  1.  62
    Uga and Wuga.Hb Paksoy - 2024 - Https://Baker.Academia.Edu/Hbpaksoy.
    A play at the Theater of the Absurd (kindly imagine a setting or event you know where this is played-out) .
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  2.  60
    Of the Novelists.Hb Paksoy - 2024 - Kindle Vella.
    Of the Novelists by HB Paksoy Kindle Vella Story Start reading for free.
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  3.  67
    Chipped Humans and Humanities.Hb Paksoy - 2012 - In H. B. Paksoy, Humans on Mars and Beyond. Charleston: Create Space.
    It is necessary to have mastery of sciences for a voyage to Mars. Finances cannot be ignored either. But, after that, what? Why generate the related technology and for what purpose? Are only the computers going to live in a new colony to be established on Mars?
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  4. Dusuncelerin Kokenleri.Paksoy Hasan Bulent & Hb Paksoy - 2006 - Florence: European University Institute.
    Bir sure once, “Tarih’in sona erdigi” ileri surulmus idi. Soguk Savas cercevesinde ele alinan bir dusunce olup, ilgili “carpismanin” sona ermesi ile bundan boyle karsilastirmali tarih yazilmasina gerek kalmadigini, kazananlarin gorusunun tek gecerli gercek oldugunu vurguluyordu. Ya da oyle gosterilmesi isteniyordu. -/- “Turk Tarihi, Toplumlarin Mayasi, Uygarlik (1990)” ve “Kutluk Veren Bilgi Ve 26 Agustos’a Giden Yol (2000)” yazilarimda, Kutluk Veren Bilgi nitelikleri uzerinde gorus belirtmis idim. Aradan gecen sure icinde de Kimlikler [IDENTITIES: how Governed, Who Pays? (Carrie, 2001); Turkcesi: (...)
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  5.  61
    Genetically Engineered Scholar.Hb Paksoy - 2015 - G Publishers.
    When an athlete is genetically engineered, s/he performs over and above the normally conceived and born athletes. That is because, a person can be (and specimens are currently being engineered) to have superior muscles and stamina for given sports specializations. It is not a big leap from designing athletes to specialized soldiers. Nature already has soldier ants, worker bees and the creator knows how many other reference points.
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