Results for 'Milla Luodonpää-Manni'

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  1. The political implications of Friedrich Schlegel's poetic, republican discourse.Elizabeth Millán Brusslan - 2020 - In James A. Clarke & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Practical Philosophy From Kant to Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  2. eulogy of finitude.Franco Manni (ed.) - 2012 - Walking Trees.
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    The Civil Theory of Al-Farabi: An Analysis of the Second Section of Kitāb al-Milla and Its Political Applications.Mohamad Mahdi Davar, Ghasem Ali Kouchnani & Reyhaneh Sadeghi - 2024 - Rational Explorations 3 (2):1-22.
    If we consider Kitāb al-Milla as the foundation for Al-Farabi's other civil and political thoughts, we are not making an exaggerated claim. Abu Nasr Al-Farabi presents the philosophy of his civil and political theory through this treatise, embedding his ideas within it. Upon reflecting on the content of this work, it can be clearly divided into two parts. In the first part, Al-Farabi discusses issues that serve as the foundation for the second part, which is the science of civics. (...)
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  4. Entrevista a Lizett Karen Graham Milla. Estratega en Comunicación Corporativa y Relaciones Públicas.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Social Innova Sciences 3 (1):75-78.
    La comunicación es una herramienta fundamental para que la humanidad pueda vivir de forma armoniosa. Este rubro es imprescindible y requiere un mayor cuidado cuando se desarrolla en el sector laboral o corporativo, puesto que se necesitará otro tipo de estrategias para que el resultado sea óptimo para los trabajadores y la empresa, con la finalidad de que aumente la productividad y el beneficio para ellos. En ese sentido, la entrevista que se realiza a la estratega Lizett Karen Graham (...) esclarece cuál es el rol de un comunicador en estos espacios y cómo se hace efectiva su labor. Además, ella reiterará la importancia de una investigación a partir de un diagnóstico comunicacional para conocer con mayor profundidad la organización intrínseca de una empresa. De ese modo, el profesional tendrá las herramientas para planificar y tomar decisiones correctas, a fin de generar valor a la empresa. Con ello, el diálogo con Lizett Graham permitirá aprender cómo es el perfil del comunicador en sus distintos ámbitos. (shrink)
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  5. Zasada równości według J. S. Milla i H. Taylor w kontekście wiktoriańskiego systemu aksjo-normatywnego.Elżbieta Filipow - 2017 - In Ewa Hyży (ed.), Feministyczne konteksty. Multidyscyplinarnie. Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. pp. 117-149.
    Cele niniejszej pracy są następujące: analiza komparatystyczna problemu równości płci w feministycznych pracach J. S. Milla i H. Taylor w kontekście wiktoriańskiego systemu aksjo-normatywnego, w tym: 1) charakterystyka sytuacji kobiet w XIX wieku w kontekście systemu aksjo-normatywnego epoki wiktoriańskiej 2) analiza problemu równości w feminizmie liberalnym J. S. Milla i H. Taylor 3) analiza krytyczna J. S. Milla i H. Taylor jako teorii feminizmu liberalnego oraz 4) dyskusja nad rozdźwiękiem między ujęciem teoretycznym obojga filozofów a realnymi problemami (...)
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  6. Jak pogodzić perfekcjonizm i eudajmonizm z hedonizmem? Wokół utylitaryzmu J. S. Milla.Elżbieta Filipow - 2016 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 35 (4B):1-18.
    J. S. Mill is commonly considered as a representative of psychological hedonism. However, his utilitarianism has also eudaimonic and perfectionistic aspects. Thus, various aspects are interelated with one another not only in his moral philosophy, but are present also in his political philosophy. Interpretators of Mill’s philosophy inquire: how those aspects can be reconciled and if Mill's conception can be consistent then? Main aim of the paper is to explain and justify the view, that the idea of happiness by J. (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Perfekcjonizm i równość płci. Johna Rawlsa krytyka Johna Stuarta Milla.Elżbieta Filipow - 2021 - Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria 4 (120):91-105.
    In his Theory of Justice John Rawls presents a critique of utilitarianism. He focuses on utilitarianism in the version offered by John Stuart Mill, but Rawls’s analysis of Mills’ views is schematic and limited to Mill’s ethical theory. Rawls does not recognize the importance of perfectionistic themes in Mill’s theory, nor does he note the consequences of that issue for the problem of gender equality. Rawls discuses those themes in his Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. If one is (...)
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    Sport and Psychoanalysis: What Sport Reveals about Our Unconscious Desires, Fantasies, and Fears.Jack Black & Joseph S. Reynoso (eds.) - 2024 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Sport and Psychoanalysis: What Sport Reveals about Our Unconscious Desires, Fantasies, and Fears explores the intersection of sport and psychoanalysis, emphasizing the often-overlooked psycho-social dimensions underpinning the experience of sport. By challenging the idea that sport offers an “escape” from reality—a realm separate to the politics of everyday life—each chapter critically considers the unconscious desires, fantasies, and fears that underpin the sporting spectacle for both participants and spectators. Indeed, beyond simply applying psychoanalysis to sport, this book proposes how sport can (...)
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  9. That’s Just So-and-So Being So-and-So.Rob Lovering - 2019 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 25 (1):61-73.
    When it comes to explaining someone’s puzzling, objectionable, or otherwise problematic behavior, one type of explanation occasionally employed in the service of doing so is as follows: “That’s just so-and-so being so-and-so.” But what, exactly, do explanations of the type “That’s just so-and-so being so-and-so” mean? More specifically, in what way, if any, is it meaningful or informative to say such things? And what is the precise function of such explanations of someone’s behavior? Is it merely to present what one (...)
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