoklad reálnej slobody.Gašpar Fronc - 2020 - Acta Facultatis Theologicae Universitatis Comenianae Bratislaviensis (1):6 – 26.
    Freedom is a topic which has been and is being addressed by a number of authors from various aspects and on the basis of diverse philosophical or philosophical-religious postulates. A change in the anthropological paradigm necessarily produced changes in the understanding of freedom. Responsibility is a concept that is much less frequent than the theme of freedom. But without it, the explanation of freedom is not adequate and leads to many misunderstandings. When freedom is artificially separated from responsibility, it rises (...)
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  3. Teológia a matematika v kontexte paradigmatických zmien renesančnej a ranonovovekej kozmológie a fyziky.Gašpar Fronc - 2022 - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave.
    The publication offers an interdisciplinary and historical approach to the questions of exploration of the world with an emphasis on paradigm changes during the Renaissance and early modern times, leading to new concepts that we can accept as the beginning of the natural sciences in our current understanding. The main goal is to point out the connections between the paradigms of mathematics, theology and natural sciences, the connection of which is for the main protagonists an essential factor in the formation (...)
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