Results for 'Max Stirner - Giuspositivismo - Giusnaturalismo - Ateismo - Diritto - Stato'

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  1.  42
    Relevancia y pertinencia histórica de la filosofía Max Stirner.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In José Carlos Ruiz Sánchez & Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez (eds.), Territorios del pensamiento. Madrid: Dykinson. pp. 219-232.
    Este texto pretende dar respuestas a la pregunta acerca de (y justificar) la importancia de la filosofía de Max Stirner, principalmente expuesta en El Único y su propiedad, en el curso de la historia de la filosofía, y, por ende, la conveniencia de su conocimiento, esto es, su investigación y estudio.
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  2. Crime e fruição: o egoísmo de Max Stirner como discurso de resistência contra a dominação?Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2018 - Dissertation, Nova University Lisbon
    This dissertation critically examines the writings of Max Stirner, especially his masterpiece The Ego and Its Own, as a discourse of resistance against modern forms of domination and, in particular, against the modern political State. I begin by examining Stirner's inversion of the Hegelian concept of the State, from the “actualization of freedom”to an instance of domination. The State appears, to Stirner as to Hegel, as the guardian of order and cohesion in modern societies. While both recognize (...)
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  3. Individualidade, liberdade e educação (Bildung) em Max Stirner.Alexandre Alves - 2018 - Pro-Posições 29 (3):281-304.
    This paper aims to discuss how the themes of individuality, freedom and education are articulated in Stirner's thought. It begins with a brief history of Stirner's reception. Next, the paper analyzes the subversion of Hegelian dialectics and the critique of Feuerbach's and Marx's atheistic humanism, which remain linked to Christian theology by deifying an abstract human essence. Then, the focus shifts to Stirnerian nominalism and its criticism of God, State, humanity and society as ideological constructs that dominate the (...)
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  4. Parallel Lives: Power and Person in the Political Thought of Max Stirner and Ernst Jünger.Giuseppe Raciti - 2005 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 18.
    The author underlines that Stirner makes a distinction between personal and private property. Die Einzige claims the property of person, not private property: this seems to sidestep Marx’s plethoric attack to him. To private property corresponds the private citizen, who is, first of all, de-prived of his person; he his an individual, not a person; he is “a phantom” – Individuum est ineffabile. Ju¨nger is not alien to such an outcome, provided that the proprietor may prevail on the egoist. (...)
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  5.  52
    Antiidealismo e instrumentalización metafísica en Stirner.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez & Marta Rojano Simón (eds.), Reflexión poliédrica: Pensamiento y Ciencias Sociales en un mundo cambiante. Sevilla: Egregius. pp. 29-42.
    Ensayo de acercamiento general al núcleo metafísico fundamental del pensamiento de Max Stirner, principalmente expuesto en 'El Único y su propiedad' y en el opúsculo de contrargumento a las respuestas crí-ticas a su obra titulado Recensores de Stirner.
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  6. Ethics of the Care for the Brain: Neuroplasticity with Stirner, Malabou, and Foucault.Tim Elmo Feiten - 2021 - In Catherine Malabou, Daniel Rosenhaft Swain, Petr Kouba & Petr Urban (eds.), Unchaining Solidarity: On Mutual Aid and Anarchism with Catherine Malabou. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 83-102.
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  7. Ich und Stirner.Werner G. Petschko - 1996 - In Jochen Knoblauch & Peter Peterson (eds.), Ich hab' Mein Sach' auf Nichts gestellt. (Texte zur Aktualität von Max Stirner). Karin Kramer Verlag. pp. 41-70.
    STIRNERs "Verdienst" geht im Grunde auf ein einziges Werk zurück: Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum erschienen 1844/45 in Leipzig. Hören wir also, was "berufene" Geister der Geschichte über ihn zu schreiben wußten: ARNOLD RUGE ein führender Kopf des sogenannten Vormärz der 48er Revolution des letzten Jahrhunderts, hat das Buch bei seinem ersten Erscheinen als "frischen Morgenruf im Lager der schlafenden Theoretiker" begrüßt. LUDWIG FEUERBACH nannte es, trotz einiger Einwände; das "Werk des genialsten und freiesten Schriftstellers, den er kenne". MAX NETTLAU (...)
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  8.  14
    In the Margins of One’s Own Life: A New Theory of Masking ADHD.Cal Nelson - forthcoming - In Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ed.), Existential Philosophy and Disability: Perspectives. Brill.
    Russell Barkely describes ADHD as a disorder of one’s ability to self-regulate, i.e., to engage in internal self-directed actions. This raises a problem when considering the phenomenon of masking, in which a neurodivergent individual puts up a front to fit in situations with neurotypical norms. If masking is a form of self-regulation, and if ADHD is a disorder of self-regulation, then how can people with ADHD mask at all? I will argue that this problem prompts us to understand ADHD as (...)
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  9.  81
    The benefit of an anarcho-psychological perspective of terrorism.Wayne Bradshaw - 2018 - In Sara James (ed.), Metaphysical Sociology: On the Work of John Carroll. New York: Routledge. pp. 111-124.
    This chapter discusses the importance of developing an explicitly metaphysical approach to the study of terrorism. Taking its cue from John Carroll’s Break-Out from the Crystal Palace and Terror: A Meditation on the Meaning of September 11, the chapter sheds light on the character of the “terrorist persona” as a means of understanding how individuals become capable of perpetrating crimes of horrific and indiscriminate violence. Identifying a persona that seeks self-realisation through violent overthrow of alienating moral and political institutions, the (...)
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  10. Political Theology Without Religion.Zachary Isrow - 2021 - Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies 3 (1):24-31.
    There is a constant tension that exists within each individual. This is the struggle between the hidden ideologies and fixed ideas which enslave the individual and the need to rid themselves of them. It is through these that implicit religion forms. We require, in order to counteract this, a new theology, a secular theology – one which emphasizes the individual. In order to bring about a new theology, it is necessary to reconsider the philosophies of Adam Weishaupt, Louis Althusser, and (...)
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  11. Ponowoczesność jako nowa szansa dla Oświecenia, czyli o konieczności przezwyciężenia nowoczesności.Markus Lipowicz - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (1):97-114.
    Post-modernity as a New Chance for the Enlightenment: On Necessity of Overcoming Modernity. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the end of modernity does not necessary comprise a cultural regress but can also be seen as new stage of the process of Enlightenment in Western history. After the presentation of popular and commonly recognized definitions of modernity and postmodernity, the author will attempt to demonstrate the main limitations of modernity on the basis of philosophies of Max (...) and Frederic Nietzsche. The author’s main objection to modernity is its tendency to reproduce the centralistic structure of pre-modern traditional communities in which one metaphysical term designated the universally obligatory norms. By way of crashing this structure, postmodernity opens new possibilities to an individual for creating new, particular values, thus enabling the individual to discover new forms of self-realization. To make human life in such a decentralized society possible, the individual would have to attain a new mental level. Civil education, therefore, has to go beyond the borders of modernity and be open to new ways of learning and solving social conflict. (shrink)
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  12. Paradox of Suicide.Sarmad Usman - manuscript
    This paper takes into account the loops within the anti-suicide arguments - we can clearly understand that their theories were emerging either from their personal beliefs or irrelevant inferences. As discussed later, they overlooked the fact that human beings have ultimate freedom over their death and that is one thing that serves their ego. We see a mere categorical problem on behalf of Camus and his Sisyphus; that how he failed to realise the difference of circumstance and choices. How Kant’s (...)
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