Results for 'Ligia Antezana'

  1. Liberalism and the Construction of Gender (Non-)Normative Bodies and Queer Identities.Karsten Schubert, Ligia Fabris & Holly Patch - 2022 - In Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth & Heidemarie Winkel, Global Contestations of Gender Rights. Bielefeld University Press. pp. 269-286.
    The Yogyakarta Principles for the application of human rights to sexual orientation and gender identity define gender identity as “each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech, and mannerisms.” This definition and its acknowledgment within human rights politics is a key step in the fight of trans people for legal protection. Our (...)
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  2.  44
    Intelligence Info, Volumul 3, Numărul 4, Decembrie 2024.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2024 - Intelligence Info 3 (4).
    EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL -/- Nicolae SFETCU Ontologia amenințărilor la securitatea națională Ontology of National Security Threats -/- INTELLIGENCE / INTELLIGENCE -/- Narcis ZĂRNESCU Ethics and Intelligence Etica și intelligence -/- George V. SCRIPCARIU Adapting Romania's Counterintelligence Strategy: Lessons from the US National Counterintelligence Strategy Adaptarea strategiei de contrainformații a României: Lecții din strategia națională de contrainformații a SUA -/- ISTORIA / HISTORY -/- Lucian Ștefan COZMA, Daniela Georgiana GOLEA The Real History of the Romteleghid Project: 2 – Geophysical weapon Istoria (...)
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  3. Principios básicos de la investigación clínica.Laporte Joan-Ramon - 2002 - Barcelona: Fundació Institut Català de Farmacologia.
    Comentaba en el Prólogo a la 1ª edición que nos cuesta distinguir las técnicas de los métodos y aceptar que la buena investigación clínica es la que se realiza con método riguroso. Este método reposa en cuatro pilares: que la pregunta o cuestión formulada sea relevante, que esté enunciada de manera precisa y operativa, que sea abordada o respondida con el mejor medio disponible en cada circunstancia, y que evite redundancias o repeticiones de cuestiones que ya han sido examinadas por (...)
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