Results for 'Mahendra Piraveenan'

  1. Ethnopoetics of Sarala Mahabharata as an oral epic.Mahendra Kumar Mishra - unknown
    The Ramayana and the Mahabharata written in Sanskrit are considered to be the standard texts in India. During the medieval period, the poets have composed these two epics in regional languages incorporating their social elements. While the regional poets maintained the characters of the standard texts constant, the events and functions were variable in their cultural context. The reinterpretation of standard Sanskrit texts in different and diverse contexts was maintained in the vernacular languages and cultures during the medieval period was (...)
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  2. Budaya Media Sosial dan Game Online Dalam Pandangan Filsafat Teknologi Don Ihde.Mahendra Wibawa - 2015 - In Anik Juwariyah & Prima Vidya Asteria (eds.), Konstelasi Kebudayaan Indonesia 1. Bintang Surabaya. pp. 298-310.
    Berbagai macam aktifitas manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dari teknologi sebagai wujud alat bantu untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya dengan lebih efektif dan efisien dan terobosan teknologi di bidang informatika telah menghasilkan bentukan teknologi yang berbasis komunikasi yang selain efektif juga bersifat menyenangkan. Media sosial dan game online adalah dua diantara berbagai macam produk hasil pengembangan teknologi di bidang tersebut. Dalam kedua media ini manusia mengalami sebuah perpindahan realitas dari dunia nyata ke dalam dunia virtual. Filsafat teknologi yang dicetuskan oleh Don Ihde digunakan (...)
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  3. ANALISIS KUALITAS DESAIN SAMPUL BUKU SEKOLAH ELEKTRONIK (BSE) MATA PELAJARAN SENI BUDAYA.Mahendra Wibawa - 2014 - Dissertation, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa)
    Twenty-one units of school E-books subjecting in Arts and Culture in total has been released nationwide, which must be consented by Indonesia’s Body of National Standard of Education (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) – the appointed organization to certify Indonesia’s educational features. The graphic instruments applied on cover designs, of which emphasis is merely on technical aspects, requires further examination. Such condition becomes the basis of this study in order to identify, describe and illustrate the implementation of cover designing school E-books (...)
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