Results for 'Livio Provenzi'

4 found
  1. Physics Does It Better: So Why Be Afraid of Philosophy?Livio De Fabrizio - unknown
    Physics is the best tool to investigate nature ("physics does it better") and philosophy, far from being a competitor, is a companion in its quest for knowledge ("so why be afraid of philosophy?"). In this article it is observed that the anti-philosophical positions within the modern scientific community come from misconceptions and that scientists can't be "against philosophy". As a conclusion, the expressions "laws of physics" and "laws of nature" are discussed.
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  2. Livio Rossetti nella terra incognita degli Eleati. [REVIEW]Roberta Ioli - 2021 - Peitho 12 (1).
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  3. LA VOLPE E IL LEONE. Giordano Bruno lettore di Machiavelli.Guido Del Giudice - manuscript
    Il "Principe" di Machiavelli e, soprattutto i "Discorsi sopra la prima decade di Tito Livio" figurarono certamente tra i libri proibiti che Giordano Bruno lesse segretamente in convento. Essi ebbero una significativa influenza sul suo pensiero. THE FOX AND THE LION. Giordano Bruno, reader of Machiavelli. Machiavelli's Prince and, above all, the Discourses on Livy were certainly among the forbidden works that Giordano Bruno read secretly in the convent. They had a significant influence on him. -/- .
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  4. La Hélade traducida: Grecia desde la mirada de la antigua Roma y la traductología moderna.Álvaro Salazar - 2022 - In Ana Francisca Viveros (ed.), Acta de la IV Jornada de Humanidades. pp. 139-162.
    El presente escrito pretende ser una mirada a algunas visiones —antiguas y contemporáneas— en torno al modo en que los traductores reflexionan y enfrentan las traslaciones de la literatura clásica griega. De esta manera, estos pensamientos y proyecciones van desde los primeros escritos sobre la traducción con autores como Livio Andrónico, Cicerón o San Jerónimo, hasta traductores o traductólogos contemporáneos como Nord o Grammatico, quienes tienen en común la labor de traernos los textos clásicos —escritos en lengua griega— de (...)
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